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 CJA's Critique of the Breyer Committee Report

Correspondence with Federal Judiciary & Congress

Federal Judiciary

CJA's March 6, 2008 letter to Chief Justice Roberts --
    "(1) Request for Judicial Conference disapproval of the proposed new rules for federal judicial discipline as violative & non-conforming with 28 USC 351-364 -- the Judicial Conference and Disability Act of 1980; and
    (2) Request for Judicial Conference hearings on the Report to the Chief Justice on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980"

March 7, 2008 letter from James C. Duff, Secretary of the Judicial Conference of the United States & Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts

CJA's March 10, 2008 letter to James Duff --

"Request for Clarification of Your March 7, 2008 Letter"

             U.S. Courts' March 11, 2008 press release:
"National Rules Adopted for Judicial Conduct & Disability Proceedings"

CJA's July 3, 2008 memo to James Duff --
"STATUS OF YOUR REVIEW:  CJA's May 13, 2008 MEMO entitled 'Request for Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee's Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980; &, Pending Same, Deferment of Congressional Action on Senate and House Bills, S. 1638 and H.R. 3753, to Raise Judicial Salaries 29%'" 


CJA's May 13, 2008 memo to 4 Leaders of Congress:  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader John Boehner --  
"Request for Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee's Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980; &, Pending Same, Deferment of Congressional Action on Senate and House Bills, S. 1638 and H.R. 3753, to Raise Judicial Salaries 29%" 

               Evidence-Based Refutations to Increasing Federal Judicial Pay

CJA's June 19, 2008 letter to Rachana Bhowmik, Legislative Counsel -- Office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama --
"STATUS OF YOUR REVIEW OF CJA’S MAY 13, 2008 MEMO entitled   “Request for Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee’s Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980; & Pending Same, Deferment of Congressional Action on Senate and House Bills, S. 1638 and H.R. 3753, to Raise Judicial Salaries 29%”

CJA's June 19, 2008 letter to Adam J. Barker, Legislative Correspondent -- Office of U.S. Senator John McCain --
"STATUS OF YOUR REVIEW OF CJA’S MAY 13, 2008 MEMO entitled   “Request for Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee’s Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980; & Pending Same, Deferment of Congressional Action on Senate and House Bills, S. 1638 and H.R. 3753, to Raise Judicial Salaries 29%”

June 19, 2008 e-mail from Adam Barker (2:31 p.m.) --
"Status of Your Review of CJA's May 13, 2008 memo -- Federal Judicial Discipline & Judicial Salaries"

CJA's June 19, 2008 e-mail to Adam Barker (2:40 p.m.) --
"Thank you, kindly -- RE: Status of Your Review of CJA's May 13, 2008 memo -- Federal Judicial Discipline & Judicial Salaries"

June 19, 2008 e-mail from Senator McCain's General Counsel, Lee Dunn (4:09 p.m.) --
"FW: Status of Your Review of CJA's May 13, 2008 memo -- Federal Judicial Discipline & Judicial Salaries"

CJA's June 19, 2008 e-mail to Lee Dunn (4:28 p.m.) --
"Thank you for your prompt acknowledgment -- RE: Status of Your Review of CJA's May 13, 2008 memo -- Federal Judicial Discipline & Judicial Salaries"

CJA's June 25, 2008 memo to 4 Leaders of Congress & Leadership of Senate & House Judiciary Committees & Courts Subcommittees --  
"STATUS OF YOUR REVIEW:  CJA's May 13, 2008 MEMO entitled 'Request for Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee's Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980; &, Pending Same, Deferment of Congressional Action on Senate and House Bills, S. 1638 and H.R. 3753, to Raise Judicial Salaries 29%'" 

CJA's June 26, 2008 transmittal memo to House Judiciary Committee Counsel, House Committee on Oversight & Governmental Reform, Senator Charles Grassley, & Congresswoman Nita Lowey -- 

CJA's June 26, 2008 to Senator Obama's Legislative Counsel Rachana Bhowmik --
"Your promised follow-up with Senate Majority Leader Reid & Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Leahy: CJA's May 13, 2008 memo for hearings on federal judicial discipline & judicial pay"

CJA's June 26, 2008 to Senator McCain's General Counsel Lee Dunn --
"Request for follow-up with Senate Minority Leader McConnell & Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Specter: CJA's May 13, 2008 memo for hearings on federal judicial discipline & judicial pay"

June 25, 2008 letter from Senator McCain

* * *


Correspondence with Federal Judiciary & Congress
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