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CJA's Citizen Opposition to Senate Confirmation of U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General


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CJA's Citizen Opposition 

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 "Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch is Soft on Political Corruption", November 17, 2014

      CJA's November 28, 2014 e-mail to NLPC President Peter Flaherty -- "Subject: DOCUMENTING Public Corruption -- & the Unworthy Nomination of US Attorney Loretta Lynch to be US Attorney General"

       CJA's December 17, 2014 e-mail to NLPC President Peter Flaherty -- "Subject: Citizen Opposition to Senate Confirmation of US Attorney Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General: Requests to Testify, for Documents, & for Posting"

       CJA's December 18, 2014 e-mail -- "FW: Superseding Letter..."

        cc: CJA's January 9, 2015 e-mail to powerlinefeedback@gmail.com (NLPC President Flaherty)


 "Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch -- Is There a Meaningful Difference?",
November 11, 2014 (Paul Mirengoff)

          -- November 18, 2014 video
          -- November 19, 2014 video

 "Is Loretta Lynch appreciably better than Eric Holder?,
December 7, 2015 (Paul Mirengoff)

 "Questions for Marco Rubio about Loretta Lynch",
January 7, 2015 (Paul Mirengoff)

 "Loretta Lynch: Soft on Political Corruption, Perfect Obama AG",
January 8, 2015 (Paul Mirengoff)

CJA's January 9, 2015 e-mail to powerlinefeedback@gmail.com (cc: National Legal & Policy Center) -- "TAKING THE LEAD: Your Yesterday's Blog 'Loretta Lynch: Soft on Political Corruption, Perfect Obama AG' (Powerline, 1/8/15, by Paul Mirengoff)"

 "How Eric Holder Tried to Showcase Loretta Lynch",
January 9, 2015 (Paul Mirengoff)

"Has Loretta Lynch Violated the Rights of Crime Victims?",
January 24, 2015 (Paul Mirengoff)


"Is Loretta Lynch a Game Changer or Game Piece?",
NY Observer, November 12, 2014 (Sidney Powell)

CJA's December 27, 2014 e-mail -- "NEWS TIP: Correcting/Updating the 'Early Reports' on which you Relied in Asking 'Is Loretta Lynch a Game Changer or Game Piece?" (NY Observer, 11/12/14)    

Sidney Powell's December 27, 2014 e-mail -- "Re: News Tip..."

CJA's December 27, 2014 e-mail -- "DOCUMENTS"

CJA's December 27, 2014 e-mail -- "Andrew Weissman worked for, & was protected by, Loretta Lynch -- & the Office of Professional Responsibility"

CJA's December 30, 2014 e-mail to Bill Hodes (cc: Sidney Powell; Torrence Lewis) -- "Opportunity for Scholarship, Advocacy & Action: Andrew Weissmann worked for, & was protected by, Loretta Lynch -- & the Office of Professional Responsibility"

CJA's January 6, 2015 e-mail to Bill Hodes, Sidney Powell, Torrence Lewis -- "AGAIN: Opportunity for Scholarship, Advocacy & Action: The President's Nomination of US Attorney Loretta Lynch as Attorney General" 

"Loretta Lynch and Other Prosecutors Stand Accused of Allowing Criminals To Operate",
NY Observer, January 9, 2015 (Sidney Powell)

"In Andrew Weissman, the DOJ makes a stunningly bad choice for crucial role",
NY Observer, January 12, 2015 (Sidney Powell) 

 CJA's January 13, 2015  e-mail to Professor Hodes, Ms. Powell, & Mr. Lewis -- "Corruption & Cover-up at the Justice Dept: Andrew Weissmann & U.S. Attorney Lynch" -- Andrew Weissmann, Veteran of Enron Task Force, Will Lead Justice Department Corporate Crimes Department -- Main Justice, January 9, 2015

"Don't play poker with Loretta Lynch",
NY Observer, January 30, 2015   (Sidney Powell)

book promotion 

"BREAKING: Loretta Lynch Caught in a Deceptive Disclaimer",
NY Observer, March 11, 2015 (Sidney Powell) 


     "Loretta Lynch: A qualified -- but political -- choice",
November 9, 2014 (Joel B. Pollak)

 CJA's December 27, 2014 e-mail to Breitbart.com --

"Jeff Sessions: Oppose Loretta Lynch's Nomination as Attorney General over Executive Amnesty",
January 28, 2015 (Matthew Boyle)

"Oh She's Going Down: Rand Paul Comes Out Swinging Against Loretta Lynch's Nomination"



"Et tu, DOJ?  Will Loretta Lynch Ignore IRS Fraud as AG as She Did in Her Own Backyard?" November 26, 2014, Rollcall, Commentary Dan Epstein, Executive Director, Cause of Action

        CJA's November 28, 2014 e-mail to Dan Epstein -- "Securing Accountability -- & Senate rejection of the Unworthy Nomination of US Attorney Loretta Lynch to be US Attorney General"

        Dan Epstein's November 29, 2014 e-mail



"Forfeiture News: New York's Program a Mess: Lawmakers Want to End Federal Asset Sharing Program", January 12, 2015, Scott Shackford

        CJA's January 13, 2015 e-mail to Scott Shackford -- "NEWS LEAD: US Attorney Lynch's Corruption in Office -- & the deficiencies in her vetting for Attorney General"

"AG Nominee Loretta Lynch Says Civil Asset Forfeiture 'Protections Are There.' Not When Her Office Ignores Them", January 29, 2015, Scott Shackford


"George Will: Questions for attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch", January 9, 2015; 

"George F. Will: questions for a nominee", January 11, 2015

        "Questions for a qualified nominee"
        "Pointed questions for AG nominee"
        "Questions for a new attorney general"
        "Pressing questions for attorney general nominee"
        "Lynch hearing should not perfunctory"
        "Questions for an Obama nominee"
        "Questions for a presidential nominee"
        "The injustices of today's America's justice"

       CJA's January 14, 2015 e-mail to George Will -- "ALERT: Correcting Your 'Questions for a nominee'"

       CJA's January 15, 2015 e-mail to George Will -- "Correcting my Correction: Your 'Questions for attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch' (Washington Post 1/9/15"


"Ask Lynch About the IRS Scandal", January 8, 2015 (Joshua Gelernter)

        CJA's January 15, 2015 internet message for Joshua Gelernter


"Conditioning Senate confirmation of AG Holder's successor", September 28, 2014 (Bruce Fein)

"Loretta Lynch questioned over secret deal depriving fraud victims of $40M", January 4, 2015 (Jim McElhatton)

"Obama's deportation amnesty trips up AG pick Loretta Lynch in confirmation talks", January 7, 2015 (S.A. Miller)

         CJA's January 16, 2015 e-mail to S.A. Miller --
"Correcting & Updating Your Jan 7, 2015 article on AG nominee Loretta Lynch with a MAJOR NEWS STORY"

"Questions for Loretta Lynch", editorial, January 21, 2015

        CJA's January 22, 2015 e-mail to Washington Times -- "Correcting Your Yesterday's Editorial: 'Questions for Loretta Lynch' by a MAJOR NEWS STORY"

"Senate urged to ask AG nominee Loretta Lynch about stock fraud case", January 22, 2015, (Jim McElhatton)

         January 23, 2015 e-mail from Wesley Pruden, Editor Emeritus/Editorial Page    -- "LORETTA LYNCH EDITORIAL"    

         CJA's January 23, 2015 e-mail --
"Accurate Reporting & Editorializing on Loretta Lynch's Nomination & Confirmation as Attorney General"

        CJA's January 23, 2015 e-mail --
"Loretta Lynch Confirmation: What the Senate Judiciary Committee's [Spokeswoman] Wrote to Your Own Reporter -- and What He, in Turn, Has Reported to the Public"

"Uncomfortable Questions for Loretta Lynch" , January 26, 2015 (George Landrith)

"Loretta Lynch's similarities to Holder a red flag for Republicans", January 27, 2015 (Phillip Swarts)


GALEWYN MASSEY/Brooklyn Independent GOP Fountainhead

"What About U.S. Attorney General Designate Loretta Lynch -- 'Cooperators' -- Possible 'Selective NON- or UNDER Prosecution' in certain cases -- AND something called the 'Secret Docket", January 13, 2015

         CJA's January 16, 2015 e-mail to Galewyn Massey -- "TAKING THE LEAD: US Attorney Lynch -- & selective prosecution"

JENNY JIANG / Whatthefolly.com
         postings to-date on U.S. Attorney Lynch

        CJA's January 17, 2015 e-mail to Executive Editor Jenny Jiang -- "NEWS LEAD: Who will be testifying in opposition at the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing to confirm Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch?"


"Obama's Attorney General nominee Won't Answer Questions About the Executive Amnesty", January 7, 2015 (Ryan Lovelace)

"Questions for the Attorney General Nominee", January 10, 2015 (George Will)

"Eric Holder's Replacement", January 12, 2015 (Ryan Lovelace)

"Loretta Lynch's Secret Docket", January 19, 2015 (Ryan Lovelace)

       CJA's January 20, 2015 e-mail to Ryan Lovelace -- "NEWS TIP: US Attorney Loretta Lynch is covering up more than a secret docket -- & so is the Senate Judiciary Committee" 

       Ryan Lovelace's January 22, 2015 e-mail

       CJA's January 22, 2015 e-mail to Ryan Lovelace -- "Excellent, Thank You!..." 

"7 Questions about the rule of law for AG nominee Loretta Lynch", January 27, 2015 (Jonathan Keim)



"GOP Can't Stop a Lame-Duck Attorney General Pick", October 16, 2014 (James Oliphant)

"In Loretta Lynch, Obama Hopes to Find a Less Polarizing Attorney General", November 8, 2014 (Emma Roller, Lauren Fox, Marina Corin)

"Attorney General Pick is Tough on Cybercrime", November 10, 2014 (Laura Ryan, Brendan Sasso, Dustin Volz)

"Lynch's Attorney General Nomination Slipping to 2015", November 18, 2014 (Sarah Mimms)

"Loretta Lynch Walks the Thin Blue Line", December 4, 2014 (James Oliphant)

"Loretta Lynch Versus the Goodfellas", December 13, 2014, National Journal Magazine (James Oliphant)

"Grassley: Lynch Hearing Will Be GOP Forum to Hit Obama on Immigration", January 21, 2015 (Sarah Mimms)

      CJA's January 23, 2015 e-mail to National Journal -- "NEWS LEAD: The Senate Judiciary Committee is rigging the confirmation of Loretta Lynch."

        CJA's January 23, 2015 e-mail to National Journal -- "Subject: THE MISSING LINK & NOW POSTED!..." 



"Vitter takes aim at Lynch as Grassley, White House spar over confirmation timing", January 12, 2015 (Dan Friedman)

"Grassley Sets dates for Lynch confirmation hearing", January 16, 2015 (Dan Friedman)

"Guilty plea by pedophile in Brooklyn could boost Lynch nomination", January 23, 2015 (Dan Friedman, John Marzulli)

         CJA's January 25, 2013 e-mail -- "Setting Bill O'Reilly & the White House Straight: Reporting on Loretta Lynch's 'record on the merits'" (cc: John Marzulli, Bill O'Reilly)

"Loretta Lynch keeps her late Navy SEAL brother's memory alive during Attorney general confirmation hearing", January 31, 2015 (Dan Friedman, Bill Hutchinson)


"Attorney general pick Loretta Lynch would be first black woman in post", November 7, 2014 (Tim Phelps, Michael Memoli) 

"Iowa's Grassley is first nonlawyer to head Senate Judiciary Committee", November 12, 2015 (Timothy Phelps)

"Georgia prosecutor is Obama's choice for U.S. deputy attorney general", November 22, 2014 (Tim Phelps)

"Attorney general nominee is about substance, not splash, Obama says", November 8, 2014 (Lisa Mascaro)

"Republicans shouldn't play games with Loretta Lynch nomination", November 10, 2014 (Michael McGough-opinion)

"Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch shaped by work on Rwanda panel", January 23, 2015 (Timothy Phelps)

          CJA's January 25, 2015 e-mail -- "Is Loretta Lynch's Confirmation a Reprise of the Clarence Thomas Fiasco -- But Worse?" 

"Time for Senate to end theatrics and do its job on nominations", January 27, 2015 (editorial)

"Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch may be grilled on Obama policies", January 28, 2015 (Timothy Phelps)



"Don't turn attorney general confirmation into immigration fight", Newsday, November 11, 2014, editorial

"Why Loretta Lynch is the right choice for A.G.", November 12, 2014 (George Stamboulidis)  

"AG nominee Loretta Lynch played hardball with NYPD monitors, letters show", Newsday, January 24, 2015 (Tom Brune)

CJA's January 26, 2015 e-mail -- "Lynch Confirmation Hearing: A Different Set of Letters & Her Record Pertaining to Evidence of Corruption by Judges and Top Politicians" 

*   *   *

January 26, 2015

Is Loretta Lynch's Confirmation a Reprise of the Clarence Thomas Fiasco -- But Worse? 

It’s not about race, or sex, or her political views.  It’s about irrefutable evidence of her corruption as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, both in her first and second terms, as to which NO senator can vote to confirm her for Attorney General.  

U.S. Attorney Lynch’s corruption, covering up high-level public corruption by New York’s highest public officers and key state oversight entities – and the deficiencies of her “vetting”, both pre- and post-nomination – are the subject of two FULLY-DOCUMENTED letters to the Senate Judiciary Committee from our non-partisan, non-profit citizens’ organization, Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA).  Each highlight, in the first instance, the March 23, 2001 complaint of professional misconduct against her that we filed with the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which she was duty-bound to disclose as part of her “vetting”.  Did she disclose it?  Or did she perjure herself on the “confidential” portion of her Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire, in response to its question:

“Have you ever been the subject of a complaint to any court, administrative agency, bar association, disciplinary committee, or other professional group for breach of ethics, unprofessional conduct or violation of any rule of practice?  If so, please provide full details.” 

The first letter, e-mailed to the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 17, 2014, was not posted on the Committee’s webpage for the confirmation until Friday, January 23th, shortly before 6 pm [http://www.judiciary.senate.gov/nominations/executive/pn2136-113] – and only then, most likely, because of inquiries from Washington Times reporter Jim McElhatton recited at the end of his January 22nd article “Senate urged to ask AG nominee Loretta Lynch about stock fraud case” [http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/22/senate-urged-to-ask-loretta-lynch-about-stock-frau/?page=all#pagebreak].   

The second letter, e-mailed to the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 6, 2015, has not been posted.  It enclosed CJA’s January 5, 2015 letter to President Obama and expressly invited the Committee’s response to what it recited about the Committee’s “vetting and hearing procedures”, including, specifically, its statement:    

‘…the press has yet to report to the American People – that the Senate Judiciary Committee’s own vetting is a fiction and its confirmation hearings essentially rigged to ensure confirmation, which it does by excluding opposition testimony from members of the public have dispositive evidence of nominee unfitness, such as corruption and ethics breaches. 

At bar, NO Senator can vote for U.S. Attorney Lynch’s confirmation based on the evidence here presented.’”   (capitalization in the original). 

In support, this January 6, 2015 letter identified that we had “yet to receive any response” from the Senate Judiciary Committee to our December 17, 2014 letter “other than a generic, automated e-mail acknowledgment of receipt, which was solely from the then minority Republican side.”   

Today, 20 days later, and with only 2 days until the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Ms. Lynch’s confirmation as this nation’s highest law enforcement officer is scheduled to begin, we still have “yet to receive any response” from the Senate Judiciary Committee to our December 17, 2014 letter – or to our January 6, 2015 letter.    This includes to my request to testify in opposition at the confirmation hearing, as to which I left a phone message for Senate Judiciary Committee Chief Nominations Counsel Ted Lehman at 10:40 am on January 23rd. 

You can readily judge – within minutes – the duty of Senate Judiciary Committee counsel and investigators to have long ago called me to be interviewed, including under oath, so that the Committee could reject Ms. Lynch’s nomination, without necessity of a hearing.   Both CJA’s December 17, 2014 and January 6, 2015 letters – and the dispositive evidence supporting them– are posted on our website, www.judgewatch.org, accessible via the prominent homepage link: “CJA’s Citizen Opposition to Senate Confirmation of U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General”.  Here’s the direct link: http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/searching-federal/lynch/2014-opposition-lynch-ag.htm. 

Is the Senate Judiciary Committee going to “invite” me to testify at the confirmation hearing in opposition?   What is its criteria for opposition witnesses and who has the Committee already “invited” to testify in opposition?  Didn’t those opposition witnesses write letters to the Committee requesting to testify in opposition – and, if so, why are their letters not posted on the Committee’s webpage for the confirmation?   Or are there no opposition witnesses?  

I am available to answer your questions – and to be interviewed about this MAJOR NEWS STORY, whose far-reaching consequence, beyond rejection of Ms. Lynch’s unworthy nomination, is non-partisan, good-government clean-up of corruption in the Justice Department, the U.S. Attorneys' offices – and in Congress, for starters.

Thank you.

Elena Sassower, Director
Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)
Tel:  914-421-1200
Cell:  646-220-7987

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Recipients of Jan. 26, 2015 Press Alert


"Loretta Lynch, Federal Prosecutor, Will Be Nominated for Attorney General", November 7, 2014 (Julie Hirshfeld Davis, Matt Apuzzo)

"Lynch Portrayed as Tough, Fair and Apolitical", November 8, 2014 (Julie Hirshfeld Davis)

"Loretta Lynch, A Nominee for Attorney General, Is Praised for Substance, Not Flash", November 8, 2014 (Stephanie Clifford)

"Don't Delay on the Attorney General: Confirm Loretta Lynch Now", (editorial)

"No Comment Necessary: The Wrong Loretta Lynch", November 10, 2014 (Andrew Rosenthal)

"Past Remarks by Loretta Lynch, Attorney General Nominee, Offer Insight into Race Issues", December 2, 2014 (Matt Apuzzo)

"New Twist in Lynch's Confirmation After New York Grand Jury Decision", December 3, 2014 (Carl Hulse)

"Nominee for Attorney General Less an Activist than Holder", January 12, 2015 (Matt Apuzzo)

"447,000 Seized by Government Will Be Returned to Business", January 20, 2015 (Shaila Dewan) 



"Loretta Lynch's Money Pot: Someone should ask the AG nominee about the Hirsch brothers", November 21, 2014

"GOP Senators Hint Obama Nominees Will Be Confirmed", January 7, 2015 (Michael Crittenden, Siobhan Hughes)


"The injustices of today's America's justice", January 11, 2015 (George F. Will)


"Lynch, scourge of corrupt NY lawmakers, could be headed for D.C.", Capitol Confidential, November 7, 2014, (Casey Seiler)


"NY Officials Laud Obama's pick of Lynch as Attorney General", November 7, 2014 (Jillian Jorgensen) 

"Obama pick for AG Let HSBC Off the Hook", November 11, 2014 (Teddy Kim)

"Is Loretta Lynch a Game Changer or Game Piece?",  November 12, 2014 (Sidney Powell)

"Loretta Lynch and Other Prosecutors Stand Accused of Allowing Criminals To Operate", January 9, 2015 (Sidney Powell)


"Loretta Lynch Has No Problem with Civil Asset Forfeiture -- and That's A Problem", November 25, 2015 (George Leef)


"Republicans warm to Loretta Lynch", December 23, 2014 (Seung Min Kim)

"Grassley sets timetable for Loretta Lynch hearings", January 7, 2015 (Seung Min Kim)

"White House, Grassley at odds on Lynch hearings", January 8, 2015 (Edward-Isaac Dovere)

"Former FBI Director Louis Freeh backs Loretta Lynch for AG", January 21, 2015 (Edward-Isaac Dovere)

"Judiciary to Loretta Lynch: Expect a grilling", January 27, 2015 (Seung Min Kim)

"Lynch to defend Obama on immigration", January 27, 2015 (John Bresnahan, Manu Raju) 



"Loretta Lynch's Wall Street friends: what you should know about AG nominee's finance past", November 11, 2014 (David Dayden)


"Loretta Lynch, US Attorney for NY, nominated for attorney general", November 8, 2014 (Sari Horwitz, Juliet Eilperin

"New GOP Senate looks to blast Obama at confirmation hearings", January 8, 2015 (Al  Kamen)

"Hearings on the nominee, or the nominator",  January 9, 2015 (Associated Press)

"George Will: Questions for attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch", January 9, 2015 

"George F. Will: questions for a nominee", January 11, 2015

"After forging her path from N.C. to Brooklyn, Lynch is poised to become attorney general", January 26, 2015 (Sari Horwitz)



"WH: Nominee to replace Eric Holder deserves 'better treatment'", January 8, 2015 (Justin Sink)

"Obama's AG pick gets date with Congress", January 16, 2015 (Ben Kamisar)

"Katie Pavlich: Will the next attorney general stand for the rule of law?", January 26, 2015 

"Questions for Loretta Lynch on secret dockets", January 28, 2015 (Frederick Oberlander, Richard E. Lerner)


"Grassley Outlines Approach to Judicial Confirmations", November 10, 2014 (Mike Sacks)

"Loretta Lynch Renominated, No Hearing Date Yet", January 7, 2015 (Mike Sacks)

"Loretta Lynch Confirmation Hearing Date Set", January 16, 2015 (Zoe Tillman)

"Nominee Isn't Drawing a Crowd", January 26, 2015 (Mike Sacks)

"NY Bar Groups Show Support for Lynch as Attorney General", January 27, 2015 (Mike Sacks)



"The Attorney General From Brooklyn", November 7, 2015 (Russell Berman)



"Obama AG nominee Loretta Lynch quietly dropped $450,000 civil forfeiture case a week before the hearings", January 26, 2015 (Edmund Newton)


"Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch Omitted HSBC Interview from Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire", International Business Times, January 27, 2015 (Ginger Gibson)

         CJA's January 27, 2015 e-mail to Ginger Gibson -- "Subject: Loretta Lynch's Senate Questionnnaire -- more than one 'notable omission'"


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click here for: POST-HEARING PRESS



"10 Questions for Loretta Lynch", January 27, 2015 Peter Roff


"Would an Attorney General Loretta Lynch End 'Too Big to Jail'?", January 27, 2015 (Bartlett Naylor)



"More Brains", November 24, 2014 (Jeffrey Toobin)


"Is Loretta Lynch qualified to be attorney general?", November 10, 2015 (Gregg Jarrett)


Loretta Lynch editorials

"President Obama expected to nominate Loretta Lynch as attorney general", CNN, November 7, 2014 (Evan Perez)

"Here we go again: AG nominee Loretta Lynch wants to free blacks from the 'Prison of Racism'",  American Thinker, November 9, 2014 (M. Katharine Evans)

"Which Senate will consider Lynch's nomination?", Epoch Times, November 9, 2014 (Mary Silver)

"Was Loretta Lynch Picked to Keep Eric Holder Out of Jail?", Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, November 10, 2014 (Donald May)

"GOP threatens to block Loretta Lynch over executive power they demanded for lame-duck Bush", Daily Kos, November 12, 2014 (Jon Perr)

"Is Loretta Lynch another Eric Holder? Here's What We Know of Her Troubling Past", The Signal, November 13, 2014 (Hans von Spakovsky)

"GOP poised to cave on USAG nominee Loretta Lynch", Seeing Red AZ

"Lynch's former deputies said to be eyed for her old job", Bloomberg News, December 29, 2014

"Grassley's checklist of priorities", Des Moines Register, January 7, 2015 (Jennifer Jacobs)

"GOP Senators Hint Obama's Nominees Will Be Confirmed", Nasdaq, January 7, 2015

"Tough Attorney General Pick Loretta Lynch Vies for Senate Confirmation", NPR, January 15, 2015 (Carrie Johnson)

"Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch has a hearing confirmation date", CBS News, January 16, 2015

"Report gives mostly high marks for attorney general nominee", Associated Press, January 23, 2015 (Eric Tucker)      mostly high marks

"Early speeches reveal Lynch's passion for racial justice", Bloomberg News, January 23, 2015 (Del Wilber)  "Lynch Race Rhetoric Gets New Look on Attorney General Nomination"

"AG nominee Lynch faces the Senate this week", USA Today, January 25, 2015 (Kevin Johnson)

"Rwanda Tribunal Taught Loretta Lynch Real Power of Prosecutors", Bloomberg, January 27, 2015 (Del Quentin Wilber

"Wingnuts Find Huge Scandal to End Forever Loretta Lynch's AG Dreams", Wonkette, January 27, 2015

"Senate to start AG confirmation hearings on Lynch, with immigration, IRS questions expected", FOX News, January 28, 2015

"Lynch to face anti-Obama ire...", CNN



"The Dangers of Lame Duck Sessions of Congress--Unfair and Undemocratic", November 13, 2014, Hans A. von Spakovsky, Heritage Foundation



"Preet Bharara: The most powerful democrat in NY not named Cuomo", MSNBC, January 23, 2015 (Aliyah Fruman)





Loretta Lynch "talking points"

"Look deep into corrosive mix of politics and judges", Newsday, October 8, 2014, editorial

"In The Words Of Loretta Lynch", November 11, 2014/FCPA Professor --

"Press Briefing: Q & A:  April 28, 2014

The FBI:  Public Corruption -- Its our top priority among criminal investigations -- and for good reason"

The FBI: Public Corruption:  "Why Its Our #1 Criminal Priority" March 26, 2010

People for the American Way



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