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& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE

...now, repeating,
for the 2018 ELECTIONS...

&, in particular,


"Help us hold power to account."
"The strength of facts.  The power of truth.  Reporting stories you can trust"

August 6, 2017
"Amid Talks of a 2020 Run, Cuomo Must First Deal With 2018",
(Jesse McKinley)

December 12, 2017
"Republican Assemblyman Enters Race to Challenge Governor Cuomo"
(Jesse McKinley)

January 2, 2018
"Woes Deepen for New York GOP, as Best Hope to Challenge Cuomo Bows Out"
(Shane Goldmacher)

January 17, 2018
"Cuomo Amasses $30 Million War Chest
(Shane Goldmacher)

CJA's January 17, 2018 e-mail
to Chief Metro Political Correspondent Shane Goldmacher

(with cc to NYT Investigative Reporter Brian Rosenthal & Metro) --
"The 'slow to develop' race for governor --
Your today's article 'Cuomo Amasses $30 Million War Chest"


CJA's January 21, 2018 e-mail --
 (cc to NYT: Goldmacher, Rosenthal, Metro)
"Has Stephanie Miner informed NYPAN that CUOMO CAN EASILY BE DEFEATED --
& WITHOUT MONEY -- by a scandal that will achieve non-partisan, ANTI-CORRUPTION,
good-gov't reforms for the benefit of NY's 99%"

January 21, 2018
"New Directory to Lawmakers: The Court Calendar"

January 22, 2018
"Graft trial begins for former top advisor to Cuomo"
(Benjamin Weiser)

 CJA's January 23, 2018 e-mail --
(cc to NYT: Goldmacher, Rosenthal, Metro)
"Family Secrets: Cox, Catsimatidis & the corruption DIRECTLY involving Cuomo,
blowing open the 2018 electoral races -- & putting an END to Albany's 'culture of corruption'"

January 25, 2018
"Stephanie Miner Rules Out Bid for Congress, But May Yet Challenge Cuomo"
(Lisa Foderaro)

January 25, 2018
"Cuomo Uses Billionaire's Plane for Sundance Trip"
(Shane Goldmacher)

January 25, 2018
"In a 5-Hour Budget Hearing, Frustration With the M.T.A. Bubbles Over
(Sara Malin Nir)

January 26, 2018
"Cuomo, Typically a Lone Wolf, Shifts to Coalition Building"
Vivian Wang, Nick Corasaniti)

January 30, 2018
"DeFrancisco, a Republican Stalwart in Albany, to Run for Governor"
(Jesse McKinley)

February 9, 2018
"Republican Assemblyman Drops Longshot Bid for Governor"
(Jesse McKinley)

February 19, 2018
"Who's Paying for Ex-Cuomo Aide's Legal Bills? Nobody's Talking"
(Shane Goldmacher, Jesse McKinley)

February 20, 2018
"New York Today: Albany Agenda"
(Vivian Wang)

CJA's February 20, 2018 e-mail to NYT reporter Vivian Wang --
(cc to Goldmacher, Rosenthal, Metro, Editorial, Jesse McKinley)
"Correcting & Adding to Your 'Albany Agenda' (NYT/Feb. 20, 2018) --

February 24, 2018
"In Spite of Executive Order, Cuomo Takes Campaign Money From State Appointees"
(Shane Goldmacher, Brian Rosenthal, Agustin Armenderez)

March 1, 2018
"No Matter the Verdict, Corruption Trial Taints Cuomo"

March 2, 2018
"Cuomo Change Rationale for Accepting his Appointees' Donations"
(Shane Goldmacher, Brian Rosenthal)

March 6, 2018
"As jurors decides fate of key Cuomo ally, political verdict may be in",
(Jesse McKinley, Shane Goldmacher)

March 6, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon Explores Possible Run Against Andrew Cuomo"
(Shane Goldmacher)

March 7, 2018
"Facing Potential Challenges from Cynthia Nixon,
Cuomo Swipes at Familiar Foe: The Mayor
(Shane Goldmacher)

March 11, 2018
"Tackling Sexual Harassment With 'Bipartisan Bad Behavor' in the Shadows"
(Jesse McKinley)

March 13, 2018
"For Cuomo, a 'Personally Painful' Conviction Also Hurts Politically"
(Shane Goldmacher, Jesse McKinley)

March 16, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon Hints at a Run, and Cuomo Flexes His Muscle"
(Shane Goldmacher)

March 16, 2018
"No Lulus for You: Comptroller Threatens to Withold Lawmakers' Payments"
(Jesse McKinley)

CJA's March 17, 2018 e-mail to Goldmacher --
(cc to Rosenthal, Metro, Editorial, Jesse McKinley)
"Your yesterday's article, Bradley Tusk -- & your availability for a conversation"

March 18, 2018
"Cuomo Says His Name Was Never Mentioned.  It Was. 136 Times"
(Jesse McKinley)

March 19, 2018
"Can Cynthia Nixon Beat Andrew Cuomo?  Sizing Up the Race for Governor"
(Jesse McKinley)

CJA's March 20, 2018 e-mail to Jesse McKinley --
(cc: to Goldmacher, Rosenthal, Wang, Metro, Editorial)
"Those 'so-called Senate certifications' & other EVIDENCE of Comptroller DiNapoli's betrayal of the duties of his office -- mandating NYT investigation & report about him & other public officers in this ELECTION YEAR"

attached FOIL requests:

CJA's May 18, 2017 FOIL --
"RE: Senate 'certifications' for three years of 'lulu' payments (Legislative Law 5-a),
as reported by New York Times reporter Jesse McKinley, &/or existing"

CJA's March 19, 2018 FOIL --
'No Lulus for You: Comptroller Threatens to Withhold Lawmakers’ Payments',
New York Times
, March 16, 2018 (Jesse McKinley)"

cf. March 21, 2018 Daily News editorial:
"Money for nothing: End Albany's corrupt lulu payments"

cf.  March, 22, 2018 : Syracuse Post-Standard (Mark Weiner): 
"NY Comproller asks why taxpayers should pay Valesky $27,500 bonus"

March 20, 2018
"The Governor, the Actress, and Performance Politics"
(Genia Bellafante)


CJA's March 21, 2018 e-mail to Goldmacher --
(cc: McKinley, Rosenthal, Wang, Bellafante, Foderaro, Metro, Editorial)
"Cynthia Nixon's campaign treasurer, Zephyr Teachout, is a lawyer & constitutional scholar.
Shouldn't she know about the citizen-taxpayer actions & complaints vs Cuomo that you have known of, since Jan 17th -- but not reported on"    

"Cynthia Nixon Asks if Cuomo is a 'Real Democrat' at Campaign Debut"
(Shane Goldmacher)

"State government?  He wrote the book"
Albany Times Union, January 10, 2017 (Chris Bragg)

NYS Constitution, Article III, Sec. 10, Article VII, Secs. 1-7

"Three-Men-in-a-Room' Budget-Dealmaking" cause of action -- & here

Zephyr Teachout's law review article “The Anti-Corruption Principle

CJA's testimony at Legislature's Jan. 30, 2018 and Feb. 5, 2018 budget hearings

CJA's 2018 election webpage for Cuomo, with citizen-taxpayer actions & complaints

*   *  *

March 21, 2018
"2018 Is Cynthia Nixon's First Race; 2018 Was Her First Political Rodeo"
(Shane Goldmacher, Jacob Bernstein)

March 22, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon and the Degradation of Experience"
(Frank Bruni)

March 22, 2018
"New York GOP's Hopes Are Raised by Nixon. (Cynthia, That Is)"
(Jesse McKinley)

March 25, 2018
"9 Key Issues Await Albany in Final Week of Budget Negotiations"
(Vivian Wang, Jesse McKinley)

March 26, 2018
"In Cuomo-Nixon showdown, Black Votes Are an Early Flashpoint"
(Jeffrey Mayes, Shane Goldmacher)

March 28, 2018
"In New York, Trump Backlash Takes Aim at Renegade Democrats"
(Lisa Foderaro)

"We Interrupt These Budget Talks for a Reporter's Arrest and a Coyote"
(Jesse McKinley)

"Four Men Walk into a Room.  How Are New York's Sex Harassment Laws Affected?"
(Vivian Wang)

cc:  CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Correspondents' Association reporters --
(cc: Metro-NYT; Editorial-NYT; Goldmacher-NYT; Rosenthal-NYT; Jesse McKinley-NYT; Wang-NYT; Foderaro-NYT; Bellafante-NYT; Bruni-NYT)
"CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,happening now & behind closed doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

March 30, 2018
Assembly Blames Budget Stall on Provision for Religious Schools"
Jesse McKinley, Vivian Wang) 

March 31, 2018
"In New York Budget, a Fuscillade Against de Blasio"
(Vivian Wang, Jesse McKinley)

April 4, 2018
"Democrats in New York State Reconcile After Years of Infighting"
(Shane Goldmacher)

April 6, 2018
"The Gendered Politics of Andrew Cuomo, Emasculator in Chief"
(Ginia Bellafante)

April 6, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon Wants to Legalize It"
New York Times Magazine  (Jazmine Hughes)

Aprill 9, 2018
"Congestion Pricing Plan for Manhattan Ran Into Politcs. Politics Won"
Winnie Hu, Jessie McKinley)

April 11, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon Puts Legalizing Marjuana Front and Center of her Campaign"
(Vivian Wang)

April 13, 2018
"Flexing Their Support for Cuomo, Key Unions Leave Working Families Party"
(Shane Goldmacher, Jesse McKinley)

April 18, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon gets Cuomo to Play to Type"
Mara Gay -- editorial board

April 29, 2018
"The Sheldon Silver Trial: Take Two"
(Benjamin Weiser, with Jesse McKinley)

May 2, 2018
"Cuomo Leads Nixon 22 Points in New Poll"
(Shane Goldmacher)

       "More than two years after the first Silver and Skelos trials, Albany’s power structure remains fundamentally unchanged. Most if not all major policy decisions, including the direction of a $168 billion budget, are still decided by a clutch of three men in a room: the governor; the leader of the Senate, John J. Flanagan, a Long Island Republican; and the Assembly speaker, Carl E. Heastie, a Bronx Democrat.
       Those negotiations continue to take place behind closed doors, with leaders typically offering brief, largely inconsequential updates to members of the media and announcing details only when final deals are settled upon. That arrangement has been roundly criticized by government watchdogs, who decry a lack of transparency and open debate, as has the Legislature’s common practice of passing bills in wee hours of the night when few members of the public are watching or aware of the proceedings."


May 15, 2018
"Cynthia Nixon Promises an Anti-Corruption Panel"
Jesse McKinley

May 18, 2018
"Sex and the Liberal Politician: A New York Story"
(Genia Belafantia)

May 19, 2018
"Nixon Tops Working Families Ticket, but Party Remains at 'Crossroads'"
(Vivian Wang)

May 23, 2018
"Republicans Choose Their Alternative to Gov. Cuomo: Marcus Molinaro"
(Lisa Foderaro)

May 23, 2018
"'This is His Turf': Cynthia Nixon Works a Tough Convention Crowd"
(Shane Goldmacher, Jesse McKinley)

May 23, 2018
"Cuomo Is Clear Choice of Clinton Democrats & Hillary Clinton"
(Jesse McKinley, Shane Goldmacher)

June 18, 2018
"Stephanie Miner to Make Independent Bid to Challenge Gov. Cuomo"
New York Times (Shane Goldmacher)

August 14,  2018
"Cuomo Agrees, Finally, to Debate Nixon on Aug. 29"
New York Times (Vivian Wang)


August 15, 2018
"A Free Press Needs You"

"Journalists Are Not The Enemy"  -- Boston Globe 
(August 16, 2018)


Democratic Attorney General Candidates' Debate
August 28, 2018 -- CUNY's John Jay College of Criminal Justice


Democratic Attorney General Candidates' Debate 
September 6, 2018 at Cooper Union





click here for:
& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE



August 26, 2019
"The U.S. Election Watchdog Needs 4 of 6 Members to Enforce the Law.  It Now Has 3"
Shane Goldmacher
"Shane Goldmacher is a national political reporter and was previously the chief political correspondent for the Metro Desk. Before joining The Times, he worked at Politico, where he covered national Republican politics and the 2016 presidential campaign."

November 5, 2018
"Just One Seat: The High Octane Fight to Flip Just One Senate Seat"
Vivian Wang

November 7, 2018
"Democrats Take Control of New York Senate for First Time in a Decade"
Vivian Wang

November 23, 2018
"Republicans Hit Rock Bottom in New York. Can They Bounce Back?"
Jesse McKinley





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