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OUTING CORRUPT & COLLUSIVE INCUMBENTS  & Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE


"...the deafening silence of the many individuals...who learned of...criminal activity being conducted
 in the...Capitol and elsewhere, and...said nothing.  No one made a call.  No one blew the whistle.  No one sounded the alarm.

US Attorney Preet Bharara, April 4, 2013


The open-&-shut, prima facie EVIDENCE of his litigation fraud, covering up the open-&-shut, prima facie EVIDENCE of his corruption and that of his co-defendants Cuomo, DiNapoli, Flanagan, Heastie, Senate & Assembly Members, the Chief Judge -- for which they must ALL be indicted and will be convicted, including pursuant to "The Public Trust Act"

("Public Trust Act: Penal Law §496 "corrupting the government")



Schneiderman's Attorney General website
including the following

Public Integrity Bureau -- "Attorney General Schneiderman has made cracking down on corruption and restoring the public's trust in government a top priority for the Office.  In 2011, the Attorney General launched a groundbreaking initiative expanding his office's authority to investigate public corruption involving taxpayer funds by partnering with the state Comptroller."

Taxpayer Protection Bureau --
"In the first weeks in office, Attorney General Schneiderman announced an aggressive plan to root out fraud and return money illegally taken from New York State taxpayers and their government... The Taxpayer Protection Bureau investigates and brings civil actions to recover for any fraud committed against New York State or New York local governments..."

Scheiderman's 2018 campaign website -- ericschneiderman.com
"No one - however rich or powerful - is above the law in New York.
Join Eric in fighting for one set of rules for everyone."

            "As the highest ranking law enforcement officer for the State, Eric has taken on the tough fights to protect New Yorkers – because he believes there must be one set of rules for everyone, no matter how rich or powerful.
           Eric has locked up corrupt politicians, prosecuted companies that ripped off New Yorkers, and won hundreds of millions of dollars in financial relief and restitution for victims of fraud..."


CJA's THREE LAWSUITS, "on behalf of the People of the State of New York & the Public Interest", SUING SCHNEIDERMAN for CORRUPTION & "GRAND LARCENY OF THE PUBLIC FISC" pertaining to judicial & district attorney salary increases -- & the budget

RECORD:  CJA's declaratory judgment action
CJA v. Cuomo,...Schneiderman, DiNapoli...
(Bronx Co. #302951-2012; NY Co. #401988-2012)


RECORD:  CJA's FIRST citizen-taxpayer action
CJA v. Cuomo,...Schneiderman, DiNapoli 
(Albany Co. #1788-2014)

RECORD:  CJA's SECOND citizen-taxpayer action
CJA v. Cuomo,...Schneiderman, DiNapoli...
(Albany Co. #5122-2016)


CJA's INTERVENTION, "on behalf of the People of the State of New York & the Public Interest", in the "Legislature's" declaratory judgment action against the Cuomo-Schneiderman-rigged Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, defended by Schneiderman

Senate, Assembly... v. Rice...Commission to Investigate Public Corruption
(NY Co. #160941-2013)


[unabridged VIDEO & documentary trail:  HERE]

CJA's July 19, 2011 letter to NYS Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman --
"RE: (1) Vindicating the Public's Rights against Judicial Fraud: The Court of Appeals' February 23, 2010 Decision Underlying BOTH the Creation of the Commission on Judicial Compensation & the Perpetuation of the Judicial Compensation Lawsuits; (2) FOIL & Project Sunlight Requests: Posting of the Record of the Judicial Compensation Lawsuits on the Attorney General's Website -- &/or Providing the Record to the Center for Judicial Accountability for Posting on its Website"


CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report --
furnished to AG Schneiderman on November 29, 2011

CJA's November 29, 2011 fraud/corruption complaint
to AG Schneiderman's "Public Integrity Bureau"

cc:   CJA's March 2, 2012 letter to Governor Cuomo, etc...
"RE: YOUR FINDINGS OF FACT & CONCLUSIONS OF LAW:  Protecting the People of this State & the Public Purse from Judicial Pay Raises that are Unconstitutional, Unlawful & Fraudulent"
     Ex. A:  Executive Summary of CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
     Ex. B:  CJA's November 29, 2011 complaint to Attorney General Schneiderman's Public Integrity Bureau & its December 7, 2011 determination that "complaint does not warrant action by this office at this time"
     Ex. C:  AG Schneiderman's website info as to partnership with Comptroller DiNapoli "to investigate public corruption involving taxpayer funds"; May 23, 2011 NYT article "Accord with Comptroller Will Help Attorney General Pursue Corruption Cases"; May 30, 2011 Albany Times Union article "AG, comptroller partnership a no-brainer

     Ex. D:  CJA's March 1, 2012 complaint to Comptroller DiNapoli's Investigations Uni

CJA's March 28, 2012 e-mail to AG Schneiderman... --
"Subject: GIVING NOTICE: Lawsuit being commenced to stop the judicial pay raises"  

CJA's March 29, 2012 e-mail to AG Schneiderman... -- "
Subject: VERIFIED COMPLAINT & OSC for STAY with TRO: Lawsuit vs Unconstitutional, Unlawful & Fraudulent Judicial Pay Raises"

CJA's March 30, 2012 verified complaint
in declaratory judgment action

CJA's April 5, 2012 transmitting letter to AG Schneiderman
"Service is hereby made...In view of the serious and substantial nature of this lawsuit,
detailing and documenting the collusion of New York State's highest constitutional officers and three branches of government against the People of New York --
and because Attorney General Schneiderman is a party, disqualified for interest --
please have these papers reviewed by independent counsel, whose name we hereby request"

CJA's February 1, 2013 letter to...AG Schneiderman -- "RE: Discharging Your Constitutional Duty with Respect to the Judiciary Budget Request for Funding of the Judicial Salary Increases Recommended by the August 29, 2011 'Final' Report of the Special Commission on Judicial Compensation"
                        -- referred-to January 22, 2013 press release of Attorney General
                                             & January 22, 2013 press release of Comptroller

of CJA's testimony
at Legislature's February 6, 2013 "public protection" budget hearing

CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (SDNY) 

CJA's May 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch (EDNY)

CJA's June 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian (NDNY)

CJA's June 4, 2013 letter
to Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations

& Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation

CJA's June 27, 2013 ethics complaint
to NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)

CJA's July 19, 2013 corruption complaint
to Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares
(& the Public Trust Act)

CJA's August 5, 2013 letter & complaint
to Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

*  *  *

of CJA's testimony at the September 17, 2013 hearing
of the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

*  *  *

CJA's January 7, 2014 supplemental corruption complaint
to Commission to Investigate Public Corruption --
& Albany County District Attorney Soares

CJA's March 28, 2014 verified complaint --
1st citizen-taxpayer action

(fiscal year 2014-2015)  

See the facts pertaining to plaintiffs' notice to Attorney General Schneiderman of the litigation fraud of his assistant attorneys general and complicity therein of his supervisory staff; and his public posturing about being a corruption fighter, with Comptroller DiNapoli, uncovering fraud to save taxpayer monies,
recited at paras. 26-40 of plaintiff Sassower's May 16, 2014 affidavit under the title heading
"Plaintiffs' Efforts to Secure Supervisory Oversight...by the Attorney General and Comptroller...& Appropriate Action Based Thereon" and Exhibits AA-BB thereto: here
Also, see, subsequent facts
recited at paras 5-9 of plaintiff Sassower's June 16, 2014 reply affidavit and Exhibits CC-DD thereto
: here  


CJA's April 23, 2014 order to show cause & verified complaint to INTERVENE
in "Legislature's" declaratory judgment action vs the Cuomo-Schneiderman-rigged
Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, defended by Schneiderman

December 12, 2014 letter to...AG Schneiderman -- "RE: Conflict of Interest Ethics Complaint vs Governor Andrew Cuomo, Legislative Leaders, & JCOPE for Violation of the Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011 Pertaining to the Review Commission Statutorily-Required to be Appointed 'No later than June 1, 2014'”

              transmitted: CJA's December 11, 2014 ethics complaint to JCOPE
                     Ex. A:
   CJA's July 11, 2014 letter

                                 CJA's June 27, 2013 ethics complaint to JCOPE
                                 CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara
                     Ex. B:    CJA's July 18, 2014 letter
                     Ex C:    July 9, 2014 New York City Bar letter

CJA's March 31, 2015 verified supplemental complaint --
1st citizen-taxpayer action

(fiscal year 2015-2016)

CJA's June 22, 2015 letter to...Attorney General Schneiderman --
"RE: Enabling
Honest Review by the JCOPE/LEC Review Commission:  Rectifying JCOPE’s violations of Executive Law §94.9(l)(i) by furnishing the statutorily-required yearly 'listing of assigned numbers of each complaint and referral received…including the status of each complaint'”

CJA's March 23, 2016 verified second supplemental complaint --
1st citizen-taxpayer action

(fiscal year 2016-2017)

CJA's June 21, 2016 second supplemental corruption complaint
to Albany District Attorney Soares

of CJA's testimony at
Legislature's Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing
on "local gov't officials/general gov't"
& Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing on "public protection"

CJA's September 2, 2016 verified complaint --
2nd citizen-taxpayer action

(fiscal year 2016-2017)

March 31, 2017 e-mail to AG Schneiderman --

CJA's March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause
& Verified Supplemental Complaint

April 2, 2017 e-mail to AG Schneiderman --

April 5, 2017 e-mail to AG Schneiderman --
Subject: CJA v. Cuomo, et al (#5122-16) -- Your duty to advise your co-defendant clients of their treason to the NYS Constitution by their behind-closed-doors, '3-men-in-a-room'-'amended' budget bills as treason to the NYS Constitution -- violating Article VII, §§4, 5, 6 & Article III, §10"

 * * *
CJA's September 16, 2017 conflict-of-interest/corruption complaint,
filed with Attorney Grievance Committees vs
AG Schneiderman & his attorney staff


CJA's September 27, 2017 corruption complaint
to US Attorney for the Southern District of New York
"for grand larceny of the public fisc & other corrupt acts" 
complaint form-side 1  side 2


of CJA's testimony at Legislature's January 30, 2018 budget hearing
on "public protection"-- & substantiating EVIDENCE

of CJA's testimony at Legislature's February 5, 2018 budget hearing
on "local government officials/general government -- & substantiating EVIDENCE

CJA's March 6, 2018 corruption complaint
to Albany Co. District Attorney Soares --
Penal Law §496 ('corrupting the government')"


CJA's May 16, 2018 NOTICE/corruption complaint
to NYS Attorney General Barbara Underwood
& subsequent correspondence, leading to CJA's PERFECTED APPEAL
in 2nd citizen-taxpayer action


*   *   *

click here for:

The Race for Attorney General

& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE





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