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CJA Leads the Way to NYS Budget Reform...



"The legislature therefore declares that government is the public's business..."   
(NYS Public Officers Law, Article 6)


CJA's December 2, 2013 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE:  The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial needs for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

         Assembly Records Access Officer's December 6, 2013  response
        1.  Legislature's November 27, 2013 letter signed by Temporary Senate President Skelos & Assembly Speaker Silver to Governor Cuomo;
        2.  Legislature's Budget Narrative;
Legislature's Schedule of Appropriations 

CJA's December 16, 2013 letter to Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: Where are the Legislature's Certifications & 'Fringe Benefit Costs' for Fiscal Year 2014-2015?"

CJA's December 16, 2013 letter to Secretary of Senate  --
"RE: AGAIN:  The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial needs for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII,
§1 of the New York State Constitution"

         Assembly Records Access Officer's December 17, 2013 response -- NO RECORDS! 

CJA's December 31, 2013 FOIL request to the Records Access Officers of Governor Cuomo & Budget Director Megna -- "RE:  FOIL REQUEST:
(1) the Legislature’s 'itemized estimates' of its 'financial needs' for fiscal year 2014-2015, 'certified by the presiding officer of each house';
(2) the Legislature’s 'General State Charges' for fiscal year 2014-2015, also itemized and certified"

       Governor's January 8, 2014 response

       Division of Budget's January 9, 2014 response    enclosure

CJA's January 15, 2014 letter to Records Access Officers of Governor Cuomo & Budget Director Megna -- "RE: FOIL REQUEST: Have New York Governors never furnished the Legislature with 'Commentary' or 'recommendations' on the Legislature’s proposed budgets pursuant to Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution? "

        Governor's January 23, 2014 acknowledgment
       Governor's February 10, 2014 response -- NO RECORDS!

       Division of Budget's January 23, 2014 acknowledgment 
       Division of Budget's February 24, 2014 response -- NO RECORDS!    

CJA's January 15, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: The Governor’s 'Commentary' or 'recommendations' on the Legislature’s proposed budgets pursuant to Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

          Senate's January 23, 2014 response
Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

          Assembly's January 23, 2014 response
Public Officers Law 88   Assembly Rule VIII
                        Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

CJA's January 16, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST: The process, if any, by which the Legislature's proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015 was compiled"

         Senate's January 22, 2014 response 
               Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

         Assembly's January 22, 2014 response

         Assembly's January 23, 2014 response
Public Officers Law 88   Assembly Rule VIII
              Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

CJA's January 17, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST: The Legislature’s 'General State Charges' and the certifications thereof by the Temporary Senate President and Assembly Speaker, as likewise their certifications of the Legislature’s proposed operating budgets"

         Senate's January 27, 2014 response

         Assembly's January 23, 2014 response
        Public Officers Law 88   Assembly Rule VIII
              Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

CJA's January 23, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST: The Legislature's hearings on its own legislative budgets and/or on the Governor's budget bills making appropriations for the Legislature"

CJA's January 30, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST: The reappropriations for the Legislature appearing in the out-ot-sequence section at the back of Governor Cuomo's Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551" 

      Assembly's February 5, 2014 acknowledgment
Assembly's February 6, 2014 response -- NO RECORDS!

       Senate's February 6, 2014 acknowledgment
Senate's February 25, 2014 response

CJA's January 30, 2014 letter to Governor Cuomo's Records Access Officer & Division of Budget Records Access Officer -- "RE:  FOIL REQUEST: The reappropriations for the Legislature appearing in the out-ot-sequence section at the back of Governor Cuomo's Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551"

      Governor's February 6, 2014 acknowledgment
       Governor's March 5, 2014 response

       Division of Budget's February 10, 2014 acknowledgement
       Division of Budget's May 2, 2014 response


CJA's February 6, 2014 letter to Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: Assembly Judiciary Committee's 2013 Annual Report"

Assembly's February 18, 2014 response

CJA's February 11, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Senate Finance Committee Chair & Ranking Member -- "RE:  RECORDS REQUEST:  Fiscal Notes for the Governor’s Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills & his Introducer’s Memoranda: #S.6351/A.8551 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #S.2601/A.3001 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase;  #S.6251/A.9051   (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase"

  Secretary of Senate's February 19, 2014 response

CJA's February 11, 2014 letter to Assembly Records Access Officer & Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chair & Ranking Member -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST:  The Governor’s Introducer’s Memoranda for his Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills: #A.8551/S.6351 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #A.3001/S.2601 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase;  #A.9051/S.6251   (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase."

CJA's February 12, 2014 letter to Records Access Officer of Governor Cuomo & Division of Budget -- "RE:  FOIL -- RECORDS REQUEST:  Fiscal Notes for the Governor’s Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills & his Introducer’s Memoranda: #S.6351/A.8551 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #S.2601/A.3001 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase;  #S.6251/A.9051   (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase"

    Governor's February 20, 2014 acknowledgment
         Governor's March 20, 2014 response -- NO RECORDS

Division of Budget's February 24, 2014 acknowledgment
 Division of Budget's March 20, 2014 response -- NO RECORDS

CJA's February 12, 2014 letter to Records Access Officer of Governor Cuomo & Division of Budget -- "RE: FOIL --RECORDS REQUEST:  The Governor’s Introducer’s Memoranda for his Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills: #A.8551/S.6351 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #A.3001/S.2601 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase;  #A.9051/S.6251   (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase."

         Governor's February 20, 2014 acknowledgment

          Division of Budget's February 24, 2014 acknowledgment 

CJA's February 27, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST: Video and Stenographic Transcripts of the Senate 'Coup': June 8, 2009 - July 8, 2009; and Subsequent Senate Floor Transcripts"

           Senate's March 6, 2014 response

CJA's March 3, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST:  Resolution referred to by Rule VIII, § 8 of the Senate Rules adopted June 9, 2009"    June 9, 2009 Senate Rules, as posted by Senator Bonacic

            Senate's March 10, 2014 response

CJA's March 3, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST: Staffing pursuant to Senate Rule X, §8"         Senate Rules

             Senate's March 10, 2014 response

CJA's March 3, 2014 letter to Secretary of Senate & Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST:  Legislative Law Article 6: “Internal Control Responsibilities of the State Legislature”      Senate Rules      Assembly Rules

       Legislative Law, Article 6 "Internal Control Responsibilities of the State Legislature"

        Senate's March 10, 2014 response

        Assembly's March 10, 2014 response
             1990-Schedule of Components
             Assembly Internal Control Report: 2013
             Assembly Internal Control Report:  2010
             Assembly Internal Control Report: 2007

CJA's April 2, 2014 letter to Assembly Records Access Officer -- "RE: RECORDS REQUEST:  The Amendment to Budget Bill #A.8551 -- and the Memo appearing on the Assembly's webpage for Bill #A.8551A"

          Assembly's April 9, 2014 response

*   *   *

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