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1st Dept. Attorney Grievance Committee (AGC-1)


CJA's signed complaint form
for complaint vs Solicitor General Underwood

click here:
CJA's February 11, 2021 conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint

links for other complaints,
identified in answer to Complaint Form Question #1

CJA's 62 corruption/grand jury complaints to 62 District Attorneys

EVIDENTIARY webpage for 62 DA complaints

CJA's November 4, 2020 corruption complaint
to US Attorney/NDNY

* * *

AGC-1's Feb. 11, 2021 e-mail auto acknowledgment

CJA's April 9, 2021 e-mail to AGC-1 --
"February 11, 2021 Attorney Misconduct Complaint
vs NY Solicitor General Barbara Underwood --
& NY Attorney General Letitia James"

CJA's April 3, 2021 complaint form for
Assistant Solicitor General Victor Paladino,
with specifying details
signature page

links for other complaints,
identified in answer to Complaint Form Question #1

CJA's March 5, 2021 complaint to JCOPE & LEC

CJA's December 19, 2020 letter to NY's other 3 US Attorneys,
cc'ing US Attorney for NDNY


CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore -- at Appellate Division, 3rd Dept

direct link to:
July 4, 2018
Appellants' Brief & Record on Appeal

CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore -- at NY Court of Appeals

Delgado -- in Appellate Division, 3rd Dept

* * *

CJA's April 3, 2021 complaint form for
Assistant Solicitor General Frederick Brodie,
with specifying details
signature page

links for other complaints,
identified in answer to Complaint Form Question #1

CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore --at Appellate Division, 3rd Dept

direct link to:
July 4, 2018
Appellants' Brief & Record on Appeal

CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore -- at NY Court of Appeals

* * *

CJA's April 3, 2021 complaint form for
Assistant Attorney General Helena Lynch,
with specifying details
signature page

links for other complaints,
identified in answer to Complaint Form Question #1

Delgado -- in Albany County Supreme Court

Barclay -- in Albany County Supreme Court

CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore -- in Albany County Supreme Court

July 4, 2018 Appellants' Brief & Record on Appeal

CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore -- at Appellate Division, 3rd Dept

* * *

CJA's April 3, 2021 complaint form for
Assistant Attorney General Christopher Liberati-Conant,

with specifying details 
signature page

links for other complaints,
identified in answer to Complaint Form Question #1

Jastrzemski -- in Niagara Countv Supreme Court

Hurley -- in Niagara County Supreme Court  

CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore -- in Albany County Supreme Court

* * *
AGC-1's April 9, 2021 e-mail auto acknowledgment

CJA's April 27, 2021 e-mail to AGC-1 --

CJA's "Legal Autopsy"/Analysis
of the Appellate Division's March 18, 2021 "Opinion and Order"


CJA's May 14, 2021 e-mail to AGC-1 --


AGC-1's May 19, 2021 e-mail

CJA's May 19, 2021 e-mail --
"Thank you, etc. ..."

CJA's July 7, 2021 e-mail to AGC-1 --
"What's happening?..."

AGC-1's July 7, 2021 email auto acknowledgment


AGC-1's September 29, 2021 e-mail --
"Matter of Christopher Liberati-Conant, Esq. -- Docket No. 2021.0845"

AGC-1's September 29, 2021 e-mail --
"Matter of Frederick A. Brodie, Esq. -- Docket No. 2021.0846"

AGC-1's September 29, 2021 e-mail --
"Matter of Helena A. Lynch, Esq. -- Docket No. 2021.0847"

CJA's November 4, 2021 e-mail --
"YET AGAIN: CJA's Feb. 11, 2021 Attorney Misconduct Complaint
vs NY Attorney General Letitia James
& NY Solicitor General Barbara Underwood"
& here

links to:
CJA's September 28, 2021 e-mail to Inspector General Spatz --
& its 3 attachments:
here  here & here

AGC-1 Chief Attorney Dopico's December 30, 2021 letter --
"Matter of Letitia A. James, Esq. -- Docket No. 2021.0843"
transmitting e-mail

AGC-1 Chief Attorney Dopico's December 30, 2021 letter --
"Matter of Victor G. Paladino -- Docket No. 2021.0844"
transmitting e-mail

CJA's January 27, 2022 e-mail to AGC-Chairs Anello & Reardon --
"AGC-1 Committee Chairs Anello & Reardon: (1) reconsideration; (2) supervisory oversight; (3) complaint vs Chief Attorney Jorge Dopico & other AGC-1 attorney staff"
CJA's January 27, 2022 letter to AGC-1 Chairs to Anello & Reardon --
"(1) Reconsideration – AGC-1 docket  #202
1.0843 – CJA’s February 11, 2021 complaint against New York State Attorney General Letitia James;
Supervisory oversight – CJA’s February 11, 2021 complaint against New York State Solicitor General Barbara Underwood, as to which there has been NO acknowledgment, NO notice of disposition, and no response from AGC-1 to requests for the assigned docket #;
Complaint against AGC-1 Chief Attorney Jorge Dopico and other AGC-1 attorney staff for conflict of interest and fraud."

AGC-1's January 27, 2022 e-mail --

AGC-1's January 28, 2022 e-mail
"Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq. - Docket No. 2021.0488"

June 17, 2021 e-mail &
AGC-1 Chief Attorney Dopico's June 17, 2021 letter
"Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq. - Docket No. 2021.0488"
AGC-1 Chief Attory Dopico's January 28, 2022 letter --
"Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq. - Docket No. 2021.0488"

CJA's February 23, 2022 e-mail to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon --
"AGAIN -- AGC-1 Committee Chairs Anello & Reardon:
(1) reconsiderations; (2) complaint vs Chief Attorney Dopico & other AGC-1 attorney staff"

CJA's February 23, 2022 letter to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon --
(1) Reconsideration – AGC-1 docket #2021.0488 – CJA’s February 11, 2021 complaint against New York State Solicitor General Barbara Underwood;
(2) Complaint against Chief Attorney Jorge Dopico and other AGC-1 attorney staff for conflict of interest and fraud"     

AGC-1 Chief Attorney Dopico's March 2, 2022 letter --
"Matter of Letitia A. James, Esq.
Docket No. 2021.0843"

AGC-1 Chief Attorney Dopico's March 2,2022 letter --
"Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq. 
Docket No. 2021.0488"

CJA's March 9, 2022 e-mail to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon --
"AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon: NOW A THIRD TIME: your duty with regard to AGC-1's dysfunction & corruption: recall of Chief Attorney Dopico's two Mar. 2, 2022 letters, accounting for the 'independent review' they purport, & complaints v. Dopico, etc"

CJA's March 9, 2022 letters to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon --
"(1) Discharging your duty to recall Chief Attorney Dopico’s March 2, 2022 letters in 'Matter of Letitia A. James, Esq.  Docket No. 2021.0843' and 'Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq.  Docket No. 2021-0488' because they are fraudulent – and accounting for the 'independent review' they purport; (2) Identifying the docket numbers and status of the complaints against Chief Attorney Dopico and AGC-1 attorney staff, initiated by my January 27, 2022 and February 23, 2022 letters."                 

March 9, 2022 complaint form vs Chief Attorney Dopico

AGC-1 Deputy Chief Attorney Angela Christmas' March 11, 2022 letter --
"Matter of Letitia A. James, Esq.  Docket No. 2021.0843"

AGC-1 Deputy Chief Attorney Angela Christmas' March 11, 2022 letter --
"Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq.  Docket No. 2021.0488"


AD-1 Deputy Clerk of the Court Margaret Sowah's
March 11, 2022 letter --
"Complaint against Chief Attorney Jorge Dopico et al."

CJA's March 15, 2022 letter to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon
"(1) The identity of the unspecified 'Chair or Vice-Chair of the Committee' who determined the January 27, 2022 reconsideration request in 'Matter of Letitia A. James, Esq. Docket No. 2021.0843' and February 23, 2022 reconsideration request in 'Matter of Barbara Underwood, Esq.  Docket No. 2021-0488' – and the basis for the determinations 'that the file should remain closed';  (2) The current roster of AGC-1’s 42 members."  
transmitting March 15, 2022 e-mail


cc: CJA's March 18, 2022 FOIL request
to AD-1 & OCA --
"1st Dept. Attorney Grievance Committee --
current roster of its 42 members, etc."


CJA's May 4, 2022 e-mail to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon
"STATUS? -- CJA's March 15, 2022 letter RE: Feb. 11, 2021 complaint vs Attorney General James, Solicitor General Underwood & complaints resulting therefrom vs AGC-1 Chief Attorney Dopico & attorney staff"

cc: CJA's May 4, 2022 e-mail to AD-1 & OCA
"CJA's March 18, 2022 FOIL/records request: 1st Dept. Attorney Grievance Committee -- current roster of its 42 members, etc."

Judiciary's June 3, 2022 FOIL response

enclosure - roster     enclosure -- payroll


CJA's July 21, 2022 e-mail to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon --
"Still waiting: (1) CJA's March 15, 2022 letter to AGC-1 Chairs Anello & Reardon; (2) AD-1 Deputy Clerk Sowah's March 11, 2022 letter"


AD-1 Deputy Clerk of the Court Sowah's July 21, 2022 letter --
"Complaint against Chief Attorney Jorge Dopico et. al.
regarding Docket No. 2021.0488 (Barbara Underwood)
and Docket No. 2021.0843 (Letitia James, Esq.)"

transmitting e-mail


CJA's August 15, 2022 Complaint vs AGC-1 Chairs, Potentially Vice-Chairs, Etc.

CJA's October 6, 2022 FOIL request to OCA, 1st Dept --
"FOIL -- Current Roster of the 42 members of the 1st Dept Attorney Grievance Committee"

OCA's October 21, 2022 response -- with roster

AGC-1 Members (from 10/1/22 - 9/30/23)



*  *  *   

  Menu Page -- CJA's February 11, 2021 complaint

VIDEO & Paper Trail Chronology of the Corrupt Commission Scheme
to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers





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