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& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE

...now, repeating,
for the 2018 ELECTIONS...



February 25, 2018
"GOP mired in indifference"
(Robert McCarthy)

CJA's February 25, 2018 e-mail to Robert McCarthy --
"PSST: What your GOP sources have NOT told you about the races for governor,
attorney general, and comptroller, namely, GOP leadership is 'mired' in conflict-of-interest"

CJA's February 26, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Ken Lovett's Feb 26th Daily News article -- 'State GOP discontentment with Cox growing"

CJA's February 27, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"As discussed -- 3 MUST-SEE VIDEOS that blow open this year's elections"

March 2, 2018
"Maziarz corruption case ends with misdemeanor plea"
(Robert McCarthy)

March 3, 2018
"Analysis: Maziarz plea means the full story will never be told"
(Robert McCarthy)

CJA's March 7, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"AG Schneiderman is corrupt, which is why, since 2012,
he has been a named defendant in CJA's lawsuits --
& the subject of criminal and ethics complaints"

March 8, 2018
"Time to toughen state election laws"

McCarthy's March 9, 2018 e-mail --
"RE: AG Schneiderman is corrupt, which is why, since 2012,
he has been a named defendant in CJA's lawsuits --
& the subject of criminal and ethics complaints"

CJA's March 9, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Thank you..."

March 10, 2018
"Republicans perk up a bit"
(Robert McCarthy)

McCarthy's March 13, 2018 e-mail --
"RE:  PSST: What your GOP sources have NOT told you about the races for governor,
attorney general, and comptroller, namely, GOP leadership is 'mired' in conflict-of-interest"

CJA's March 13, 2018 e-mail --

March 17, 2018
"Ethics reform, governor"

March 23, 2018
"Senate Leader: Cuomo tax plan is not happening"
(Tom Precious)

March 25, 2018
"The inside story of the Maziarz trial that never happened"
(Robert McCarthy)

March 26, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon brings her anti-corruption message to Albany"
(Tom Precious) 

CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Correspondents' Association Member Tom Precious --
"CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,happening now & behind closed doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

April 1, 2018
"After the Maziarz probe, a question: What happened to the campaign funds"
(Lou Michel, Robert McCarthy)
"'We dedicate our resources to prosecuting the top of the organization,' said Eric Soufer, a spokesman for Schneiderman. 'You have to decide whom you’re going to prosecute.'"

April 2, 2018
"What about the state deficit?"

April 9, 2018
"Where's the money that Maziarz says was stolen?"
"Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman is virtually alone in seeking to enforce election laws in New York.
He needs to continue holding public officials accountable for violations"

April 25, 2018
"DeFrancisco suspends GOP campaign for governor"
(Robert McCarthy)

April 25, 2018
"Nixon (finally) brings governor campaign to Buffalo"
(Robert McCarthy)

April 27, 2018
"In two days, three Senate Republicans announce retirements"
(Tom Precious)

April 27, 201
Schneiderman trying to keep up pressure on political corruption"
(Jay Rey)

April 27, 2018
"Schneiderman says Cuomo should pay less attention to Nixon"
(Tom Precious, with Jay Rey)

CJA's April 28, 2018 e-mail to Jey Rey --
(cc: Precious, McCarthy)
"Your April 27th articles: Was there 1 meeting with AG Schneiderman, or 2? 
And were you at both, etc?"

CJA's April 30, 2018 e-mail to Jey Rey --
(cc: Precious, McCarthy)
"Resent -- Your April 27th articles..."

*  *   *

CORPORATE-LEADERSHIP   -- Michael Connelly/Editor-VP
Kevin Walter -- Editorial Page Editor
owned by Berkshire Hathaway -- Warren Buffett
Staff Contacts

April 22, 2018 --
"Two new editors on the Buffalo News masthead"

March 12, 2016 --
Why the First Amendment matters to you"
"News organizations are sometimes accused of favoring one side or another. On cable TV and the Web, you can find outlets that value opinion more than fact. But at The News, the only thing we favor is providing the most information possible – good or bad, pretty or ugly – so that you can make the best decisions in your lives."

*   *   *

CJA's May 2, 2018 e-mail to Watchdog Team Editor Mike McAndrew --
"Three Men in a Rom -- & the 2018 elections... --
A fitting assignment for the Buffalo News Watchdog Tem that you head!"


October 22, 2018
"Marc Molinaro: From Teen Mayor to (he hopes) Republican governor"
Tom Precious

"It is, without a doubt, a Hail Mary campaign that Molinaro is running. He's recently taken to wearing a pin of Underdog, the cartoon superhero. There are 3 million more Democrats than Republicans in the state. Democrats say they are energized by what's happening in Washington. And Cuomo has erected a formidable wall fueled by eight years in office and a bottomless campaign account."



*  *  *

November 2, 2017
"Lawyers for Maziarz ask judge to toss felony charges"

June 27, 2017
"Judge dismisses AG's corruption case against Rob Ortt"
(Tom Precious)

March 23, 2017
"'No show jobs, secret payments' key in Ortt, Maziarz cases"
(Robert McCarthy)


January 20, 2018
"Who's running as what"
(Robert McCarthy)

January 24, 2018
"Local GOP to sponsor debate among GOP hopefuls"
(Robert McCarthy)

February 11, 2018
"Remaining three candidates spar for GOP nod in gubernatorial debate"
(Robert McCarthy)


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& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE






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