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November 30, 2018
Reinvent Albany Calls for Substantial Pay Raise for State Officials, Coupled with Major Restrictions on Outside Income, Lulus, Per Diems"


"Serving Two Masters:  Outside Income and Conflict of Interest in Albany"
February 2015

16   The February 2, 2015 speech was the governor’s most detailed statement to date on his prescription to address the lawmaker scandals that have plagued New York. In the policy book accompanying his State of the State Address of January 21, 2015, the governor also proposed establishing a quadrennial commission “to examine, evaluate and make recommendations regarding compensation for the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, state officers covered by section 169 of executive law, and members of the legislature. . . . The commission shall consider whether there should be a cap on income from outside sources a legislator may receive and may recommend the imposition of such a cap as a condition to receiving a second their adjustment in pay.” 2015 Opportunity Agenda, State of the State, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, released January 21, 2015. Accessed at www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/2015_Opportunity_Agenda_Book.pdf


February 23, 2015 press release -- "Dramatically Restrict Lawmakers Outside Income..."

Common Cause February 23, 2015 press release:
"Report Finds that Vast Majority of NYS Lawmakers Have No Outside Jobs or Little Income From Those Jobs"

"By the numbers: NY's part-time legislators earn $20,000 or less from part-time work"
Syracuse Post-Standard, Feb. 26, 2015 (Charley Hannagan)


Dedicated Legislature -- Bill Samuels/Effective New York


Putting NY's "full-time" and "part-time" legislators to work
in the six months the Legislature is "out of session"

who are the Legislature's "full-timers"?  
who are the Legislature's "part-timers"?

Follow up to CJA's testimony
at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 "budget hearing" on "local government officials/general government"

starting with:

(1) the Legislature's own budget -- due Dec. 1
(2) the District Attorneys


*  *  *


Election Law Committees





click here for: 
CJA's Citizen-Taxpayer Actions to End NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process"
& Unconstitutional "Three Men in a Room" Governance









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