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2023 FOIL

senate info

CJA's December 1, 2022 FOIL request --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for FY2023-24,
as Required by Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution"

Assembly's December 5, 2022 responding letter --
enclosed Legislative Budget

CJA's January 18, 2023 FOIL request to Senate --
"records received by Temporary Senate President Stewart-Cousins &/or Senate Judiciary Committee pertaining to 'advice and consent' of Hector LaSalle as
Chief Judge of the NY Court of Appeals"

Senate's January 20, 2023 e-mail  Senate FOIL rules

CJA's January 20, 2023 e-mail -- "Specificity..."

Senate's January 20, 2023 e-mail

CJA's January 22, 2023 FOIL request via portal

CJA's February 2, 2023 FOIL request --
"Governor Hochul's 'recommendations' pertaining to the Legislative
& Judiciary budgets for fiscal year 2023-2024"

Governor's February 2, 2023 acknowledgment

Governor's February 6, 2023 acknowledgment

OCA's February 9, 2023 response

Senate's February 9, 2023 response

Assembly's February 9, 2023 response

CJA's February 7, 2023 FOIL to Commission on Ethics & Lobbying in Gov't --
"FOIL APPEAL -- CJA's July 26, 2022 FOIL request --
PLUS Dec. 27, 2022 new FOIL request"

COELIG's February 17, 2023 transmitting e-mail 
COELIG's February 17, 2023 letter response   enclo

CJA's February 13, 2023 FOIL --
"Legislative Oversight Hearings of the Judiciary's Administration of its Attorney for the Child Program -- including records thereof pursuant to FOIL"

Senate's February 16, 2023 response

OCA's February 21, 2023 response

Assembly's February 21, 2023 acknowledgment

Assembly's February 23, 2023 response


CJA's February 14, 2023 FOIL --
"NYS Independent Redistricting Commission's budget

Senate's February 16, 2023 response

Assembly's Feburary 21, 2023 response

Governor's February 16, 2023 ackowledgment

Governor's March 15, 2023 extension

Division of the Budget's February 22, 2023 response

CJA's February 21, 2023 FOIL --
"'Budget Consideration Schedule' required by §1 of Joint Rule III
of the Permanent Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly"

Senate's February 28, 2023 response

Assembly's February 28, 2023 response

CJA's February 21, 2023 FOIL --
 "Joint Budget Conference Committee" required by §2 of Joint Rule III
of the Permanent Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly -- its membership, subcommittees, and their membership"

Senate's February 28, 2023 response

Assembly's February 28, 2023 response

CJA's February 27, 2023 FOIL --
"Gov Hochul's five "Article VII Bills"/FY 2023-24 Executive Budget"
transmitting e-mail

February 27, 2023 acknowledgment
March 27, 2023 extension
April 24, 2023 response

February 27, 2023 acknowledgment
March 27, 2023 response

Division of the Budget's March 6, 2023 response

Senate's March 6, 2023 response

Assembly's March 6, 2023 response

CJA's February 27, 2023 FOIL --
"Annual Membership Dues of the New York State Legislature
for the National Conference of State Legislatures: 2013-2023"

Senate's March 6, 2023 response

Assembly's March 6, 2023 response

CJA's March 1, 2023 FOIL --
"2022 Annual Reports of the Assembly's 39 Standing Committees"

CJA's March 1, 2023 FOIL --
"the Members & Chairs of the Senate & Assembly Joint Legislative Commissions
of Legislative Law Articles 5, 5-A, and 5-B"

Senate's March 6, 2023 acknowledgement

Senate's March 21, 2023 response

CJA's March 1, 2023 FOIL --
"Transcript of the Dec. 22, 2022 Senate Session --
Queries & FOIL Request"

Senate's March 6, 2023 response

CJA's March 1, 2023 FOIL --
 "Live-Stream & Videos of Assembly Committee Meetings,
as Recommended in 2016 by Assembly Speaker Heastie's
'Workgroup on Legislative Process, Operations, and Public Participation'"

Assembly's March 8, 2023 response


CJA's March 6, 2023 FOIL to OCA --
 "CJA's Feb 22, 2022 e-mail pertaining to CJA's Nov. 11, 2021 e-mail"
...Nov. 4, 2021 and Sept. 28, 2021 FOIL requests for records pertaining to OCA Inspector General

OCA's March 13, 2023 acknowledgment

CJA's March 6, 2023 FOIL to OCA --
"AGAIN, STATUS? -- CJA's Feb. 22, 2022 e-mail pertaining
to Nov. 8, 2021 FOIL/Records Request:
The OCA's 'independent control audits'
for 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, & 2020, etc."

OCA's March 13, 2023 acknowledgment

CJA's March 7, 2023 FOIL to OCA --
"AGAIN, STATUS? --CJA's Nov. 26, 2021 FOIL/Records Request:
the Unified Court System's Judicial Conference "hereby continued"
by Judiciary Law §214(1)"

OCA's March 13, 2023 acknowledgment


CJA's March 20, 2023 FOIL to Senate & Assembly --
"Joint Certificates for the Legislature's General Budget Conference Committee
& Subcommittees for FY 2023-2024"

Assembly response  & enclosure

Senate response  & here   Senate-enclosure

CJA's March 20, 2023 FOIL to COELIG --
"Minutes of COELIG's Oct 6, Jan 31, Feb. 28, & Mar. 14th Meetings --
plus, as requested on Mar. 17th, Complete Agenda Materials of COELIG's Feb 28th Meeting & Mar. 14th Meeting"

CJA's April 16, 2023 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"Request to testify in opposition to Rowan Wilson's confirmation as chief judge
& Caitlin Halligan's confirmation as associate judge, plus FOIL request"

Senate's April 21, 2023 response


CJA's Oct 26, 2023 FOIL to Senate --
"'already finalized...witness list'...and, addtionally records reflecting
the persons/entities to which the Senate Judiciary Committee and
Senate Committee on Children and Families extended invitations to testify"

Senate's November 2, 2023 response

 CJA's December 1, 2023 FOIL appeal --
"FOIL APPEAL: Witness List & Persons/Entities Invited to Testify
at Senate's Nov. 1, 2023 Oversight Hearing on Family Court"

Senate's December 1, 2023 response

CJA's December 1, 2023 FOIL appeal --
"FOIL APPEAL: Witness List & Persons/Entities Invited to Testify
at Senate's Nov. 1, 2023 Oversight Hearing on Family Court"

December 11, 2023 determination of FOIL appeal

CJA's December 1, 2023 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for FY2024-25,
as Required by Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution"

Senate's December 8, 2023 response

Assembly's December 8, 2023 response

legislative budget

CJA's December 1, 2023 FOIL request to Senate
"ALL written testimony NOT posted on the Senate's webpage
for the Nov. 1, 2023 oversight hearing on Family Court"

Senate's December 8, 2023 response

* * *

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click here for:  
of the Corrupt Commission Scheme to Raise the Salaries
of Corrupt Public Officers (2011 - to date)




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