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The Judicial Aspirations & Self-Interest
of Newbie Legislator/Lawyer
Senator Robert Antonacci --

Endorsed by the Republican, Conservative & Independence Parties for a Supreme Court judgeship in the 6-county 5th Judicial District -- Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, Onondaga & Oswego According to Antonacci -- uncritically repeated by the press -- he is "uniquely qualified to discharge the duties of this office...My career as an attorney, certified public accountant and as an elected official has provided me with the proper foundation to render fair decisions with the utmost integrity." 

Shouldn't the press be examining the "unique[] qualifi[cations]" and "utmost integrity" Antonacci exhibited over the past ten months as a New York State senator?  The EVIDENCE is readily-available -- and establishes, prima facie, his collusion in the larceny of taxpayer dollars by a $175 billion dollar state budget that flagrantly violates the New York State Constitution, statutory provisions, legislative rule provisions -- and embeds unconstitutional and fraudulent pay raises for himself and fellow legislators, judges, the governor, attorney general, and comptroller.

Start with CJA's March 8, 2019 e-mail to Senator Antonacci, as ranking member of the Senate Committee on Budget & Revenues -- to which he did not respond.  Why?  As a lawyer and would-be judge, he knows how to read litigation papers.  What were his findings of facts and conclusions of law with respect to CJA’s citizen-taxpayer action – then, as now, is at the New York Court of Appeals.  Does he dispute that the record is one of summary judgment for the People on all ten of its causes of action? 



Ranking Member of the new Senate Committee on Budget & Revenues

Member of the Senate Finance Committee

* * *



May 15, 201
"Antonacci enters the race for DeFrancisco's state Senate seat"
WRVO (Ellen Abbott)

November 18, 2018
"Antonacci heads to Albany, casts vote in NY Senate GOP election"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

January 12, 2019
"Two Cayuga county reps land seats on powerful NY Senate committee"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

      "For Antonacci, receiving a seat on the Senate Finance Committee is an impressive feat. Seats on the committee are usually reserved for veteran members, not freshmen like the Syracuse-area Republican. 
     But Antonacci's financial background helped him. He is a certified public accountant and before being elected to the state Senate, he served for 10 years as Onondaga County comptroller. 
     'As the former fiscal watchdog of Onondaga County, I look forward to bringing my experience to the Finance Committee with a focus on scrutinizing the budget to curb wasteful spending,' Antonacci said in a statement. 'I will work hard for the taxpayer to hold the state government accountable for every dollar spent.' 
      Antonacci's other committee assignments include serving as ranking member of the Senate Banks Committee and the Subcommittee on Revenue and Budget."

May 30, 2019
one for Antonacci:  First bill passed by NY Senate"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

July 1, 2019
"Tale of two CNY state senators: Antonacci, May wrap of first legislative session"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

July 13, 2019
"NYS Bob Antonacci and Rachel May on the Campbell Conversations"
WRVO (Grant Reeher)

* * *

July 25, 2019
"Bob Antonacci, Rory McMahon seeking judge seats on NYS Supreme Court"
Syracuse.com (Chris Baker)

August 11, 2019
"Our View: Antonacci needs to address his future"
Auburnpub.com   (editorial)

August 12, 2019
"State Senator Bob Antonacci plans to run for State Supreme Court justice"

August 14, 2019
"GOP nominates Antonacci for judge's seat 8 months
after he became state senator
Syracuse.com (Douglass Dowty)

August 14, 2019
"Sen Bob Antonacci Looking for Another Job"
News Radio 570WSYR (Dave Smith)

August 15, 2019
podcast -- "Antonacci for judge?  What it could mean for 2020 NY Senate race?"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

August 15, 2019
"Antonacci is endorsed by three parties for judgeship;
NY Senate seat could be open for 2020
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

"'I have proven I can win,' Antonacci wrote in his letter to GOP committee members, 'and with your help, bring a set of unparalleled qualifications and independence to the judicial district.'" 

August 16, 2019
"If Antonacci is elected judge, what happens with Cayuga-Onondaga NY Senate seat?"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)

August 25, 2019
"Bob Antonacci's bid to leave State Senate spurs domino effect"
Newsday (Yancey Roy)

August 27, 2019
"Could Republican NYS Senators Lose Even More Members?"
WAER (Karen DeWitt) 

 August 28, 2019
Tormey's death, not politics, reasons for state supreme court run"
Auburnpub.com  (Robert Harding)

"Antonacci believes his experience as an attorney and CPA will be an asset if he's elected to the state Supreme Court seat. He also thinks his independence and temperament will help him. 
         Campaigning for the judgeship will be different than his past campaigns. There are strict rules for judicial candidates. One notable example: The candidates can't attack each other. 
          'It's a campaign where you basically put out your credentials, you tell people what your education is, what your background is and that's pretty much it,' Antonacci said. 
          If his state Senate stint is brief, Antonacci said he's enjoyed the experience. He has met constituents at the state fair who approached him and thanked him for his government service. 
         'If it does come to an end and I am successful, I do think that I did the best job that I could and it will be somebody else's turn to go down there and serve the community,' he said."

August 28, 2019
"Could GOP senators, newly in the minority, lose more members?"
WBFO (Karen DeWitt)

September 8, 2019
"Running for Congress is getting a lot riskier for state lawmakers"
City & State (Rebecca Lewis)


October 3, 2019
"By objecting to NY redistricting plan,
DeFrancisco ensured Antonacci could succeed him
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)


October 6, 2019
"Hunter aiming at Democratic wins in CNY in 2019 -- and 2020"
Auburnpub.com (Robert Harding)


October 8, 2019
"Bob Antonacci defends his credentials to be a judge, but ducks bar ass'n review"
Syracuse.com (Douglass Dowty)


October 9, 2019
"Antonacci says that death of his mentor a major factor in deciding to run for judge's seat"
WRVO (Ellen Abbott)


October 10, 2019
"Redistricting meddling was not DeFrancisco's finest moment"
Auburnpub.com (editorial)


October 11, 2019
"How DeFrancisco drew a NY Senate district with Antonacci in mind"
Syracuse.com (Teri Weaver)


October 18, 2019

"Election 2019: 5 candidates for state Supreme Court justice ask for your vote"
Syracuse.com (Marie Morelli)

October 18, 2019
"Antonacci: Why I'm Asking for your vote for state Supreme Court judge"


October 25, 2019
"NY Supreme Court candidates running on record"
Utica Observer Dispatch (H. Ross Schneider)


October 28, 2019
"Upcoming election could leave the Syracuse area without a state senator"
CNY Central (Tom Sladek)



Antonacci facebook page


*       *       *

click here for:
The post-pay raise 2019 LEGISLATIVE SESSION


CJA's Electoral Outreach -- October 2019


The Corrupt Commission Scheme to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers






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