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CJA's July 19, 2013 corruption complaint
to Albany County District Attorney David Soares
(& the Public Trust Act)

click here for: Albany D.A. Public Integrity Unit website

                     Albany County District Attorney website

interview of D.A. Soares on WCNY's July 15, 2013 Capitol Report:
"The never-ending culture of corruption
“We have an institution that is completely resistant to policing itself,
to passing any bit of legislation that is going to improve the public’s sense of confidence…We go through legislative session after legislative session, and we do not move that ball.” 

CJA's July 19, 2013 corruption complaint to Albany District Attorney Soares' Public Integrity Unit --
  "(1) Governor Cuomo’s 'Public Trust Act' – His Program Bill #3 – and the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption;
         (2) Criminal Complaint against NYS’ Highest Constitutional Officers for Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc and Additional Corrupt Acts – as, likewise, against NYS’ Other Constitutional and Public Officers and their Taxpayer-paid Counsel and Professional Staffs;
Intervention in Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Andrew Cuomo, et al. (NY Co. #401988/2012) & Transfer to Albany County, with Amendment of the Verified Complaint to Embody Additional Causes of Action and Supervening Facts, Including: (a) Violations of Constitutional, Statutory, and Rule Provisions Underlying Passage of the NYS Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 and Judiciary/Legislative Appropriations Bill S.2601-A/A.3001-A; and (b) the Unconstitutionality of the Senate and Assembly Rules, as Written and as Applied, Vesting Disproportionate Power in the Temporary Senate President and Assembly Speaker, Eviscerating Legislative Process & Functioning"
                                     July 22, 2013 transmittal letter to indicated recipients 

           ENCLOSURES accompanying corruption complaint:

(1)  Executive Summary to CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report to the August 29, 2011 'Final' Report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation     

(2) CJA’s November 29, 2011 corruption complaint to Attorney General Schneiderman    
             [see Exhibit Q to verified complaint in CJA's declaratory judgment action-CJA, et al. v. Cuomo, et al]    

(3) CJA’s March 1, 2012 corruption complaint to Comptroller DiNapoli
              [see Exhibit Q to
verified complaint in CJA's declaratory judgment action]                     

(4) CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara
click here for: CJA's webpage for April 15, 2013 complaint

(5) CJA’s May 13, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Lynch
             [click here for: CJA's webpage for May 13, 2013 complaint]                           

(6) CJA’s June 13, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Hartunian
            [click here for: CJA's webpage for June 13, 2013 complaint]

(7) CJA’s June 4, 2013 letter to Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations & Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation
            [click here for
:   CJA's webpage for June 4, 2013 letter]

(8) CJA’s June 27, 2013 ethics complaint to the NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics  
            [click here for: CJA's webpage for June 27, 2013 complaint

(9) CJA’s July 11, 2013 corruption complaint to NYS Inspector General Scott 
            [click here for:
CJA's webpage for July 11, 2013 complaint

 *      *      *


*     *     *


CJA's August 8, 2013 e-mail & letter to Albany D.A. Public Integrity Chief & U.S. Attorney Hartunian --
"Request for Meeting on Wed. Aug 14th -- Status of Corruption Complaint & Request for Intervention in CJA v. Cuomo"

CJA's August 13, 2013 e-mail to Albany D.A. Public Integrity Chief & U.S. Attorney Hartunian --
"Request for Meeting on Wed. Aug 21st -- Status of Corruption Complaint & Request for Intervention in CJA v. Cuomo

CJA's August 16, 2013 e-mail to Albany D.A. Public Integrity Chief

August 21, 2013 drop off of documentary substantiation 
photo of box of materials at window          

                   CONTENTS OF BOX
(1) enclosures to April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara;

(2) CJA's April 2, 2013 letter to Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways & Means Committee --
"GIVING NOTICE:  (1)The Mandatory Statutory Duty of the Legislature's Fiscal Committees to Preserve Evidence, Pursuant to Legislative Law 67; (2) CJA's Request to Testify in Opposition at Next Year's Legislative Hearings on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Pursuant to Legislative Law 32-a"

CJA's October 17, 2013 letter to Commission Members & Special Advisors --
"Follow-Up to September 17, 2013 Testimony
(1) CJA's Unresponded-to August 5, 2013 Letter and Subsequent Correspondence Pertaining to the Commission's Procedures, Rules, Protocol for Conflicts of Interest, and Public Hearings;

2) CJA's Unresponded-to July 19, 2013 corruption complaint and intervention request to Commission Member Albany County District Attorney Soares"

CJA's November 13, 2013 letter to D.A. Soares --
"What are Your Procedures for Handling Public Corruption Complaints? -- & Other Questions that an Unconflicted Commission to Investigate Public Corruption Would Ask"

CJA's November 15, 2013 e-mail to Commission --
"FOIL Request: Request for Transcript of Commission's October 28th Public Hearing & Other Documents Pertaining to the October 28th Hearing"

: CJA's December 11, 2013 letter --


CJA's January 7, 2014 supplement to the July 19, 2013 corruption complaint --
         (1) investigating & reporting on the fraud and larceny in the proposed Judiciary and Legislative budgets for fiscal year 2014-2015 presented by CJA’s December 11 and December 30, 2013 letters;
         (2) supplement to CJA’s July 19, 2013 corruption complaint & intervention request.




CJA's June 22, 2015 letter to...D.A. Soares --
Honest Review by the JCOPE/LEC Review Commission:  Rectifying JCOPE’s violations of Executive Law §94.9(l)(i) by furnishing the statutorily-required yearly 'listing of assigned numbers of each complaint and referral received…including the status of each complaint'”    e-mail receipt

CJA's JUNE 21, 2016 letter to D.A. Soares --
        "(1) What is the status of CJA’s July 19, 2013 corruption complaint and January 7, 2014 supplement? – beginning with your resolution of the conflict of interest issues presented therein;
         (2)  Initiation of a second supplemental corruption complaint – and how will you be handling the conflict of interest issues it presents;
         (3)  Request for intervention in the citizen-taxpayer action
CJA v Cuomo, et al.
   (Albany Co. Supreme Court  #1788-2014)

Continues with: 
How Many D.A.s Does It Take to Confront Evidence & Ethical Rules?

& here:  
CJA's October 14, 2016 conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint
vs Albany D.A. Soares & New York's Other D.A.s


click here for:
of the Corrupt Commission Scheme
to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers (2011 - to date)









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