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Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics,
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(at Syracuse University)


CJA's November 14, 2006 e-mail to Professor Charlotte Grimes, Knight Chair in Political Reporting --
"Bravo!, etc."

CJA's November 15, 2006 e-mail to Keith Bybee, Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics & the Media -- "Follow-up"

Director Bybee's November 15, 2006 e-mail --
"RE: Follow-up"

CJA's November 15, 2006 e-mail to Director Bybee --
"What is the meaning of your e-mail?"

CJA's November 17, 2006 letter to Director Bybee --
"Advancing Scholarship -- and Reform -- with Primary Source Documentary Evidence"
          [indicated copies to Stephen L. Tober, Esq. (former Chair, ABA Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary), Professor Lee Epstein, Lyle Denniston, Institute Staff, including Associate Directors Lisa Dolak & Mark Obbie]

CJA's December 1, 2006 e-mail to Director Bybee -- "RE: October 19th Symposium -- 'The Last Umpires? The News Media, the ABA, & Other Independent Voices in the Federal Judicial Confirmation Process"
          [indicated copies to Stephen L. Tober, Esq. (former Chair, ABA Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary), Professor Lee Epstein, Institute Staff, including Associate Directors Lisa Dolak & Mark Obbie]


CJA's January 10, 2007 letter to Mark Obbie, Associate Director/Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, & the Media & Director of the Carnegie Legal Reporting Program --
"Advancing Scholarship -- and Reform -- with Primary Source Documentary Evidence -- & Likewise the Quality of Legal Reporting"

cc: CJA's March 21, 2007 memo to Professor Charlotte Grimes & Assistant Professor Nancy Scherer -- "BUILDING HONEST SCHOLARSHIP & PEDAGOGY: 'Are Federal Judges Political?  Views from the Academy, the Bench, and the Press'"

cc: CJA's March 23, 2007 e-mail to Lyle Denniston --
"Thank you! -- Building Honest Scholarship & Pedagogy: March 21 2003 memo and attached materials"

cc: Professor Mark Obbie:  CJA's November 20-21, 2007 e-mail --
"Defending Your Column 'Hey Justices: Stop Talking, Start Working" vs Mark Obbie's Lawbeat Blog"

cc: Professor Mark Obbie:  CA's November 27, 2007 e-mail --
"Follow-up to your coverstory 'Does the Supreme Court Still Matter?' -- Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

CJA's December 11, 2007 letter to Associate Director Obbie --
"PROPOSAL FOR SCHOLARSHIP & TEACHING BY EXAMPLE:  Examining the Evidence Supporting David Margolick's Criticism of U.S. Supreme Court Beat Reporters and Scholars -- Including against Your Own Favorite, Most-Recommended Journalists and Scholars"

cc: Professors Obbie & Bybee:   CJA's December 11, 2007 memo to David Margolick --
: Examining the Truth of Your Criticism of U.S. Supreme Court Beat Reporters and Scholars in Your September 23, 2007 New York Times Book Review of The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court"

cc: Professors Obbie & Bybee:   CJA's December 11, 2007 memo to Jeffrey Toobin --
"CONTRIBUTING TO SCHOLARSHIP & TEACHING: Examining the Truth of David Margolick's Criticism of U.S. Supreme Court Beat Reporters and Scholars in His September 23, 2007 New York Times Book Review of The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court"

Associate Director Obbie's December 11, 2007 e-mail --
"Re: Scholarship & Teaching -- Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court by Examining David Margolick's Criticism of Reporters & Scholars"

CJA's December 21, 2007 letter to Director Keith Bybee --
"Building Honest, Unconflicted, Scholarship, Pedagogy & Journalism"

cc: Professors Bybee & Obbie:   CJA's December 21, 2007 e-mail to Professor Grimes --
"'The U.S. Supreme Court is a special creature and it gets yet another kind of reporter'"








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