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Evan Davis, Esq.

CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to City Bar President Evan Davis --
"Request, inter alia, for the City Bar's (1) establishment of a Standing Committee on Judicial Conduct; and (2) amicus support and legal assistance in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York  (NY Co. #99-108551)"

Ex A-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law", CJA's $16,770 ad, NYT, October 26, 1994
   Ex A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1996
   Ex A-3: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, August 27, 1997
   Ex A-4: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, November 16, 1996
   Ex A-5: "O'Rourke's appointment was illegal", CJA's ltr to editor, Daily News, February 13, 1998
   Ex A-6: "No Justification for Process's Secrecy", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, January 24, 1996
   Ex A-7: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", CJA's ltr to editor, NYPost, December 28, 1998
   Ex A-8: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
   Ex A-9: "Untrustworthy Ratings?", CJA's ltr to the editor, NYT, July 17, 1992
   Ex A-10: "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline", CJA article, The Long Term View (Massachusetts School of Law), summer 1997
   Ex B-1:  CJA's testimony about the Commission on Judicial Conduct at the May 14, 1997 public hearing of the City Bar Special Committee on Judicial Conduct
   Ex B-2:  CJA's May 5, 1997 notice-challenge
        Ex. A-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
        Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1996
        Ex. B: CJA's 3-page analysis of the fraudulent judicial decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission, with annexed law: 22 NYCRR 7000.1 et seq., Judiciary Law 44.1, NYS Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 22
   Ex C: Inventories of transmitted documents
   Ex D-1:  CJA's May 18, 1999 letter to President Michael Cooper
   Ex D-2: CJA's May 19, 1999 fax to Alan Rothstein
   Ex D-3: CJA's February 9, 1999 ltr to Alan Rothstein
   Ex E:  Notice of Appeal & Pre-Argument Statement
   Ex F:  CJA's January 26, 1999 written questions for A.G. Spitzer and transcript of January 27, 1999 exchange with Spitzer

COMPENDIUM I: Correspondence with City Bar Prior to the May 14, 1997 Hearing of the Ad Hoc Committee on Judicial Conduct

COMPENDIUM II: Correspondence with City Bar Subsequent to the May 14, 1997 Hearing of the Ad Hoc Committee on Judicial Conduct





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