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Suing The NYT:  Outreach - Media-Watch Organizations, Media, & Journalists

JAY ROSEN -- PressThink
former New York University Department of Journalism Chairman


CJA's February 8, 2006 e-mail -- "'Answering Back' to The New York Times"

CJA's February 19, 2006 e-mail -- "Do You Want the Lead on our Public Interest Lawsuit vs The New York Times?"

CJA's March 22, 2006 e-mail to Jay Rosen -- "First-of-its-kind public interest lawsuit vs NYT in vindication of the First Amendment"

CJA's June 9, 2006 e-mail -- "On Transparency: How The NYT Litigates When Sued"

CJA's July 6, 2006 memo -- "The Far-Reaching Evidentiary Significance of CJA's Public Interest Lawsuit vs The New York Times -- including as a Case Study for Establishing News Councils"

CJA's July 13, 2006 memo -- "Building Necessary Scholarship and Reporting on the 'Role of the Press in our Democracy' from the “Raw Materials” of Citizens & Citizen Organizations Interfacing with the Press"

CJA's August 22, 2006 e-mail -- "Empirical Test: The 'Gatekeepers' -- Alive & Well, Protecting The New York TImes

CJA's September 5, 2006 transmittal memo -- "Academic Responsibilities, Journalistic Ethics & Civic Duty"

CJA's December 27, 2006 memo to Jay Rosen, as member of the Advisory Board of the Program in Law & Journalism at NY Law School: -- "PROGRAM IN LAW & JOURNALISM: Building Scholarship, Commentary, & Pedagogy based on Primary Source Documentary Evidence, Beginning with the Evidence Presented by CJA’s Groundbreaking Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times in Vindication of the First Amendment – for which additionally, we seek amicus curiae and other legal assistance, either pro bono or paid"



2-page hand-out, given, in hand, on January 13, 2007 to Jay Rosen, at the Free Press National Conference on Media Reform in Memphis






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