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(NY & National)

CJA's September 13, 1994 letter to Laura Murray, Legislative Director-NYCLU -- "RE: NYCLU support of a lawyer wrongfully suspended for more than three years"

                  See: Test Case: Federal

November 30, 1994 fax to Laura Murray, Norman Siegel, Executive Director-NYCLU & Ira Glasser, Executive Director-ACLU

NYCLU’s December 27, 1994 letter from Norman Siegel -- "RE: request for organizational assistance"

(NY & National)

CJA's January 6, 1995 letter to Norman Siegel

ACLU's January 24, 1995 letter from Ass’t. to Ira Glasser

(D.C. Chapter)

cc: CJA's August 26, 1996 letter to Clerk/D.C. Superior Court

September 9, 1996 fax from Fritz Mulhauser/Coordinator-Litigation Screening-ACLU-National Capital Area

cc: CJA's September 22, 1996 letter to Clerk/D.C. Superior Court

cc: CJA's September 22, 1996 police misconduct complaint

October 18, 1996 letter from Fritz Mulhauser/Coordinator-Litigation Screening-ACLU-National Capital Area

(D.C. Chapter)

CJA's January 27, 1997 letter to Fritz Mulhauser

January 31, 1997 letter from Fritz Mulhauser


CJA's September 13, 1998 letter to Dianne Rust Tierney, Associate Director/Washington,DC --
"RE: Re-evaluation of ACLU's legislative advocacy positions; request for amicus support for the cert petition in Sassower v. Mangano, et al., S.Ct. #98-106"

                          See: Test Case: Federal

ACLU’s September 22, 1998 letter from Steven Shapiro, Legal Director

(NY Chapter)

CJA’s February 1, 2001 letter to Arthur Eisenberg, Legal Director/NYCLU --
"RE: Amicus and other assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. Cal. #2000-5434)

Test Case-State (Commission)-Appellate Division
NYCLU’s February 15, 2001 letter from Arthur Eisenberg  --
"RE: Amicus and other assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. Cal. #2000-5434)

CJA’s August 9, 2001 letter to Arthur Eisenberg --
"RE: On the Issue of Standing -- Amicus and other assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. September 2001 Term)


(NY Chapter)

CJA’s February 6, 2002 letter to Arthur Eisenberg --
"RE: Amicus and other assistance in securing review by the New York Court of Appeals of the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. #5638)"

CJA’s March 11, 2002 letter to Arthur Eisenberg --
"RE: Amicus and other assistance in securing review by the New York Court of Appeals of the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. #5638)"

CJA’s March 12, 2002 letter to Arthur Eisenberg -- "RE: Amicus and other assistance in securing review by the New York Court of Appeals of the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. #5638)"

CJA’s April 17, 2002 letter to Arthur Eisenberg --
"RE: Amicus and other assistance in securing review by the New York Court of Appeals of the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. #5638)"

CJA’s April 15, 2002 letter to Arthur Eisenberg --
"RE: ON-GOING REQUEST for amicus and other assistance in securing review by the New York Court of Appeals of the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; AD/1st Dept. #5638)"

(D.C. Chapter)

CJA’s July 7, 2003 letter to ACLU-Washington Chapter:  ATT: Fritz Mulhauser --
"RE: Legal assistance in United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, M4113-03"
    -- CJA's June 6, 2003 memo to Ralph Nader, Public Citizen, & Common Cause
    -- CJA's July 7, 2003 memo to ACLU -- "RE: Documents Underlying the Prosecution"
    See: Paper Trail to Jail in "Disruption of Congress" case

Fritz Mulhauser's July 15, 2003 letter

CJA’s July 21, 2003 letter -- "RE: Vindicating Fundamental Citizen Rights: United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, M4113-03"

Fritz Mulhauser's July 23, 2003 letter

Fritz Mulhauser's July 28, 2003 e-mail

Fritz Mulhauser's August 19, 2003 e-mail (3:28 pm) --
"Subj: DC judge assigned"

Fritz Mulhauser's August 19, 2003 e-mail (4:11 pm) --
"Subject: Re: discovery in criminal cases in DC"

CJA's August 20, 2003 e-mail --
"Subject: Re: DC judge assigned"

Fritz Mulhauser's September 19, 2003 e-mail --
"Subj: Fwd: Your pending request"

CJA's September 22, 2003 e-mail --
"Subj: USA v. Elena Ruth Sassower 'Disruption of Congress'"

CJA's September 23, 2003 e-mail (9:49 am) --
"Subj: USA v. Elena Ruth Sassower 'Disruption of Congress'"

Fritz Mulhauser's September 23, 2003 e-mail (11:05 am) --
"Subject: Re: USA v. Elena Ruth Sassower: 'Disruption of Congress'"

Fritz Mulhauser's September 23, 2003 e-mail (12:42 pm) --
"Subj: Further re: pending request"

Fritz Mulhauser's
September 25, 2003 letter

CJA's October 14, 2003 letter to Johnny Barnes, Executive Director/D.C. Chapter --
"RE: Agenda item for the Legal Committee's October 16, 2003 meeting: Reconsideration based on the July 7, 2003 letter for legal assistance in United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, M4113-03"

October 14, 2003 fax from Arthur Spitzer, Legal Director/D.C. Chapter

October 27, 2003 fax from Arthur Spitzer

CJA's November 14, 2003 memo to NY-Civil Liberties Union -- Christopher Dunn, Associate Legal Director --
"'RE: Weighing in' on whether the Second Department is 'acting fairly and equitably when dealing with an attorney's right to practice law' (NYLJ, 11/25/02, 'Committee to Study Discipline Process'"
   -- enclosing CJA's November 13, 2003 memo to Second Dept. Review Committee
    SEE: Correspondence - NYS Officials 
              SEE: Test Cases-Federal (Mangano)                   

(D.C. Chapter)

Fritz Mulhauser's July 16, 2004 e-mail to Elena Sassower's sister

(D.C. Chapter)

CJA's June 1, 2005 memo to Johny Barnes, Executive Director; Arthur Spitzer, Legal Director --
"RE: Furthering 'Basic Citizen Rights -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection', as well as Fundamental Judicial Accountability by your Amicus Curiae and Other Assistance in the Appeal of the 'Disruption of Congress' Case, Elena Ruth Sassower v. United States of America"
CJA's May 27, 2005 memo to Ralph Nader & established/establishment organizations

"Disruption of Congress"- DC Court of Appeals
                     (6/28/05 appellant's brief & supplemental fact statement)

CJA's August 23, 2005 memo to Johnny Barnes & Arthur Spitzer --
"RE: Amicus Curiae Briefs are due November 14, 2005 in the Consolidated Appeals of the 'Disruption of Congress' Case, Elena Ruth Sassower v. United States of America"
          enclosing:  CJA's August 23, 2005 memo to Nader & orgs

(D.C. Chapter)

Fritz Mulhauser's June 19, 2007 letter (sent by regular mail only)

Legal Director Arthur Spitzer's June 23, 2007 letter (sent by regular mail only)

CJA's June 26, 2007 memo to ACLU of the National Capital Area --
"RE: Championing Basic Citizen Rights, the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection, and Fundamental Judicial Accountability by Your Amicus Curiae Support for U.S. Supreme Court Review of the Cert Petition in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case"

                SEE:  "Disruption of Congress" - US Supreme Court
                          (8/17/97 cert petition)

Fritz Mulhauser's June 26, 2007 e-mail --
"Subject: Re: Amicus Curiae Support for Cert Petition"

CJA's June 27, 2007 e-mail to Fritz Mulhauser --
"Subject: ACLU Support for the Cert Petition in "Disruption of Congress" Case by Referrals to Organizations, Law Professors, & Media, etc."

CJA's June 27, 2007 e-mail to Fritz-Mulhauser --
"Subject: Constructive Dialogue as to the Unconstitutionality of the 'Disruption of Congress' Statute, as Written & as Applied"




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