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CJA's January 2, 2014 letter -- "RE: ACHIEVING NYS BUDGET REFORM: What is Your Expert Opinion of the Budgets Proposed by New York's Judiciary & Legislative Branches? -- & How Should the Governor & Legislature be Reviewing Them, Consistent with Article VII of the NYS Constitution?




Long Island Progressive Coalition:


CJA's June 12, 1997 memo -- "RE: Ensuring the public's right to basic information about the Governor's judicial appointments process and protecting it from unfit appointees 

CJA's June 2, 1997 letter to Governor Pataki -- "RE: The public's right to basic information and your unworthy appointment of Justice Nicholas Colabella to the Appellate Division, First Department"  [Colabella]   [FOIL, etc]
      Ex. A-1: Gov's press release announcing members of state judicial screening committee & 3 jud. appointments
      Ex. A-2: "Colabella to Appellate Division", NYLJ, 5/15/97
      Ex. B: Executive Order #11: Temporary Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C: Executive Order #10: Judicial Screening Committees
      Ex. D: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. E: "Pataki Names Panels for Judicial Screening", NYLJ, 3/6/97
      Ex. F: Gov's classified ads of judicial vacancies
      Ex. G: City Bar's Uniform Judicial Questionnaire
      Ex. H: 3/24/92 front-page correction in NYLJ, with Doris Sassower's letter to the editor
      Ex. I-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", CJA's $16,770 op-ed ad, NYT, 10/26/94
      Ex. I-2: Doris Sassower's Director's Biography
      Ex J-1: "Appellate Selection Process Stirs Concern", NYLJ, 12/10/96
      Ex. J-2: 12/16/96 item, NYLJ
      Ex. K: NY Judge Reviews (1997-8 edition)

cc:  to Citizen Union Executive Director Jeannette Kahlenberg -- CJA's September 3, 1997 letter to Executive Director Gary Brown -- "RE: Question #1 on the November Ballot: NYS Constitutional Convention"
"Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", $3,077 paid ad, 8/27/97, NYLJ

CJA's December 23, 1997 letter to James McGuire, Counsel/Governor Pataki  -- "RE: The Public's Right to Basic Information about the Governor's Judicial Selection Process and to Withdrawal of the Governor's Unworthy Nomination of Andrew O'Rourke to the Court of Appeals"     
     Ex. A: CJA's June 2, 1997 letter to Governor Pataki
     Ex. B: CJA's December 3, 1997 fax coversheet to Nan Weiner
     Ex. C: CJA's December 12, 1997 letter to Nan Weiner
     Ex. D: CJA's December 15, 1997 letter to Paul Shechtman
     Ex. E: CJA's December 15, 1997 fax coversheet to Nan Weiner
     Ex. F:  NYLJ, ad, 11/26/97
     Ex. G-1:  "O'Rourke not qualified to serve as judge", letter to editor by Eli Vigliano, Esq., Gannett, 12/3/97
     Ex. G-2: "O'Rourke could be wearing judge's robes in January", Gannett, 12/22/97

CJA's December 26, 1997 letter to Andrew O'Rourke --  "RE: The Public's right to substantiation of the 'highly qualified rating conferred by the State Judicial Screening Committee for your appointment to the Court of Claims"    
        -- enclosing:  NJC's November 2, 1992 letter to reporter Ed Tagliaferri, Gannett
                          "O'Rourke not qualified to serve as judge", letter to editor, Gannett, 12/3/97
                          "Untrustworthy Ratings?", letter to editor, NYT, 7/17/92
                          "O'Rourke could be wearing judge's robes in January", Gannett, 12/22/97

CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to Members of Governor Pataki's State Judicial Screening Committee -- "RE: Reconsideration and Retraction of Andrew O'Rourke's 'Highly Qualified' Rating"  ----  NJC's May 1, 1992 critique & compendium of exhibits


CJA's January 12, 1998 fax to Fund Executive Director Gary Brown -- "RE: Citizen Opposition and Public's Rights to Basic Info"

CJA's January 7, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Judith Kaye  -- "RE: Safeguarding the Public's Rights and Interest in the State Judicial Appointments Process"
         Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", letter to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
      Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, 9/22/97
      Ex. D: NYLJ item, 12/26/97
      Ex. E: receipted first page of CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to members of State Judicial Screening Committee
CJA's January 9, 1998 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee  


May 13, 2013 statement


Judicial Selection for Supreme Court Justices:  December 2006

December 15, 2006 testimony


Citizens' Union March 13, 2009 Memorandum in Opposition to A3866-A

Citizens' Union June 5, 2009 Statement at Senate Judiciary Committee hearing

CJA's September 24, 2009 memo to, inter alia, Citizens Union -- "RE:  Building Dialogue & Scholarship: 'Merit Selection' to the New York Court of Appeals"          

             SEE:  Judicial Selection -- NYS: Senate Judiciary Committee 2009 hearings on "Merit Selection" to NY Court of Appeals  &     Judicial Selection - NYS: "Merit Selection"-NY Court of Appeals   

CJA's September 21, 2009 Comment to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's Proposed Revised Rules  --
        Exhibit A-1:      Merit System For Choosing Judges Isn’t A Cure-all”,
                               NYT, 1/28/79 
        Exhibit A-2:      “Cuomo Clashes With Committee Over Judgeships: Asks
                                  Panel to Disregard Law on Nominations
”, NYT, 12/20/82
        Exhibit A-3:      “The Dispute Over Selections for Court of Appeals”, NYT,
        Exhibit A-4(a):   “The Campaign for Governor is Over: What’s on Trial Is
                                How Best to Pick Judges
”,   NYT, 12/29/82, editorial
        Exhibit A-4(b):    “Judges Are Better Elected Than Selected”, NYT, 1/11/83, 
                                 letter to the editor by Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink
        Exhibit A-5:       “Cuomo Requests Greater Leeway To Select Judges: 
                                Seeks Revised Procedure for Top Court in State
                                NYT, 12/30/82
        Exhibit A-6:      “Picking of Judges Assailed by Cuomo: Wants More
                               Options in Filling Appeals Court Vacancies
”, NYT, 8/15/83
        Exhibit A-7:      “Judge Selection for New York’s High Court: The System
”, NYT, 8/30/83, letter to the editor by Senate
                               Minority Leader Manfred Orenstein
        Exhibit A-8:      “Cuomo Gets Names For Top Court Job: He Criticizes
                               Lack of Diversity in List of 7 for Chief Judge
”, NYT, 12/2/84
        Exhibit A-9:      “Challenge for Cuomo: Picking Judges”, NYT, 12/7/84
        Exhibit A-10:   “How Manhattan Stole the Judiciary”, NYLJ, 12/9/93,
                              by Appellate Division Justice William C. Thompson
        Exhibit B-1:    “Court of Appeals Candidates Are Named”, NYLJ, 12/3/02
        Exhibit B-2:    “Few Appellate Judges Apply for Wesley’s Seat”, NYLJ,
        Exhibit B-3:    “Model for Selecting Top Court Judges Reveals Its Flaws”,
                            NYLJ, 11/13/03
        Exhibit C:      “Semi-Secret Court of Appeals Nominations Draws
”, NYLJ, 11/2/00
        Exhibit D-1:   May 10, 1978 letter from Assemblyman Charles Henderson
                           to Governor Hugh Carey, from legislative bill jacket,
                           Chapter 156, Laws of 1978
        Exhibit D-2:   Election Flyer: “On Tuesday, November 8, 1977 For Better
                            Courts Vote YES on Court Reform Amendments

        Exhibit E-1:   “Wider Selection Urged for Governor”, NYLJ, 12/23/82,
                           letter to the editor by Supreme Court Justice James J. Leff
        Exhibit E-2:   “Changes Needed In Judicial Selection”, NYLJ, 11/30/82,
                           letter to the editor by Acting Supreme Court Justice Walter
                           M. Schackman         
CJA's November 23, 2009 memo to, inter alia, Citizens Union -- "RE:  Building Dialogue & Scholarship: 'Merit Selection' to the New York Court of Appeals"


Citizens Union July 19, 2011 written statement in support of judicial pay raises

             July 20, 2011:  click here for video -- his testimony is at  27:50 -  32:32 mins:
                  [CJA testimony at
03:12:58 - 03:24:23 mins; transcription of CJA testimony -- click here for: 
referred-to judicial compensation webpage -- with its posting of CJA's letters to the Commission, most importantly those of May 23, 2011 and June 23, 2011

CJA's August 17, 2011 e-mail to Citizens Union -- "RE: Protecting the People of this State from Fraud: The Commission on Judicial Compensation's Duty to Identify the Case Presented by Opponents of ANY Judicial Pay Raises & to Make Findings with Respect Thereto, in Discharge of its Statutory Responsibilities"

CJA'S August 23, 2011 e-mail to Citizens Union Executive Director Dick Dadey -- "RE: Ensuring that the Commission on Judicial Compensation is Not Led into Constitutional Error: Clarification of the OCA Memorandum...and the Substantiating Evidence -- ATTACHMENT:  CJA August 23, 2011 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Pfau

CJA's  August 26, 2011 e-mail to Citizens Union Executive Director Dick Dadey -- "Subject: Part 2:  Ensuring that the Commission on Judicial Compensation is Not Led into Constitutional Error: Clarification of the Office of Court Administration’s “Memorandum discussing constitutional considerations in establishing judicial pay levels” – and the Substantiating Evidence"  -- ATTACHMENTS: CJA's August 26, 2011 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau    


CJA's October 28, 2011 e-mail to Executive Director Dick Dadey, Citizens Union -- "Subject:  Holding Government Accountable:  CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report in Support of Legislative Override of the Commission on Judicial Compensation's Judicial Pay Raise Recommendations & Other Relief"

              click here for:  CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report


Citizens' Union State Budget Reform Report Card:  Two I's for Improvement, but Still Incomplete, April 11, 2012
   Budget Reform Report Card  

Press release: March 23, 2012   Position Statement



April 3, 2013 press statement:  "Enough Already!"

May 18, 2013  press statement: "Spirit of Tammany Live On in Albany"  -- "Ten Point Plan to 'Cure The Culture Of Corruption'"

July 2, 2013  press statement: "Citizens Union Welcomes Calling of Moreland Commission: Convening Necessary Response to Corruption Scandals and Legislative Inaction"

 Endorsement for William Thompson as democratic nominee for mayor 






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