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Rockefeller Institute of Government/SUNY-Albany

"the public policy research center of the State University of New York"

Thomas Gais/Director & here & here



cc:  CJA's July 9, 2012 letter -- "Actualizing the Name, Purpose, and Methodology of the Citizens’ Committee for an Effective Constitution"   
        (1) CJA’s July 19, 2011 letter to Attorney General Schneiderman,
              analyzing Court of Appeals’ February 23, 2010 decision in judges’ judicial pay raise lawsuits
        (2) Executive Summary to CJA’s October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
        (3) Press Release of CJA’s March 30, 2012 lawsuit
        (4)  Elena Sassower's September 9, 1997 letter to B. Thomas Golisano,
             with attached transcript excerpt

                          CJA's July 9, 2012 transmitting e-mail




CJA's January 5, 2013 e-mail -- "Expert Opinion Needed: The Most Important Votes of the Upcoming 236th Legislative Session"


CJA's October 24, 2013 e-mail -- "ALERT: NYS Constitutional Scholars & Political Scientists: Corruption on Steroids' --

"Proposition 1: Corruption on Steroids",
Artvoice, October 24, 2013 (Joel Rose)


CJA's October 24, 2013 e-mail -- "Links: ALERT: NYS Constitutional Scholars & Political Scientists: Corruption on Steroids' --

CJA's November 29, 2013 e-mail -- 
"BUILDING SCHOLARSHIP: Commission to Investigate Public Corruption  -- & the Upcoming Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

cc: CJA's December 2, 2013 --
"Big Day for NYS Governance: Where are the Scholars to Provide Expert Opinions?"

cc CJA's December 8, 2013 e-mail  --
"NEWS TIP on the 'Moreland' Commission's Dec 2 report, fn. 330, & the Gov's Dec 4 interview on "Capitol Pressroom"

CJA's December 19, 2013 e-mail
"Expert Opinion-Scholarship Needed: NYS Budget"


CJA's January 4, 2014 e-mail --
"What is Your Expert Opinion of the Budgets Proposed by New York's Legislative & Judiciary Branches? -- & How Should the Governor & Legislature be Reviewing Them, Consistent with Article VII of the NYS Constitution?"



CJA's March 31, 2016 e-mail -- "Why are the 'good government' groups & scholars of the constitution and public fisc not educating the media about what the NYS Constitution has to say about the NYS budget?"

cc:  CJA's April 26, 2016 e-mail- "Thank you, Dean Lane!  May you lead the way to building scholarship & informed discussion...the state budget"

cc: CJA's May 3, 2016 e-mail -- "Thank you, Assemblyman Steck!  Follow-up to your March 23, 2016 testimony before the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation"


CJA's April 18, 2017 e-mail to Deputy Director of Operations Robert Bullock --
"In search of scholarship: 'Budgets and the Balance of Power: The Lasting Impact of Silver v. Pataki and How It Shapes the Future of Government in New York State' -- June 16, 2015 forum"

VIDEOS: June 16, 2016 forum: 
"Budgets & the Balance of Power:
The Lasting Impact of Silver v. Pataki &
How It Shapes the Future of Government in New York State"

CJA's April 18, 2017 e-mail to Henry Greenberg

April 18, 2017 e-mail from James McGuire

April 18, 2017 e-mail from Richard Brodsky

April 18, 2017 e-mail from James McGuire

CJA's April 18, 2017 e-mail e-mail to McGuire & Brodsky --
""What are you talking about?..."

CJA's July 20, 2017 e-mail to Rockefeller Institute of Government --
"STILL in search of scholarship..."

Rockefeller Institute webpages on:
 constitutional convention   Researchers   Board

July 20, 2017 automated e-mail response from Rockefeller Institute/Bullock

CJA's October 6, 2017 e-mail -- "Subject: Suing to Secure Constitutional Governance:
Surer & More Expedient than a Constitutional Convention

cc: CJA's November 9, 2017 e-mail --
"Now that the constitutional convention is 'off the table' -- CJA's unresponded to Oct 5th/6th e-mails & The NYT Oct 31st editorial"


CJA's August 2, 2018 hand-written note to Dr. Laura Schultz -- Director of Fiscal Analysis & Senior Economist   & here

                     click here for:  hand-delivered appellants' brief & record on appeal in citizen-taxpayer action



Center for Law & Policy Solutions   "a collaboration among the Rockefeller Institute of Government, the Government Law Center at Albany Law School, the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany, and the University at Buffalo School of Law — examines how ordinary people and communities are affected by law and policy to help policymakers, community organizers, and the public develop practical solutions to pressing public policy issues. 
     How are state courts interpreting immigration laws?..." 

Empire State Fellows Program


   Research Areas -- Fiscal Analysis   Government Reform


April 18, 2017
"Protections in the New York State Constitution Beyond the Federal Bill of Rights"
          (Scott Fein, Andrew Ayres)   webpage

September 2017
"One Hundred and Six Ideas for Constitutional Change"
         (Scott Fein, Andrew Ayres, James Malatras)    webpage






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