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CJA's October 25, 2023 complaint to
Appellate Division, 4th Dept Attorney Grievance Committees
"Corruption Complaint against Judges, Government-Attorneys, & Government-Retained Attorneys Arising from a Fraudulent, Culturally-Biased Child Abuse/Neglect Petition against Innocent Parents"

starting point:



CJA's February 22, 2024 e-mail --

CJA's October 25, 2023 transmitting e-mail --
"Corruption Complaint:  Monroe County Family & Supreme Courts &
Fourth Dept Appellate Division -- Follow-up to Testimony at Oct 13th Hearing
of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation"


cc: CJA's October 26, 2023 e-mail to Chief Administrative Judge Zayas --
"The Unified Court System's policy of uniformity for attorney disciplinary matters --
to which the attorney grievance committees of the Appellate Division, Fourth Dept.
have excepted themselves"

CJA's January 29, 2024 TEN complaint forms
for October 25, 2023 complaint
(mailed to AD4-AGC Chief Counsel Cydney Kelly, 1/30/24 -- delivered 2/1/24 -- 11:03 am)

Monroe County Law Dept. Attorneys
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Monroe County Attorney Bringewatt
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Deputy County Attorney Oren
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for (former) Deputy County Attorney Ricci
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Deputy County Attorney Scott
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Deputy County Attorney Moeller
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Deputy County Attorney Brennan

Attorneys for the Child
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Attorney for the Child Tasikas
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Attorney for the Child Fifield
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for Attorney for the Child Gray

Attorney for School
CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint form for School Attorney Dingeldey

* * *

& enclosed in the same envelope:
 CJA's Jan 29, 2024 complaint vs
Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation Chair Eugene Fahey, Esq. 
JA's January 18, 2024 Opposition Report   --

(click here for AD4-AGC8 webpage for complaint vs Attorney Fahey)


AD4-AGC8 Investigator Carolyn Stachura's
TEN February 28, 2024 letters

Feb 28, 2024 dismissal letter  --
"Complaint against Louis B. Dingeldey, Esq."

NINE Feb 28, 2024 "forwarding" letters
to AD4-AGC7 Principal Counsel Mark Bennett

Monroe County Law Department Attorneys
Feb 28, 2024 letter --
County Attorney Bringewatt
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Oren
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- (fmr) Deputy County Attorney Ricci

Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Scott
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Moeller
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Brennan

Attorneys for the Child
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Attorney for the Child Tasikas 
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Attorney for the Child Fifield 
Feb 28, 2024 letter -- Attorney for the Child Gray

The NINE March 19, 2024 letters
of AD4-AGC7 Principal Counsel Eftihia Bourtis,
"closing", without investigation, CJA's complaints

Monroe County Law Department Attorneys

March 19, 2024 letter -- 
County Attorney Bringewatt
March 19, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Oren
March 19, 2024 letter -- (former) Deputy County Attorney Ricci
March 19, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Scott
March 19, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Moeller
March 19, 2024 letter -- Deputy County Attorney Brennan

Attorneys for the Child
March 19, 2024 letter -- Attorney for the Child Tasikas
March 19, 2024 letter -- Attorney for the Child Fifield
March 19, 2024 letter -- Attorney for the Child Gray

AD4-AGC8 Investigator Stachura's March 27, 2024 letter
"Complaint against Louis B. Dingeldey, Jr., Esq."

CJA's March 29, 2024 letter to AD4-AGC8 Chair Pamela Thibodeau --
"(1) Reconsideration of the February  28, 2024 letter
signed by Investigator Carolyn Stachura dismissing my complaint
against Louis M. Dingeldey, Esq.;                                               
(2) Complaint against Investigator Stachura and Chief Counsel Cydney Kelly
for official misconduct pertaining to my complaint"

CJA's April 12, 2024 e-mail
to AD4-AGC7 Chair Thibodeau & members
"Corruption at  AD4-AGC8 -- Request for Full Committee Reconsideration
of Fraudulent Dismissals of Two Fully-Documented Attorney Misconduct Complaints,
Involving Far-Reaching Public Corruption"

AGC-4 Chief Counsel Cyndey Kelly's March 29, 2024 transfer letter
"Complaint against attorney staff of the Appellate Division, Fourth Department"

CJA's April 10, 2024 letter to AD4-AGC8 Chair Steven Modica
(1) Full Committee Reconsideration of October 25, 2023 complaint
against six Monroe County Law Department attorneys and three attorneys for the child;
(2) Complaint against Principal Counsel Eftihia Bourtis, Chief Counsel Cydney Kelly,
& Other Colluding AD4-AGC7 staff for official misconduct."    

CJA's April 12, 2024 e-mail
to AD4-AGC8 Chair Modica & members
of the Fraudulent Closing, Without Investigation of a Fully-Documented Complaint
vs the Monroe County Attorney, 5 Deputy County Attorneys, & 3 Attorneys for the Child"


AD4-AGC7 Chair Modica's April 12, 2024 e-mail
"My term as the Chair and member of the Grievance Committee expired on 03/31/2024. 
Please do not include me in any further correspondence regarding this matter."

AD4-AGC8 Chair Tibodeau's April 29, 2024 letter --
"Complaint against Louis B. Dingeldey, Jr., Esq."

"...your request for reconsideration of our determination has been reviewed with Staff Counsel and presented to me,
in my capacity as Chairperson of the Attorney Grievance Committee, Eighth Judicial District, for review. 
Please be assured that I have considered the relevant facts, including the concerns expressed in your most recent correspondence, in making my determination.  After due deliberation, I have concluded that,
for the reasons expressed in Ms. Stachura's closing letter to you dated February 28, 2024,
the request for reconsideration is denied.  Please be advised that it is witin my discretion to also deny
your request that the matter be referred to the full Committee for review. 
My decision as Chairperson of the Attorney Grievance Committ in this regard is final. 
Based on the fregoing, this matter will remain closed."

AD4-AGC7 Chair Peter Abdella's May 6, 2024 letter
"Complaints against Amanda Oren, Esq., Lori Ann Ricci, Esq., Emily M. Scott, Esq.,
John Bringwatt, Esq., Elizabeth Moeller, Esq., Alissa Brennan, Esq., Elena Tasikas, Esq.,
Sarah Fifield, Esq., and Susan Gray, Esq."

"After thoroughly reviewing your complaint and considering your arguments, it has been determined that
there is no basis for this office to investigate any of these attorneys. 
We do not have authority to review their decisions, stategy, and judgment. 
Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 1240.7(d)(l)(i)(c), your complaint seeks a legal remedy
more appropriately obtained in another forum and your matter is currently pending appeal.
Based upon the foregoing, as Chairperson of the Attorney Grievance Committee,
I am denying your request, and this matter will remain closed."

AD3-AGC Chief Attorney Monica Duffy's May 16, 2024 letter --
"Notice of Determination Not to Investigate a Complaint"

May 30, 2024 letter from AD4-AGC Chief Counsel Kelly --
"Complaint against Cydney A. Kelly, Esq., and Efthia Bourtis"

CJA's June 14, 2024 letter to AD3-AGC Chair Clippinger --
"(1) Full Committee Reconsideration of CJA’s October 25, 2023 complaint of professional misconduct by Appellate Division, Fourth Department  attorney staff;  (2) Complaint against Chief Attorney Duffy for fraud by her May 16, 2024 'Notice of Declination to Investigate [the] Complaint', purporting it did 'not state…professional misconduct'; (3) Oversight & Corrective Action by AD3-AGC Members, including pursuant to Rule 8.3(a) of New York’s Rules of Professional Conduct"

CJA's June 14, 2024 e-mail to Chair Clippinger & Members --
"Again, Corruption at AD3-AGC --
now by Chief Attorney Duffy's May 16, 2024 'Notice...Not to Investigate'
CJA's Oct 25, 2023 complaint vs AD4 attorney staff,
transferred by AD4-AGC Chief Counsel Kelly"

* * *

CJA's October 25, 2023 complaint to Commission on Judicial Conduct,

Attorney Grievance Committees, OCA Inspector General, etc.








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