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Press Reporting, Editorials & Commentary on
Commission to Investigate Public Corruption
(& Corruption Issues)

 click here for April 2, 2013 - July 1, 2013

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July 2, 2013 - December 1, 2013


July 2, 2013

"Cuomo Creates Special Commission to Investigate Corrupt Elected Officials", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan

"Gov. Cuomo to create special anti-corruption commission focusing on state finance laws", Daily News, Ken Lovett, Glenn Blain

"Cuomo Appoints Commission to Probe Legislature", Karen DeWitt

"Andrew Cuomo discussed Albany corruption and witches", Politiker, Colin Campbell

Cuomo, Schneiderman detail ‘broad and sweeping’ investigative panel”, Jimmy Vielkind

Executive order: what can the Moreland panel do?, Capitol Confidential, Jimmy Vielkind

"Gov Andrew Cuomo appoints Moreland Commission", Democrat & Chronicle

"Cuomo's Moreland Commission Draws in Schneiderman", YNN, Nick Reisman

"Editorial: Cuomo panel should study Albany's corrupt culture", Newsday

"Editorial: Corruption panel faces fish in a barrel", Gannett

"Appointment of Prolific Fundraiser to Moreland Commission Raises Concerns", Gotham Gazette, Howard King

"Fed up with Legislature's dithering, Cuomo takes on culture of corruption", Buffalo News

"Donors To Cuomo, Schneiderman Included on Moreland Panel", YNN, Nick Reisman

July 3, 2013

"Follow the money to the source of Albany's corruption":   Syracuse.com, commentary by John T. Sullivan, Jr.

Gov Cuomo's Moreland Commission has a huge job to do", Daily News, editorial

Cuomo on you-tube

July 5, 2013

"Fed up with Legislature's dithering, Cuomo takes on culture of corruption", Buffalo News, editorial

"Bronx DA, a member of Cuomo's corruption commission, did not report donors during run for re-election, Daily News, Ken Lovett

"If Sheldon Silver discloses income on holidays, does it make a noise?", CapitalNY, Azi Paybarah

July 6, 2013

"Prosecuting Albany", New York Post, editorial

July 7, 2013

"Latest corruption panel a win-win for Cuomo", Newsday, Dan Janison

"Cuomo turns to Moreland Commission to attack corruption, and we hope it succeeds", Syracuse Post-Standard, editorial

July 8, 2013

"How we will clean up Albany", Daily News, Governor Cuomo

"Another panel to scrutinize integrity", Albany Times Union, James Odato

"NY Corruption panel has more teeth, will it bite?",  AP

"Gov's corruption-busting just an 'Act'", NY Post, Fred Dicker

"Corruption probe begins", Legislative Gazette, Dan Mosher

July 9, 2013

"Our view: Corruption forms a roadmap for corruption panel", Auburn Citizen

"Past Moreland Act Commission Fell Short", WXII, Karen DeWitt

July 11, 2013

"Commission is Best Hope for a 'Cleaner' NY", Long Island Herald

"Panel has opportunity to extinguish corruption", Journal News, Bennett Gershman

"A silent public start for anti-corruption panel: Panel investigating political corruption holds closed meeting", Albany Times Union, Jimmy Vielkind

"Spitzer deserves a second act", Albany Times Union, commentary by John Sullivan, Jr.

July 12, 2013

"Dentist who beat Spitzer's fraud charges warns he shouldn't be NYC comptroller", Daily News, Glenn Blain

July 15, 2013

"The never-ending culture of corruption", Capitol Report, Susan Arbetter

"More laughter, fewer bills", Legislative Gazette, Dan Mosher

July 16, 2013

"More of the same for NY", Capitol Confidential, Observation Deck editorial

"Moreland Commission Announces its First Public Meetings", Gotham Gazette, David King

"Cuomo's Anti-Corruption Panel Schedules First Hearing" , Syracuse Post-Standard, John O'Brien

"State commission investigating public corruption to hold first public hearings in September", The Citizen - auburnpub.com, Robert Harding

"Moreland to BOE and JSCOPE Preserve Records", YNN, Liz Benjamin

July 17, 2013

"Moreland panel sends preservation letters to JCOPE, Board of Elections", Albany Times Union-Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"NYS Moreland Commission Orders Board of Elections, JCOPE Not to Destroy Documents", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"In TV Ad, Cuomo Vows to Clean Up Corruption",  New York Times, Thomas Kaplan

               Cuomo's ad "Trust is Everything to Me" -- posted on YouTube by Bill Hammond/Daily News

July 18, 2013

"Moreland panel wants records kept for review", Albany Times-Union, Casey Seiler

July 24, 2013

"A Sampling of Editorials from Around New York", Newsday

"State Lawmakers to Gov Cuomo: Help us repeal luxury development property tax breaks", Daily News, Daniel Beekman

Schneiderman interview, Lohud

July 25, 2013

"New poll finds bill thompson in good shape in mayor's race", Politicker  

July 26, 2013

"Watchdog panel starts digging-in: Commission seeks records from agencies, listens to advocates for good government", Albany Times Union, Rick Karlin

July 29, 2013

"The executive director  of Cuomo's anti-corruption commission was sued 17 times", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Moreland Commission Explores Public Corruption but Changes Can Take Place Through Legilsation", Assemblyman William Barclay

"Citizen Action calls pro-fracking support unfair, wants investigation", News 12, Erika Mahoney

August 4, 2013

"Clean house, New York",  Albany Times Union editorial

"Their silence won't silence us", Riverdale Press, editorial

August 5, 2013

"Members of Cuomo's anti-corruption panel failed to pursue 1,500 criminal referrals from the Board of Elections ", Daily News, Ken Lovett

August 6, 2013

"The Moreland Commission has issued subpoenas", Capitol Confidential, Jimmy Vielkind

"Kathleen Rice says Moreland Commission 'actively engaged' -- and issuing subpoenas", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"Moreland Co-chair Says Subpoenas Have Been Sent", wxxi, Karen DeWitt

"Subpoenas already issued by Moreland Commission, co-chair says", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"Nassau DA: commission sends out election subpoenas", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Moreland panel issues its first subpoena: state agency records to be reviewed for signs of buying political favors", Albany Times Union, Jimmy Vielkind

"Common Cause, REBNY Throw Down", Crain's New York Business, Andrew Hawkins

August 7, 2013

"Big NYC developers seen getting subpoenas", Crain's New York Business, Daniel Geiger

"Subpoenas sent to real estate developers , Sheepshead Bites,

"Sedita strong arms his staff to pry donations", Buffalo News, editorial

August 8, 2013

"Towering Corruption: Commission must find the truth about Albany's tax breaks for luxury highrises", Daily News, editorial

"Taxpayer funds showered on uncompetitive races", Crain's Business, Chris Bragg

August 9, 2013

"Another Commission to report the obvious?", Auburn Citizen, Cosentino

"Gov Cuomo got $100,000 from developer, then signed law giving it big tax breaks", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Pay to play allegation hits Cuomo in New York", Hot Air, Ed Morrissey

"Double Standard on Reform", Crain's Business, editorial

August 10, 2013

"Gov Cuomo's long-time citydeveloper got more generous when it stood to get $35 million in tax breaks" , Daily News, Ken Lovett

August 11, 2013

"Follow Cuomo's money too", Daily News, editorial

"Andrew Cuomo's love affair with governmental commissions", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Andrew's special friends", New York Post, editorial

August 12, 2013

"Gov Como's Executvie Director Of Anti-Corruption Commission Making $175K ", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"NY Minute:  state anti-corruption director making $175,000 ", Syracuse.com, Teri Weaver

"Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer 'a joke', Nassau DA Kathleen Rice", NY Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Sheldon Silver ally William Rapfogel is fired as CEO of Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverity because of 'financial irregularities'", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Attorney General Investigating New York Power Broker", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan

August 13, 2013

"Shelly pal booted in kickback scheme", New York Post, Sally Goldenberg, Carl Campanile

"Diaz: Cuomo's real estate money quacks loudly", Capitol Confidential, Jimmy Vielkind

"Subpoenas for Albany", New York Times, editorial

"Cuomo real estate donors among Moreland subpoena targets", Albany Times Union, Jimmy Vielkind

"In an irony Rapfogel served on Schneiderman charity committee", Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin

"NY Jewish community leader under investigation for corruption", Jerusalem Post

August 14, 2013

"Diaz says Albany has ethical double standard...", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King

August 15, 2013

"Onondaga County D.A. William Fitzpatrick, chair of state corruption panel, takes in hundreds of thousands in campaign donations", Syracuse.com, Sara Patterson

"Moreland Commission issuing subpoenas to real estate interest groups", YNN, Nick Reisman

"AG's history with kickback honcho", New York Post, Beth DeFalco & Carl Campanile

August 18, 2013

"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver behind tax breaks to five luxury developers: source", Daily News, Ken Lovett

August 19, 2013

"Common Cause's 'Moreland Monday' brings an update", Rick Karlin, Capitol Confidential

"Assemblyman Keith Wright furtious with Sheldon Silver over tax break scandal: source", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"ICYMI: Cuomo talks wine, Rice talks corruption", Capitol Confidential, Jimmy Vielkind   video-Aug 16

"Cost of latest reform panel a Moreland mystery", Albany Times Union, James Odato

August 21, 2013

"Is the Commission addressing old problems", YNN, Nick Reisman

August 26, 2013

"Anti-Corruption Panel Co-Chair Receives Big Donations From Sheldon Silver's Law Firm", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Critics question how deeply corruption panel co-chair Kathleen Rice would probe Sheldon Silver after campaign contributions,", Daily News, Ken Lovett

Sheldon Silver ally recently fired as CEO of Met Council under investigation for shady donations to politicians  Daily News, Ken Lovett, Greg Smith

August 27, 2013

"Campaign reports give rise to questions about Corruption Commission's ability to fight the system" , Syracuse.com, Sara Patterson

"Campaign reform advocates meet with Onondago County D.A. who chairs NY anticorruption commission", Syracuse.com, Teri Weaver

August 29, 2013

"Gov Cuomo's anti-corruption panel can even investigate him", Daily News, Glenn Blain

September 2, 2013

"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and his pals lawyer up", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Cuomo duo runs amok: Corruption commission's 'loose canons'", New York Post, Fred Dicker

September 3, 2013

"Assembly Donor Kasowitz repped New York Assembly in Cuomo-led corruption probe", Daily News, Ken Lovett

September 6, 2013

"Anticorruption Panel Tells State Legislators to Disclose Outside Work and Clients", New York Times/AP

"Gov's anticorruption commission asks Senate and Assembly members to detail outside income, clients", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"NY corruption commission seeks lawmaker clients", Wall Street Journal/AP

"Corruption panel eyes lawmakers' outside business", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Investigation Hits Hurdle in the Assembly", Wall Street Journal, Erica Orden

"Here's your Moreland probe scorecard", Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin

September 7, 2013

"Legislators asked income details", Albany Times Union, Rick Karlin

"Make 'em come clean", Daily News, editorial

September 9, 2013

"NY's commission effort to reveal pols' private clients supported by Bar, is law in 20 states", Republic/AP, Mike Gormley

September 10, 2013

"EXCLUSIVE: Indicted former senate Democratic leader John Sampson reveals separation from his wife, lucrative asset in report", Daily News, Ken Lovett

September 12, 2013

"NY corruption commission plans NYC hearing", Wall Street Journal/AP

"Cuomo commission to meet with prosecutors who targeted corrupt politicians", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Moreland Commission hearings on tap, seaking speakers", Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin

"Setting the agenda: Good Government", City & State, Stephen Witt

"US Attorneys Preet Bharara and Loretta Lynch to Testify At Moreland Hearing", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"Cuomo commission to meet with prosecutors who've targeted corrupt politicians", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"NY Minute: Gov Andrew Cuomo anti-corruption commission launches hearings", Syracuse.com, Glenn Coin

September 13, 2013

"Legislature Gets Extra Week to Respond to Moreland Panel", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"More time for disclosure effort", Albany Times Union, Casey Seiler

September 14, 2013

"Alan S. Chartock: Albany is all about money", Troy Record

September 15, 2013

"Alan Chartock: Gov. Andrew Cuomo shows courage in facing public corruption monster", Daily Freeman, opinon

"EDITORIAL:  Moreland commission cracks down on corruption in state politics" Post-star.com

"Cuomo Watch: Corruption panel opens hearings", Newsday, Yancey Roy

September 17, 2013

"Cuomo's anti-corruption commission to hold first public hearing today", Syracuse.com, Teri Weaver

"Bill Samuels Says Anti-Corruption Commission Should Look in Gov Cuomo's  Corporate Donors", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Cuomo seeks, legislators hide", Daily News, Bill Hammond

"Who Is Afraid Of The Moreland Commission?", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King

"New Rules Could Strip Pensions from Politicians Convicted of Corruption", New York Times, William Rashbaum, Jesse McKinley

"Give details about work" Herald Leader

September 18 , 2013

Moreland Commission holds public corruption hearing", YNN, Zack Fink; "Moreland Commission Holds hearing into Public Corruption", NY1, Zack Fink

"Public Blocked From Moreland Commission Hearing", Epoch Times, Ivan Penchoukov

"Top prosecutors: non-profit scrutiny key to fighting pol corruption", The New York World, Laura Nahmias

September 20, 2013

"State lawmakers to Cuomo commission: you're out of bounds", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Senate and Assembly leaders refuse to disclose details about outside jobs to Gov. Cuomo's anti-corruption commission", Daily News, Ken Lovett

September 21, 2013

"NY corruption panel not transparent on spending", AP, Michael Gormley

September 22, 2013

"Scandalous Pensioners", New York Times, editorial

September 23, 2013

"New York Legislators' secret income", New York Times, editorial

"Skirting the separation-of-powers argument so far", Newsday, Yancy Roy

"Gov Cuomo: Moreland Will Get What It Wants", Daily News, Celeste Katz

"EDITORIAL: Financial rewards finds those in power", Poststar.com, editorial

"Legislative officials call Gov Cuomo's anticorruption commission 'Spitzer-esque", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Gov. Cuomo urged to probe political gifts by Cablevision, Time-Warner Cable, Verizon", Ken Lovett

"Boyland Jr. takes on corruption charges after dramatic u-turn", New York Post, Selim Algar

September 24, 2013

"Moreland Commission Looks Past Legislature for Answers", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King

"Moreland commission to hear Sacha's allegations of corruption", Buffalo News, Robert McCarthy

"Cuomo believes anti-corruption commission can force legislators to give details on outside income", Daily News, Glenn Blain, Ken Lovett

"Silence of the sheep", Daily News, editorial

"Corruption commission to press lawmakers", AP

"Moreland panel hears campaign finance reforms", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"Push to remove legislative roadblocks", Gannett/Democrat & Chronicle, editorial

"Watch livecast of Albany Commission Moreland's hearing", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Corruption commission presses on after conflict", AP/Houston Chronicle, Mike Gormley    San Francisco Chronicle

"Corruption commission presses on after conflict", AP/Auburnpub.com

September 25, 2013

"Moreland Commission focuses on more alleged corruption", NY Now, Karen DeWitt

"Taint of pork-barrel spending repels public corruption investigation panel", Albany Times Union, Casey Seiler

"Six-figure salaries for the Moreland Commission staff", Gannett, Joseph Spector

"More Moreland: Fired Buffalo ADA calls out Frank Sedita", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Editorial: NY lawmakers shouldn't fight ethics reforms", Newsday

"As tensions rise, Moreland Commission meets in Albany", Gannett, Jon Campbell

September 26, 2013

"NY Minute: Gov Andrew Cuomo's anticorruption commission staff on loan from other agencies", Syracuse, Glenn Coin

"Effective NY's Samuels: Moreland commission should ask campaigns how they raise money from corporations, LLCs", Auburnpub.com, Robert Harding

"Sacha testifies to Moreland Commission, Absent Sedita", Artvoice, Geoff Kelly

"Our View: Panel Needs Transparency", Utica Observer Dispatch, editorial

September 29, 2013

"Corruption panel battle with lawmakers drags on", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"New York Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to colleagues: Go public with outside income", Daily News, Ken Lovitt

September 30, 2013

"Gov Cuomo leans on 'independent' corruption panel", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Gov Cuomo Grabs Greater Control of AntiCorruption Commission: Multiple Sources", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"New York State editorial round-up", Auburnpub.com

October 1, 2013

"Cuomo's controlling instincts", Daily News

"Cox: Schneiderman should recuse him from any Silver probe", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

October 3, 2013

"Cuomo's anticorruption panel stops at investigating his own Democratic party", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Cuomo: Washington should be more like Albany", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"Moreland commission subpoenas state GOPers, no Dems -- yet", The Saratogian-AP, Mike Gormley

October 4, 2013

"Pat Barrett: No conflict in his effort to pass casino referendum and Moreland Commission", Syracuse.com, Teri Weaver

October 5, 2013

"No pensions for corrupt politicians.  That's common sense", Newsday, Joye Brown

"GLYNN: Critics say Cuomo tries to sway panel", Niagara Gazette, Don Glynn

October 6, 2013

"Brodsky: A case of dueling tax committees", Albany Times Union, Richard Brodsky

October 7, 2013

"EDITORIAL: Legislators need to hand over employment records", Poststar.com

"Government Reformers To Gov. Cuomo:  Let Anti-Corruption Commission Act Independently", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Corruption Panel reports weekly to Governor: reports independence", Newsday

"Breslin offers look at client list", Albany Times Union, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist

"Moreland commission claims independence but reports on a weekly basis to Gov, AG", Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett, Joseph Spector

"A 'disheartened' advocate on Cuomo's role in steering an anti-corruption panel", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Goo Goos Write To Moreland", YNN, Nick Reisman

October 8, 2013

"Cuomo's Office Is Said To Reign In Ethics Board He Created", New York Times, Jesse McKinley, Thomas Kapan

"Andrew Cuomo's Much Touted Corruption Watchdog is Begininng to Look Like a Joke", Mother Jones, Andy Kroll

"Our View: Cuomo must back off Moreland panel", auburnpub.com

"Is Cuomo's Corruption Commission Going Off the Rails",WXXII news, Karen DeWitt

October 9, 2013

"Governor's office refutes early break-up rumors of Moreland Commission", Legislative Gazette, Dan O'Regan

"Cuomo chickens out on corruption", New York Post, editorial

"Early exit possible for panel", Albany Times Union, James Odato

"Has Cuomo squandered his Moreland moment", Capital NY, Jimmy Vielkind, Azi Paybarah

"TV execs give big money to New York politicians who hand them tax credits", New York Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Will voters decide fate of publicly financed campaigns?", Syracuse.com, Teri Weaver

"Concerns aired over Cuomo's anticorruption commission", WBFO, Karen DeWitt

October 10, 2013

"Housing Activists' Hopes for Moreland Commission Fades", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King

"DA Fitzpatrick: NYC media would not question independence of corruption panel if they knew him", Syracuse.com, Michelle Breidenbach

"Cuomo on Moreland involvement, or: How to pull teeth", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Hands on, hands off, Cuomos differ", Albany Times Union, Casey Seiler

"Cuomo denies that he (personally) blocked a Moreland subpoena",  Capital NY, Jimmy Vielkind

"Cuomo Seeks to Resurrect an Ethics Deal", Wall Street Journal, Erica Orden

October 11, 2013

"Cuomo refutes claims he ordered anticorruption group to nix subpoenas", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Moreland commission must be free of interference", Journal News, Blair Horner/NYPIRG

October 13, 2013

"Will New York's Political Watchdog Pass the Test?", New York Times, editorial

"Steel cage death match", Daily News, editorial

"Just what is going on here?", Albany Times Union, editorial

"State commission set up to investigate corruption must be allowed to do its job", Buffalo News, editorial

October 14, 2013

"Corruption commission seeks to turns N.S.A. software on Albany", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Governor's Crusade Against Corruption Comes With Too Many Asterisks", New York Times, Michael Powell

"When Rocky met the Moreland panel", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Cuomo, a Democrat offers another board denunciation of the shutdown", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

October 15, 2013

"Data firm tapped to target state corruption", New York Post, Carl Capanile

"Moreland panel will move forward with subpoenas", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Casino referendum led gambling interests to spend richly in Albany", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan

"Panel to investigate State Democratic party", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan

"NY corruption commission promises more subpoenas on outside income, houskeeping accounts", Associated Press, Mike Gormley

"Cuomo, under pressure on casino money and Moreland, meets the 'Times'", Capital New York, Azi Paybarah

"Moreland Commission will order legislators to turn over client data", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Schneiderman: Let the Moreland Commission be 'Independent'", Gannett, Joseph Spector

"EXCLUSIVE: Anti-corruption commission sending subpoenas To Gov. Cuomo-Tied Entities", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Cuomo sees no immediate change in Moreland commission status", Buffalo News, Robert McCarthy

"Cuomo's anticorruption commission turns sights on itself and its allies", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Moreland Commission To Issue Subpoenas to NYSLawmakers For Info On Outside Income", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Cuomo doing damage control over anti-corruption commission -- gets no favors from GOP", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Also from Moreland panel, housekeeping subpoenas", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"State power players draw the most cash", Times Union, Rick Karlin

"Moreland Commission targets Cuomo's soft money too", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Schneiderman speaks up on the importance of Moreland's independence", Capital New York, Jessica Bakeman

"A Republican super PAC requests Cuomo's Moreland records", Capital New York, Reid Pillifant

October 16, 2013

"Moreland Commission to Legislature: 'Everything is on the Table'", Legislative Gazette, Dan O' Regan

October 17, 2013

"Moreland co-chair received donations from intel-gathering contractor", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

October 18, 2013

"Cuomo anticorruption commission co-chair received $20K from CEO of firm the panel is set to hire", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Off the leash", Daily News, editorial

"Moreland Commission shows its backbone as it vows to press ahead with corruption investigation", Buffalo News, editorial

"Corruption commission probes intensify", WAMC, Karen Dewitt

October 18-20, 2013

"It's Now Official: New York is Drowning in Bribes and Corruption", Counterpunch, Pam Martens

October 19, 2013

"Questions Arise Over Moreland's Access to Gov's Inner Circle", NY1, Zack Fink

"Moreland Commission taking heat", YNN, "web staff"

"Unanswered Pigeon complaint fuels concerns about panel's independence", Buffalo News, Tom Precious

"Alan Chartock: Runaway Moreland Act Commission may be worry for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo", Daily Freeman, Chartock

"A long story short", Albany Times Union, editorial

October 20, 2013

"Inquiry of Ex-Charity Chief Sheds Light on Payments by '97 Council Campaign", New York Times, Russ Buetner

October 21, 2013

"Judy Rapfogel hires lawyer as investigators probe husband's alleged $5M kickback scheme", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Gov. Cuomo Expects Challenges to Anti-Corruption Commission Subpoenas", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"NY Voters Don't Know Much About Moreland Commission, But Say Keep Digging", Daily News, Celeste Katz

"Cuomo fears he losing casino amendment gamble", NY Post, Fred Dicker

"Siena poll: New Yorkers know little about Moreland Commission", Rochester Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett, Jon Campbell   Stargazette.com   lohud.com  Poughkeepsie Journal

"Scharff: Moreland needs to push for public financing of campaigns", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"New Yorkers don't know the Moreland Commission by name, but they want someone to investigate political corruption", Syracuse Post-Standard, Michelle Breidenbach

"In a memo, judges share retirement-age talking points", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Voters unaware of Moreland Commission's work, but say Albany corruption is a serious problem", Legislative Gazette, staff writers

"Poll shows Cuomo poised for safe re-election, with some weakness", NY NOW, Karen DeWitt

"Blair Horner: Moreland Commission's Credibility Hangs In The Balance", WAMC

"Siena poll looks at Moreland, Cuomo", Buffalo Business First, staff

Capitol Pressroom - interview of Steven Greenberg, Siena Poll, Susan Arbetter

"Moreland hearing scheduled for NYC"**, Capitol Confidential, James Odato

"ODATO: Moreland may have conflict", Albany Times Union, James Odato

"Moreland's next public hearing will be in a convention center"**, Jessica Alaimo, Capital New York

"Poll: Solid support for Moreland", Albany Times Union, Casey Seiler**

October 22, 2013

"Briefing: Cuomo takes Moreland questions and a host list for Hillary", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

Capitol Pressroom-interview of William Fitzpatrick, Susan Arbetter

"Moreland co-chair: Legislative surrender 'did not pan out'", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Jury still out on Moreland commission"**, Dan O'Regan, Legislative Gazette

"On Moreland Commission, Fitzpatrick's reaction often is, 'You've got to be kidding me. This is legal?", Syracuse.com, Michelle Breidenbach

"Moreland co-chair: Complaints about subpoenas 'absurd'", Jon Campbell, Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett  WGRZ

"Anti-Corruption Co-Chair William Fitzpatrick Denies Governor's Office Interference", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"AntiCorruption Co-chairs' Attack on Legislature Receives Harsh Blowback", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Member of Cuomo's anticorruption commission calls NY state legislature corrupt", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Fitzpatrick bemoans Moreland leaks", YNN, Nick Reisman

"Poll shows Cuomo poised for safe reelection, with some weakness", North County Public Radio, Karen DeWitt

October 23, 2013

"Moreland Commission must prove its independence", editorial, Democrat & Chronicle

"AM roundup: Fitzpatrick: Moreland 'rat' irks Soares", Capitol Confidential, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist

"Gov. Cuomo: Legislature Would Be Making Big Mistake By Fighting Anti-Corruption Commission", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Lawmakers 'making a mistake' with Moreland reaction, Cuomo says", Gannett/Lo-Hud, Jon Campbell

"Cuomo warns legislators about resisting Moreland requests", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Cuomo warns legislators to cooperate with anticorruption panel", Buffalo News, Tom Precious

"Cuomo Cool to the Idea of Public Financing Amendment", Capital Tonight, Nick Reisman

October 24, 2013

"VIDEO: Cuomo Q & A on Moreland, referendums and more", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Tax Watch: State halts judges' double-dipping", Lohud/Gannett, David McKay Wilson

"Job interview raises ethical questions", Albany Times Union, James Odato

October 25, 2013

"How to Make the Impossible Possible with, Yes a Government Commission", Huffington Post, Karen Scharff

"Judges mobilize to fight for Prop 6, with Lippman at the fore", CapitalNew York, Jimmy Vielkind

October 27, 2013

"The reason why the rent is too high", Daily News,Jaron Benjamin 

"Lovett: State legislature to argue that Gov. Cuomo abused power to force ethics reform", Daily News,

"Moreland Commission Seeks to Rebuild Credibility at 3rd Hearing", Gotham Gazette,David Howard King

"Moreland's next hearing, without good government groups", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

October 28, 2013

"Hevesi's letter sent to Cuomo's Commissioners", Capitol Confidential, James Odato

"Odato: Tough order to get unanimity in secret", Times Union, James Odato

"NY elections board gets hard questions at hearing", Associated Press, Deepti Hajela

"Cuomo anticorruption panel targets state Board of Elections as body cries poverty", Daily News, Celeste Katz

"Moreland Commission Grills State Board of Elections Over Investigations -- Or Lack Thereof", Daily News, Celeste Katz

"NYS Elections Board to ask corruption investigators to recognize dire need for resources", Syracuse Post Standard, Michelle Breidenbach

"NY GOP calls for investigation of Lt Gov Robert Duffy", Gannett/LoHud, Jon Campell

"Cuomo, Duffy Have Nothing But Praise for Each Other", WAMC, Karen DeWitt

"Three queried by panel", Times Union, Casey Seiler

"A conflict for Mr. Duffy", Times Union, editorial

"Cox calls for Duffy Probe (Updated)", State of Politics, YNN/ NY NOW, Nick Reisman

October 29, 2013

"State Board of Elections Put Under Scrutiny At Final Moreland Commission Public Hearing", NY1, Zack Fink

"Moreland Commission beats up on inert state Board of Elections", Capital New York, Jessica Alaimo

"Cuomo: Election board is 'gridlocked by design'", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"Our toothless watchdogs", Daily News, Bill Hammond

"NY elections board gets critiqued", WHAM 13

"BOE Officials Grilled at Corruption Commission Hearing", North Country Radio, Karen DeWitt

"Older state supreme court judges no longer able to collect pension and salary simultaneously", Daily News, Ken Lovett

October 30, 2013

"Cuomo versus breakaway Dems, and rabbis against casinos", Capital New York, Azi Paybarah

"New NY Senate Bill Designed to Make Moreland Commissions More Independent, Sponsors Say", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"NY Democrats to IDC Senator 'Register Republican'", Gannett/LoHud, Jon Campbell    S5973

"In a shot a Cuomo, majority senators call for Moreland independence", Capital New York, Jessica Alaimo

"NY Republicans Seek to Block Corruption Panel Subpoena", Bloomberg, Phil Milford, Freeman Klopott

"Democrats state party executive director Rodney Capel, Staten Island Sen. Diane Savino spar over Cuomo's anticorruption commission", Daily News, Dareh Gregorian, Ken Lovett

"Moreland Tangles With Senate Republicans", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King

"GOP Committee Fights Moreland Subpoena", Wall Street Journal, Erica Orden

"GOP campaigners resist subpoenas", Times Union, Casey Seiler

"Tax-watch: State halts judges' double-dipping", Gannett/Journal News, David McKay Wilson

"Revealed: The Unnamed Focus of Moreland Commissioner's Questioning", City & State, Morgan Pehme

"Cuomo, state senators continue sparring over Moreland Commission", Buffalo News, Tom Precious

"Senate GOP to fight Moreland Commission in Court", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

October 31, 2013

"Adjusting the Moreland script: Cuomo goes to war with former Senate allies", Capital New York, Jimmy Veilkind

"Gov. Cuomo Warns Legislature That Next Year Is An 'Accountability Year'", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"GOP Committee Fights Moreland Subpoena", Wall Street Journal, Erica Orden

"State GOP leader Ed Cox criticizes Cuomo's ethics panel", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Cuomo on ethics reform: I'll hammer state lawmakers at the polls", NY Post, Carl Campanile

"Solitare Man, and other Tales from the Moreland Hearing", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

November 1, 2013

"Cuomo at odds with legislature over ethics reform", YNN, Nick Reisman

"Amid war, I.D.C. and G.O.P. remind Cuomo where they're aligned", Capital NY, Jimmy Vielkind

"Senate leaders: remember, we support casino gambling", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Board of dereliction", Daily News, editorial

"Elections board makes changes after Moreland's public flogging", Capital New York, Jessica Alaimo

"Longtime commissioner to leave State Board of Elections", Capital New York, Jessica Alaimo

November 4, 2013

"Diaz on IDC Traitors. Et tu, Cuomo", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Moreland Commission asks if BOE can do more", Legislative Gazette, Kelly Fay

"Gov Cuomo criticism of 'double-dipping' judges brings charges of hypocrisy", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Three NY Supreme Court judges could serve past 70 if voters approve amendment", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Fixing the System", New York Times, Joe Nocera

November 7, 2013

"Cuomo and Skelos Meet; Is Peace Coming", Buffalo News, Tom Precious

November 8, 2013

"'Hyprocrisy' in the Moreland Commission?", WNYT.com, Steve Flamisch

"Have the Morelanders uncovered criminality?, 'We have,' Fitzpatrick Says", Capitol Confidential, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist

"Moreland Commmission co-chairs: Gov. Cuomo never interfered", WNYT.com, Steve Flamisch

November 10, 2013

Campell Conversation, WRVO-Public Media:  Bill Fitzpatrick

November 11, 2013

"Editorial: Ethics panel must follow the money", Poughkeepsie Journal/Gannett

"Moreland chair: Commission has found criminality, will recommend new watchdog", Capital New York, Jessica Alaimo

"In video: Board of Elections reacts to Moreland grilling", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

November 12, 2013

"Poll Asked Voters What They Think Gov's Moreland Commission Should Recommend", Daily News, Ken Lovett

Capitol Pressroom interview of Attorney General Schneiderman

"Attorney General Eric Schneiderman:Moreland Commission's Job Is To Promote Reform", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"Is Gov. Cuomo's Anti-Corruption Commission Going Off the Rails?", Bennett Gershman, Huff Post

"More Call for Campaign Public Finance System Including a Moreland Commission Co-Chair", XXIInews, Karen DeWitt 

"Critics say DAs should not lead campaign finance panel", Newsday, Yancey Roy

November 13, 2013

"Schneiderman: Legislative Subpoenas are a 'tricky game'", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

Interview of Schneiderman, Cuomo on Capitol Pressroom, Susan Arbetter

"Leaders of Cuomo panel push public financing of campaigns", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Election board member folds", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

November 15, 2013

"Onondaga County D.A. is right to support public campaign financing: your letters", syracuse.com

November 18, 2013

"NYPIRG wants ethics commission to probe political parties' lobbying efforts", Capitol Confidential, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist

"'Bribe pol' claims Baharara's pension comments will prevent 'fair trial'", New York Post, RIch Calder

"Nassau DA Rice got $1M in gifts through a loophole being investigated by  the anticorruption commission she runs", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Public Campaign Financing Advocates Plan Phone Rally on Tuesday to Pressure Moreland Panel", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"New hope for public campaign financing", Legislative Gazette, Dan O'Regan

November 20, 2013

"Comptrollers, good government groups call for state-level campaign financing", Capital New York, Jessica Alaimo

"AG: Talks to 'work out' Moreland subpoenas", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"Tele-town hall meeting rallies support for public financing of elections", Legislative Gazette

"Moreland Commission Gets Support From AG Attorney General Eric Schneiderman", Daily News, Glenn Blain

"Schneiderman acknowledges talks to 'work out' Moreland subpoenas", Capital NY, Jimmy Vielkind

November 21, 2013

"Cuomo predicts short role for Moreland commission", Buffalo News, Robert McCarthy

"Cuomo, NY Dems Trade Corruption Charges", Frontpage Mag, Daniel Greenfield

"Forget TV, to spread word, Cuomo's on Radio", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan

November 22, 2013

"Climbing out of Albany's swamp", New York Times, editorial

"NY Minute:  NY state Legislature to fight back against Gov. Cuomo's Moreland Commission", Syracuse.com, Glenn Coin

"NY legislators going to court to oppose subpoenas from new corruption commission", Associated Press

"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver: It's An Abuse of Process To Investigate Legislators'", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Senate, Assembly to Jointly File against Cuomo's anti-corruption commission, sources", Daily News, Ken Lovitt

"Mario Cuomo's Counsel Warned That Moreland Commissions Can't Investigate Legislature", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Document Drop: NY Pols. v. Moreland Subpoenas", Daily News", Celeste Katz

"Lawmakers' bosses respond to Moreland subpoenas", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Albany D.A. defends his right not to prosecute Occupy protesters", Capital New York, Scott Waldman

"Moreland panel: Oh yes we do too have legal authority", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Skelos, Klein, Silver file their own motion to quash subpoenas", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"Lawmakers, law firms try to beat back Moreland subpoenas", Gannett/Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Jon Campbell

"In letter, Moreland Commission makes the case for subpoenas", Gannett/Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Jon Campbell

"Legislators seeks to kill subpoenas", Times Union, Rick Karlin, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist

"Democrats join Republicans in challenging Moreland Commission", Buffalo News, Tom Precious

"State Lawmakers Fight Cuomo Commission Subpoenas in Court", WXXI, Karen DeWitt

November 24, 2013

"Arrogance of Power", Daily News, editorial

November 25, 2013

"More than one kind of turkey", Albany Times Union, Fred Lebrun

"Gov. Cuomo: Legislature Battle Over Moreland Panel Not About Separation of Powers", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"NY Legislature Sues to Void Corruption Probe Subpoenas", Bloomberg News, Chris Dolmetsch, Freeman Kleepot

"Interest Groups see a 'historic opportunity' in Upcoming Moreland Report", Capitol New York, Jessica Alaimo

"NYPIRG has reform ideas for the Moreland panel", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler

"State groups spar over taxpayer-supported campaigns", Buffalo News, Tom Precious

"Report on corruption to be released Dec. 1st", YNN, Nick Riesman 

"Unshackle Upstate makes the case against public campaign funding", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"Unshackle Upstate opposes publicly-financed campaigns", Rochester Business Journal, Thomas Adams

"NYPIRG voices opinion on Moreland commission", WNYT.com

"NYPIRG to Moreland: better enforcement and smaller JCOPE, please", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"NYPIRG issues report on reform", Albany Times Union, Casey Seiler

November 26, 2013

"Why don't Silver, Skelos comply with Moreland Probe? Newsday, editorial

"State leaders balk at Moreland Commission subpoenas", Real Deal

"Cuomo turns up the heat on opponents of anti-corruption panel", Daily News, Ken Lovett

November 27, 2013

"Poll finds fracking divide in New York; support for DiBlasio tax plan", Buffalo News, Robert McCarthy

"Senate Republicans strike a disclosure deal with Cuomo's anti-corruption panel", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind

"New York Senate Campaign Committee ends Suit",Bloomberg News, Chris Dolmetsch and Freeman Kleepot

"NYS Senate Republicans Withdrawn Push To Oppose Subpoenas on Housekeeping Account Info (Updated)", Daily News, Ken Lovett

"Norden: Moreland report is a chance to push public campaign financing", Newsday    "Moreland panel should seize the moment"

"Albany's campaign finance law fight appears to cool", Newsday, Yancey Roy

"NYPIRG urges reform, Moreland report due Sunday", Gannett, Jon Campbell

"NY Senate GOP campaign group agrees to disclosure", AP/Glenn Falls News, Michael Gormley

"Moreland, SRCC come to arrangement on disclosure", Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin

November 28, 2013

"Moreland commission report due on Sunday", Gannett/Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Jon Campbell

November 30, 2013

"They're hiding something", Daily News, editorial

"Cuomo's anticorruption panel ought to be running amok", Newday, Joye Brown

"Cuomo's Moreland Commission on corruption ready to report", Newsday,Yancey Roy

"Brodsky: proposals for limiting state's legal corruption", Albany Times Union

December 1, 2013

"Spending $60 million to save $1 billion", Huffington Post, Karen Scharff, Citizens Action

"Odato: Majority on Moreland not so open", Albany Times Union, James Odato

*     *     *

CJA's People's Campaign
 to Hold the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption True
to its Name & Announced Purpose


CJA's August 5, 2013 letter to Commission --
"RE:  Keeping the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption True
to its Name & Announced Purpose"

The People Have Something to Say --
& Evidence to Back it Up
(& the Commission so-called "Public Hearings")

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Holding the Commission --
& its Appointing & Deputizing Authorities --
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"The Fall of the Wall?", NYT, November 1, 2013, Joe Nocera







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