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2019 Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation


 Appointment of Commissioners
disqualified as participants and conspirators in fraud,
& based on interests & relationships they have not disclosed

Did the Appointing Authorities Apprise the Commissioners of
commenced September 2, 2016 & at the NY Court of Appeals
or didn't the Commissioners know about it, independently? 

Governor Cuomo's appointment of
Mitra Hormozi, Esq.  

Disqualified for interest, arising from her collusion in the corruption & fraud perpetrated by the December 24, 2015 report of
the prior Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation -- of which she was a member, appointed by the Governor.   The current Commission -- to which the Governor also appointed her -- conceals that she had been a member of the prior Commission, as it is omitted from her bio posted on its website

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Governor Cuomo's appointment of Former NYS Budget Director Robert Megna

Disqualified for interest, arising from his collusion, as the Governor's budget director, in the corruption & fraud perpetrated by the August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation, AND in the unconstitutionality, unlawfulness, & fraud of the NYS Budget.  In 2016, he became the Governor's last-minute substitute appointee to the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation.  The current Commission conceals that he had been a member of the prior Commission, as it is omitted from his bio posted on its website.   

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Chief Judge DiFiore's appointment of
Former Appellate Division, Second Dept. Presiding Justice Randall Eng
(October 1, 2012 -- January 1, 2018)

Disqualified for financial interest, as findings that the August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation and the December 24, 2015 report of the prior Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation are statutorily-violative, fraudulent, and unconstitutional -- which are the ONLY findings possible as to each report -- will make him liable for a claw-back of the more than 6-1/2 years of salary and compensation increases he received arising from those two reports -- and of increases to his pension based thereon.

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Chief Judge DiFiore's appointment of
Michael Cardozo, Esq.

Disqualified for interest, arising from his collusion, as New York City's corporation counsel, in the statutorily-violative, fraudulent, and unconstitutional August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation -- and, prior thereto, by his collusion in judicial corruption and the corruption of the processes of judicial selection and discipline, which he covered up and perpetuated, while in positions of leadership at the New York City Bar Association, the Fund for Modern Courts, and Citizens Union.

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Temporary Senate President Stewart-Cousins' appointment of Seymour Lachman

Disqualified for interest, arising from his nonfeasance as a scholar
and head of a college institute on government reform, to take any steps to rectify the ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE-BASED SCHOLARSHIP of the New York State constitution and state governance, such as embodied by CJA's declaratory and citizen-taxpayer actions against the state, challenging the "force of law" compensation commissions, their reports, legislative rules, the judiciary, legislative, and executive budgets, "three-men-in-a-room" -- and furnishing him, at the outset, with a July 9, 2012 proposal for scholarship of Court of Appeals' decisions on constitutional questions, beginning with the Court of Appeals' February 23, 2010 decision in the judges' judicial compensation lawsuits, as to which the ONLY analysis was by CJA, demonstrating its illegitimacy. 

             click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE


Governor Cuomo's appointment of James Malatras

Disqualified for interest, arising from his years as one of Governor Cuomo's top aides -- in which he reasonably would have known of CJA's October 27, 2011 opposition report and correspondence with the Governor and declaratory judgment action and subsequent citizen-taxpayer actions based thereon and the unconstitutionality and unlawfuness of the state budget -- and of which he certainly became aware as President of the Rockefeller Institute of Government, to which Governor Cuomo appointed him in February 2017, where he participated in its long-standing corrupting of its scholarship obligations

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Assembly Speaker Heastie's appointment of Peter Madonia   
(12 years Chief Operating Officer of Rockefeller Foundation)



*  *  *

coming soon:
the Presidents of the NYC & NYS Bar Associations & the Executive Director of the Fund for Modern Courts

*  *  *

click here for Menu Page for:
Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation -- 2019-2020

click here for Menu Page for:
NY's "Force of Law" Commissions -- Unconstitutionality & Fraud IN PLAIN SIGHT







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