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(pages 1403-1784)


Trial Documents, Exhibits, & Post-Trial Proceedings

Judge Holeman’s own signed “Elements of the Offense”, (undated), 
with date of April 13, 2004 for faxing/hand-delivery.....................................................................................

U.S. Attorney’s (superseding) Information, backdated to May 23, 2003,
proffered by AUSA Liu on April 13, 2004................................................................................................... 1405

“Government’s Proposed Elements of the Offense”, unsigned..................................................................... 1406

Judge Holeman’s signed “Government’s Proposed Elements of the Offense”
 (undated).............................................................................................................................................. 1409

Jury Instruction #8 of “Government’s Proposed Final Jury Instructions”........................................................ 1412

Jury Instruction #24 of Judge Holeman’s own proposed jury instructions...................................................... 1413

Senate Legal Counsel’s production at trial of ten e-mails      

         May 2, 2003 e-mail (1:21 p.m) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve
         [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 41].....................................................................................................1414

         May 13, 2003 e-mail chain 
         [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 42].................................................................................................... 1415

                             (11:02 a.m.) from Mr. Lovecchio (NY) to Mr. Albert
                             (11:17 a.m.) from Mr. Albert to Mr. Lovecchio
                             (11:27 a.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve*
                                          [*ordered redacted by Judge Holeman to remove
                                            the words “blue slip”: A-1092-3]

           May 15, 2003 e-mail (6:20 p.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve
           [excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1038-9]...................................................................................... 1416

           May 15, 2003 e-mail (6:23 p.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve
           [excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1038-9]...................................................................................... 1417

            May 15, 2003 e-mail (6:25 p.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve
            [excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1038-9]...................................................................................... 1418

May 16, 2003 e-mail (5:11 p.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 43]................................................................................................ 1419

            May 19, 2003 e-mail (2:00 p.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Eve 
            [excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1041-6].......................................................................................1420

                             FORWARDING --

Sassower’s e-mail: “EMERGENCY ATTENTION: May 22, 2003
Confirmation Hearing for Wesley” & attachments:
  her May 19, 2003 memorandum to Senators Schumer & Clinton...................................... 1535

   her May 19, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch & Ranking Member Leahy.................1522

Senators Schumer & Clinton

   May 22, 2003 e-mail (8:38 a.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Luzzatto & Ms. Eve  
   [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 44].............................................................................................1421

                           FORWARDING --

   Sassower’s e-mail: “May 21st ltr requesting to testify and  to not be arrested” & attachments:

                    her May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Clinton.............................................................. 119

                    her May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer........................................................... 106

                    her May 21, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch & Ranking Member Leahy.......... 104

           With message for “Senator Clinton’s personal attention”

  May 22, 2003 e-mail (8:38 a.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Luzzatto &
  Ms. Eve   [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 45]............................................................................. 1422

                            FORWARDING --

           Sassower’s e-mail:  “Not being arrested: May 22nd Wesley
           Confirmation Hearing” – & attachments:

               her May 21, 2003 letter to Detective Zimmerman......................................................... 102

               her July 3, 2001 letter to Senator Schumer................................................................. 120

   May 22, 2003 (8:41 a.m.) from Mr. Albert to Ms. Luzzatto &
   Ms. Eve   [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 47] ........................................................................... 1423

                             FORWARDING --

             Sassower’s e-mail “Today’s Senate hearing on Judge Wesley’s confirmation”
             – & attachments:

                  her May 22, 2003 memo to Chairman Hatch & Ranking Member Leahy.................... 1539

                  her March 14, 2003 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
                  “inquiring as to ‘written standards’”......................................................................... 1431 

Parchment replica of United States Constitution................................................................................... 1424
[excluded by Judge Holeman, A-623-5]  

Sassower’s Trial Exhibit List............................................................................................................... 1425

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s March 14, 2003 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee,
with fax/e-mail receipts   [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 39].................................................................... 1431

Paper Trail: Sassower’s March 26, 2003 written statement to American Bar Association and Association
of the Bar of the City of New York, particularizing documentary evidence establishing the corruption of
New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley in two public interest lawsuits............................... 1436

[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 11 -- excluded by Judge Holeman:  A-1207-9]             

[Full copy of written statement, with all attached exhibits & accompanying two final motions in
Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York
, is lodged with Clerk as part of
April 23, 2003 package
--- select exhibit to March 26, 2003 statement:

      Ex F-2: “Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline”, The Long Term View
                  (Massachusetts School of Law), by Elena Sassower, Vol. 4: No. 1, Summer 1997............. 1464

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s April 23, 2003 coverletter to Senator Clinton, with fax receipt ......................... 1474
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 12 -- excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1320-3]   

Paper Trail: Sassower’s April 23, 2003 coverletter to Senator Schumer ............................................... 1478
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 13]

Paper Trail:  April 23, 2003 package of documents   
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 37 -- excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1318-9]

-- Contents inventoried in April 23, 2003 coverletters.............................................................. 1476 & 1481
         --- select contents:

           Sassower’s July 14, 2001 letter to Senator Clinton...............................................................1487

              Sassower’s July 3, 2001 letter to Senator Schumer.............................................................. 120

              Sassower’s July 26, 2001 letter to Senators Schumer & Clinton &
              New York congressional delegation.................................................................................... 1490

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s May 2, 2003 letter to Josh Albert..................................................................1493
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 38

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s May 5, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch &
Ranking Member Leahy...................................................................................................................1495
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 15]

Ex.  A:    Sassower’s July 3, 2001 letter to Senator Schumer, as printed in the record of
                           the Senate Judiciary Committee’s June 26, 2001 hearing on “The Judicial
                           Nomination and Confirmation Process”..................................................................1501

            Ex. B:      Sassower’s CJA’s May 27, 1996 letter to Chairman Hatch, as printed in the
                            record of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s May 21, 1996 hearing on
                            “The Role of the American Bar Association in the Judicial Selection Process”.........1511

            Ex. C:     Recommendation #3 of Assembly-Line Approval:
A Common Cause Study
of Senate Confirmation of
Federal Judges  (1986) ........................................................................... 1515

            Ex. D:    Statements of Professor Daniel Meador at Senate Judiciary Committee’s
                         May 21, 1996 hearing on “The Role of the American Bar Association in the
                         Judicial Selection Process”, as printed in the record ..............................................1518

Paper Trail:   Sassower’s 10-page May 19, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch &
Ranking Member Leahy, with fax receipts.......................................................................................1522   
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 4]

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s 2-page May 19, 2003 memorandum to NY Home-State Senators
Schumer & Clinton, with fax receipts..............................................................................................1535
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 3]

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s 39-page May 21, 2003 fax to Detective Zimmerman.........................................102
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 8]  

Sassower’s 2-page May 21, 2003 letter to Detective Zimmerman...................................................102

Sassower’s 2-page May 21, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch
& Ranking Member Leahy......................................................................................................... 104

Sassower’s 4-page May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer (with 9 pages of exhibits.................... 106

Sassower’s 1-page May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Clinton........................................................... 119

 Sassower’s 18-page July 31, 2001 letter to Senator Schumer...................................................... 120
       with 3 pages from transcript of June 25, 1996 Senate Judiciary Committee
       confirmation hearing.......................................................................................................... 138

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s May 22, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch
& Ranking Member Leahy............................................................................................................... 1539
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 9]

Paper Trail:  Sassower’s May 28, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch
& Ranking Member Leahy.................................................................................................................142
[Sassower’s Trial List Ex. 33 -- included by Judge Holeman for purposes of
motion for judgment of acquittal: A-1031, excluded as exhibit: A-1205-7]

First page of Sassower’s handwritten notes from May 22, 2003 Senate Judiciary
Committee hearing........................................................................................................................ 1548
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 19 – excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1214-5]

Official stenographic transcript of May 22, 2003 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, faxed by Miller
Reporting Company to Sassower on May 29, 2003 (pp. 1, 64-66) ..................................................... 1549
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 52 – excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1212-5]

Sassower’s May 30, 2003 letter to Miller Reporting Company regarding the accuracy of stenographic
 transcript of May 22, 2003 hearing ................................................................................................ 1554
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 53]

Miller Reporting Company’s Min-U-Script transcript of May 22, 2003 hearing, stamped “Library,
Senate Judiciary Committee”, turned over by government on June 20, 2003 (pp. 1-4, 26-29, 30-32,
34-46, 64-66, as annotated by Sassower)........................................................................................ 1557  
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 54 – excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1212-5]

Sassower’s nine-page July 7, 2003 memorandum to American Civil Liberties Union entitled,
“Documents Underlying the Prosecution”, analyzing videotape and transcript...................................... 1565
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 57
allowed by Judge Holeman for motion for judgment of acquittal: A-1028-31]

Sassower’s four-page analysis of the videotape (and transcript) of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s
May 22, 2003 hearing – redacted from herJuly 7, 2003 memorandum to American Civil Liberties Union.......................................................................................................................................... 1574
[Sassower’s Trial List Ex. 58 – excluded by Judge Holeman as exhibit: A-1210-2,
read from witness stand: A-1245-49, 1265-68]

Sassower’s May 22, 2003 Prisoner’s Property Receipt -- with line through Officer Jennings’ name
and, in lieu of Sassower’s signature, the word, “Refused”
[Sassower’s Trial List Ex.  27 – excluded by Judge Holeman: A-1216]............................................. 1578

Ralph Nader Congress Project, The Judiciary Committees: A Study of the House and
Senate Judiciary Committees
, (1975), pp. 222-223; 233-234; 240-241 
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 72]................................................................................................. 1579

Common Cause, Assembly-Line Approval: A Common Cause Study of Senate Confirmation
of Federal Judges
, (1986), pp. 27-33 
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 73] ................................................................................................ 1587

Twentieth Century Fund, Judicial Roulette: Report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force
on Judicial Selection
, (1988), pp. 7-8  
[Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 74]................................................................................................ 1595

Judge Holeman’s ordered redactions of Special Agent Lippay’s subject profile of Sassower
A-771, 772-3, 775, 1115  [Sassower’s Trial List Exhibit 2]............................................................. 1599

Undated presentence report of Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the
District of Columbia, faxed to Sassower on May 28, 2004............................................................. 1601

Government’s memorandum in aid of sentencing, June 1, 2004......................................................1619

Transcript of June 1, 2004 proceeding before Judge Holeman............................................... 1623

Sassower’s June 28, 2004 affidavit commenting upon and correcting the May 28, 2004 presentence
report of D.C. Court Services & in opposition to the U.S. Attorney’s June 1, 2004 memorandum
in aid of sentencing................................................................................................................... 1641
[with select & partial exhibits]     
       Table of Exhibits................................................................................................................ 1676

       Ex. A-1:   Sassower’s May 28, 2004 fax to Judge Holeman (11:35 a.m.),
                       with fax receipt.................................................................................................. 1678

Ex. B-1:   Sassower’s May 28, 2004 fax to Judge Holeman (3:05 p.m.),

               with fax receipt .................................................................................................. 1681

       Ex. C:      Sassower’s May 28, 2004 fax to Judge Holeman and the U.S. Attorney (4:45 p.m.),
                       transmitting her 6-page May 25, 2004 letter to Erika Westry for inclusion in
                       presentence report, with fax receipts .................................................................. 1684

Ex. D-1:    Sassower’s published Letter to the Editor, “Correcting the Record,
Roll Call, May 10, 2004................................................................................... 1692

Ex. D-2:    Sassower’s published Letter to the Editor, “
Portrayal in News Item

                 Found ‘Denigrating’”, New York Law Journal, May 19, 2004................................. 1694

Ex. K-1:   Sassower’s May 28, 2004 memorandum to Chairman Hatch, Ranking
               Member Leahy, NY Home-State Senators Schumer & Clinton, and
               Senator Chambliss [w/o fax and e-mail receipts].................................................. 1696

Ex. K-2:   May 28, 2004 letter to U.S. Attorney [w/o fax receipt]...........................................1700

Ex. L-1:   Sassower’s June 24, 2004 letter to Judge Holeman  [w/o fax receipt] ................... 1701

Ex. L-2:   Sassower’s June 24, 2004 fax coversheet to Senator Chambliss,
               D.C. Court Services, U.S. Attorney, and Senate Legal Counsel
               [w/o enclosures & fax/e-mail receipts] ............................................................. 1702

Ex. M-1:  Sassower’s June 24, 2004 memorandum to Chairman Hatch,
               Ranking Member Leahy, NY Home-State Senators Schumer & Clinton,
               and Senator Chambliss
               [w/o fax & e-mail receipts].............................................................................. 1703

Ex. M-2:  Sassower’s June 24, 2004 fax coversheet to U.S. Attorney and
               Senate Legal Counsel [w/o fax receipts] ......................................................... 1705

               defendant’s table in Judge Holeman’s courtroom on April 20, 2004, 
               as the jury verdict was being announced ........................................................ 1706

Transcript of June 28, 2004 sentencing proceeding before Judge Holeman .................... 1707
September 23, 2004 “Unopposed Emergency Motion” by Sassower’s
pro bono counsel, Lewin & Lewin, for her “Release to Preclude Mootness of
Appellate Issue”
[w/o exhibits] ......................................................................................... 1732

Judge Holeman’s September 24, 2004 order denying “Unopposed Emergency
Motion”............................................................................................................................. 1738

October 26, 2004 motion by Sassower’s pro bono counsel, Lewin & Lewin
and Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck, to correct an illegal sentence,
pursuant to D.C. Criminal Procedure Rule 35(a) and D.C. Code §23-110(a)  
[w/o exhibits] .................................................................................................................... 1739

Government’s opposition, signed by AUSA Mendelsohn,
served November 9, 2004.................................................................................................... 1756

Judge Holeman’s November 22, 2004 order.............................................................................. 10


Sassower’s June 3, 2005 letter to Judge Holeman, requesting the “maps”
referred to as “provided herewith” at page 18 of the June 28, 2004 sentencing
transcript.......................................................................................................................... 1766

Sassower’s June 13, 2005 letter to Judge Holeman.............................................................. 1768

Judge Holeman’s June 17, 2005 order................................................................................. 1769


Sassower’s June 13, 2005 letter to AUSA Mendelsohn & Liu................................................ 1773

           Sassower’s June 25, 2004 letter to AUSA Liu............................................................ 1780

           Original Information, discovered in file, from which lower portion with date
           & other certifying identifiers had been cut off.............................................................. 1781

           Amended Information, discovered in file, from which lower portion with date
           & other certifying identifiers had been cut off............................................................. 1782

Sassower’s June 21, 2005 e-mail to AUSA Mendelsohn & Liu............................................... 1784




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