chief deputy to both New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and,
following his May 8, 2018 resignation, to Attorney General Barbara
Underwood, who was also the Solicitor General. For that reason, Bragg
was cc'd
on a May 16, 2018 e-mail to AG Underwood, transmitting a May
16, 2018 letter/NOTICE of what he reasonably already knew:
that in violation of Executive Law §63.1 and other statutory provisions, the
AG's office engages in a modus
operandi of
litigation fraud, corrupting the judicial process to defend lawsuits against
the state and public officers where there is NO legitimate defense -- and
that AG Schneiderman had done just that in three lawsuits that CJA had
brought, in 2012, 2014, and 2016, "on behalf of the People of the State of
New York & the Public Interest", against NY's three government branches, all
naming AG Schneiderman, for collusion in an expanding series of crimes:
All three lawsuits, to which CJA had an entitlement to summary judgment on ALL their causes of action -- & to their requests for referral of the defendant public officers for criminal investigation and prosecution -- were "thown" by fraudulent judicial decisions of NY's supposed "excellent" "high quality" judiciary. So, too, CJA's 2014 order to show cause to intervene in the Legislature's declaratory judgment action against the D.A.-stacked Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, which AG Schneiderman -- in addition to having participated with Governor Cuomo in establishing and staffing that sham commission -- also defended by litigation fraud. The May 16, 2018 NOTICE called upon AG Underwood to investigate and take remedial steps, most immediately in the only one of the four litigations still live -- the citizen-taxpayer action CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore, then the subject of an unperfected notice of appeal to the Appellate Division, Third Department. Bragg – lockstep with AG Underwood and the other top supervisory/managerial attorneys of the AG's office to whom CJA's May 16, 2018 NOTICE was also e-mailed – did not respond to it or to CJA's May 30, 2018 letter, e-mailed to him and them on that date, inquiring as to the status of the May 16, 2018 NOTICE and detailing AG Underwood's conflicts of interest in support of appointment of independent/outside counsel or special prosecutor. In fact, neither Bragg, AG Underwood, or any top supervisory/managerial attorneys responded to any of CJA's many, many e-mails to them throughout the seven-month span from May 16, 2018 to December 17, 2018. Bragg, thereby, put his imprimatur to the complete trashing of ALL cognizable standards in the unfolding CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore citizen-taxpayer action, both as to what had taken place in Albany Supreme Court, to wit, flagrant litigation fraud by the AG, covered up by fraudulent judicial decisions of an acting Supreme Court justice who had refused to disclose her salary interest in the case, or that she had worked in the AG's office for 30 years, including for both AG Schneiderman and AG Cuomo, the latter, as governor, having appointed her to the bench in 2015; and in the AG's continued flagrant litigation fraud, now at the Appellate Division, Third Department before judges who, likewise, were refusing to disclose their salary interests and personal, professional, and political relationships with the defendants. This was how, on December 27, 2018, AG Underwood procured, from the Appellate Division, Third Department, a fraudulent "affirmance" decision in CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore, which, in January 2019, new AG Letitia James, retaining Underwood as her solicitor general, would then use to defend against a separate lawsuit Delgado v. State of New York, seeking to void the "force of law" December 10, 2018 Report of the Committee on Legislative and Executive Compensation raising the salaries of AG James, Comptroller DiNapoli, all NY's 213 state legislators -- and indirectly of then Governor Cuomo and then Lieutenant Governor Hochul. The constitutionality of those pay raises was upheld by a June 7, 2019 Albany Supreme Court decision, and then a March 18, 2021 Appellate Division, Third Department decision, primarily based on the December 27, 2018 decision in CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore. For this reason, they are each judicial frauds, but there are further reasons arising from the AG's other frauds which those decisions adopt. So, too, by litigation fraud, AG James and SG Underwood procured five fraudulent orders from the Court of Appeals in CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman,...DiFiore, denying review of the December 27, 2018 decision, both by right and by leave, in violation of the NYS Constitution -- and without any disclosure by the Court of Appeals judges of their HUGE financial and other interests, divesting them of jurisdiction pursuant to Judiciary Law §14, and, simultaneously, denied a direct appeal of right, in Delgado, also procured by litigation fraud of AG James and SG Underwood. The consequences of what NY's self-interested Attorney General and judiciary did in these cases have been CATASTROPHIC for the People of NY, stealing billions of their hard-earned taxpayer dollars -- and perpetuating corruption that has deprived them of lawful, constitutional governance and the "safeguards" of functioning "public protection" entities, such as NY's 62 district attorneys. The injury has been vast and irreparable and includes legislation, enacted without legislative due process, corrupting state governance and New York elections -- and this would have been prevented, by CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman... DiFiore had Bragg done his duty, upon his receipt of the May 16, 2018 NOTICE and throughout the seven months that followed, when, again, and again, and again, CJA e-mailed him ALL the horrifying particulars of what was going on. The train of events that preceded and followed Bragg's nonfeasance -- for which a Manhattan grand jury would speedily indict him based on CJA's May 16, 2018 NOTICE and the mountain of e-mails CJA sent to him thereafter, as, for instance, CJA's December 13, 2018 e-mail entitled "NOTICE: You Duty...to ENJOIN the 'force of law': salary & lulu recommendations of the NYS Compensation Committee prior to Jan. 1, 2019..." was embodied in 62 grand jury/public corruption complaints that CJA filed with NY's 62 district attorneys, who, because of their financial and other interests, have been "sitting on" them since June and July 2020. Among these 62 D.A.s: -- the current Bronx D.A. Darcel Clark, "sitting on a June 8, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint -- and related July 29, 2020 FOIL request; -- the current Brooklyn D.A. Eric Gonzalez, "sitting on" a June 9, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint -- and related July 29, 2020 FOIL request; - the current Queens D.A. Melinda Katz, "sitting on" a June 9, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint -- and related July 29, 2020 FOIL request; - the current Staten Island D.A. Michael McMahon, "sitting on" a June 9, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint -- and related July 29, 2020 FOIL request
As for Bragg's Manhattan D.A. predecessor, former Manhattan D.A. Cyrus
Vance, Jr., he, likewise, "sat on" the
June 9, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint that CJA filed with
him and the related
July 29, 2020 FOIL request.
PLUS, here's CJA's two final e-mails to
the AG's Office, cc'ing Bragg