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Cynthia Nixon --
2018 Democratic Candidate for Governor

website: cynthiafornewyork.com

"The People's state of the union"  photo here

"A people-powered, grass-roots, from the bottom-up campaign" -- here

"If Washington is a swamp, Albany is a cesspool," Nixon said "Andrew Cuomo promised to clean up Albany but instead he and his cronies have cleaned up for themselves. There is a reason that people close to Andrew Cuomo keep winding up under indictment for corruption."

"I think that everybody understands the corruption in Albany has been really bad for decades and I think under the Cuomo administration he's brought it to a new high or a new low, however you want to think about that," she said. "And I think it's time for an outsider. I am not an Albany insider."

"Cynthia Nixon slams Cuomo over MTA issues after being delayed by subway on way to campaign event"  
Daily News, March 20, 2018 (Ken Lovett, Jill Jorgensen)


CJA's March 22, 2018 e-mail to Zephyr Teachout --
Candidate Nixon's Campaign Treasurer
"Subject: 'The Anti-Corruption Principle' -- WINNING for Cynthia Nixon--
& for ALL the People of the State of New York"

"..New York’s corrupt and posturing incumbent public officers – from Governor Cuomo, on down – must be taken out – and this can be accomplished, EASILY & WITHOUT MONEY by a press conference featuring constitutional scholars and legal experts, such as yourself, 'blowing the whistle' about the open-and-shut, prima facie EVIDENCE presented by the verified pleadings and record of CJA’s citizen-taxpayer actions and by the FULLY-DOCUMENTED corruption & ethics complaints that criminal and disciplinary authorities have been 'sitting on', since 2013:  http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/elections/2018/cuomo.htm – mandating their indictment and guaranteeing their convictions, including under the vaunted 'Public Trust Act': Penal Law 496 ('corrupting the government'): http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/searching-nys/2018-legislature/enforcing-public-trust-act.htm.   

Please forward this e-mail to Cynthia, with whom I would be most grateful to speak, directly – consistent with what she has promised about 'a people-powered, grass-roots, from the bottom-up campaign'.

More to follow."

cc: CJA's March 21, 2018 e-mail to New York Times
Chief Metro Political Correspondent Shane Goldmacher
"Cynthia Nixon's campaign treasurer, Zephyr Teachout, is a lawyer & constitutional scholar.
Shouldn't she know about the citizen-taxpayer actions & complaints vs Cuomo
that you have known of, since Jan 17th -- but not reported on"   

"Cynthia Nixon Asks if Cuomo is a 'Real Democrat' at Campaign Debut"
(Shane Goldmacher)

"State government?  He wrote the book"
Albany Times Union, January 10, 2017

NYS Constitution, Article III, Sec. 10, Article VII, Secs. 1-7

"Three-Men-in-a-Room' Budget-Dealmaking" cause of action -- & here

Zephyr Teachout's law review article “The Anti-Corruption Principle

CJA's testimony at Legislature's Jan. 30, 2018 and Feb. 5, 2018 budget hearings

CJA's 2018 election webpage for Cuomo, with citizen-taxpayer actions & complaints

CJA's March 24, 2018 e-mail to Teachout --
'The Anti-Corruption Principle' -- WINNING for Cynthia Nixon--
& for ALL the People of the State of New York"

cc:  CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail --
"CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,happening now & behind closed doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

*  *  *


August 14, 2018 -- 12:32 am MESSAGE, sent via Cynthia Nixon's campaign website,
via the volunteer webpage: 

 "I have a citizen-taxpayer action lawsuit against Cuomo, suing him for corruption --
that can win Cynthia the election.  How do I get the info to Cynthia?

Elena Sassower; 
elena@judgewatch.org,  cell: 646-220-7987"


*  *  *

March 22, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon slams Cuomo on Albany's 'Culture of Corruption'"

March 22, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon and the Degradation of Experience"
New York Times (Frank Bruni)

March 22, 2018
"With Nixon in the mix, will WFP back Cuomo again?"
Politico  (Jimmy Vielkind)

March 21, 2018
"The Democrats Elitist Obsession With Qualifications"
New Republic (Jeet Heer)

March 20, 2018
"Nixon kicks off campaign with blistering attack on Cuomo's record"
Politico (Laura Nahmias)

March 20, 2018
"The Actress, the Governor, and Performance Politics"
New York Times (Gina Bellafante)

"Here's exactly how much trouble Cynthia Nixon can cause for Andrew Cuomo"
CNN-Politics (Chris Cillizza) with Nick Reisman

"No woman has ever run New York --
and Cynthia Nixon could be the one to change the script
Daily News (Alyssa Katz)

"Cynthia Nixon has a key qualification for governor that Andrew Cuomo lacks"
SFGate (Josh Barro)

"Does Cynthia Nixon have a path to victory?"
City & State (Grace Segers)

"Cynthia Nixon needs a reality check  --
she's not qualified to run for governor just because she is an actress
Daily News (Linda Stasi)

March 19, 2018
"It's Official: 'Sex and the City' Actress Cynthia Nixon Is Challenging Cuomo"
Observer (Madina Toure)


*    *    *

click here for:
2014 correspondence with then gubernatorial candidate Teachout

also here for: 
2016 correspondence with Professor Teachout

click here for:
2018 correspondence with Teachout,
in her capacity as candidate in the Democratic primary for attorney general




click here for: 
& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE






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