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CJA's December 2, 2015 Supplemental Statement -- "RE: (1) The absence of any evidence bearing on the Commission’s charge 'adequate levels of compensation and non-salary benefits';
(2) The actual bias and interest of Commissioners Cozier, Lack, and Chairwoman Birnbaum – mandating their disqualification


         Evidentiary Proof of the Demonstrated Actual Bias & Interest of Commissioners Cozier, Lack, & Birnbaum, Referred-to at pp. 3-7 of Supplemental Statement 


(1)  Disqualifying actual bias & interest, arising from his complicity in  the cover-up reports of the Appellate Division, Second Dept. Attorney Disciplinary Review Committee & of Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Restore Public Trust in Judicial Elections        

CJA's November 13, 2003 letter-memo  -- "RE: Fulfilling the mandate of Presiding Justice Prudenti's Committee examining whether the Second Department is "'acting fairly and equitably' when dealing with an attorney's right to practice law' by reviewing the dispositive case file evidence"
 CJA's January 27, 2003 letter to Barry Kamins, Esq., co-chair Attorney Discipline Subcommittee
    -- CJA's February 3, 2003 letter to Mr. Kamins
    -- Mr. Kamins' March 17, 2003 letter to CJA
    -- Mr. Kamins' October 22, 2003 letter to CJA

-- CJA's November 6, 2003 letter to Brooklyn District Attorney Hynes, co-chair, Admissions Subcommittee
(cc)  CJA's November 25, 2003 letter to New York State Bar Association President A. Thomas Levin -- "RE: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE: The New York State Bar Association's duty -- reinforced by your September 16, 2003 testimony before Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections -- to confront case file evidence documentarily establishing the corruption of all safeguards for ensuring the integrity of judicial elections, including: (1) the unconstitutionality of New York's attorney disciplinary law, as written and as applied; and (2) the corruption of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct          

September 15, 2004 letter to Elena Sassower from the Principal Law Clerk of Appellate Division, 2nd Department Presiding Justice Prudenti

Appellate Division, Second Department's October 5, 2004 Press Release: "Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department, Makes Report on Attorney Admission and Discipline Available to Public"

                July 30, 2004 Report and Recommendations

October 25, 2004 letter to Elena Sassower from the Principal Law Clerk of Appellate Division, 2nd Department Presiding Justice Prudenti

October 25, 2004 letter to Doris L. Sassower from the Principal Law Clerk of Appellate Division, 2nd Department Presiding Justice Prudenti

October 28, 2004 letter to Elena Sassower from the Principal Law Clerk of Appellate Division, 2nd Department Presiding Justice Prudenti

January 20, 2005 receipt of return of files from Appellate Division, 2nd Department Justice Cozier

(2) Disqualifying actual bias and Interest, demonstrated by his chairmanship of Chief Judge Lippman's Commission on Statewide Attorney Discipline -- & its cover-up September 24, 2015 Report

VIDEOS of Elena Sassower's testimony at the August 11, 2015 hearing of the Commission on Statewide Attorney Discipline, chaired by Cozier -- & the casefile & other documentary proof she furnished in support



(1)  Disqualifying actual bias & interest, arising from his corruption as Chairman of the NYS Senate Judiciary Committee        

           CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Majority & Minority Leaders -- "RE: (1) Postponing Senate Confirmation Proceedings on the Nomination of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims to no earlier than January 9, 2003; (2) Constituting a More Neutral Senate Forum for the Holding of the Confirmation 'Hearing'; and (3) Commencing Review of CJA's Documentary Evidence of Chairman Lack's Unfitness for Judicial Office"     
         -- attaching: 
                  (1) City Bar's January 1997 "Report on Nomination and Confirmation of Court of Claims Judges"; &
                  (2) CJA's December 19, 2001 informational/FOIL request on judicial confirmations


                 Inventory of Substantiating Documents  
                -- click here for
webpage of substantiating documents


CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee -- ATT: Chairman Lack 

(2)  Disqualifying actual bias and interest, arising from his membership in Chief Judge Kaye’s Commission to Promote Public Trust and Confidence in the Legal System, whose 1999 report falsely purported that “errant attorneys and judges are accountable”, and, membership in Chief Judge Kaye's similiarly cover-up Commission to Promote Public Trust and Confidence in Judicial Elections  


(1)  Disqualifying actual bias & interest, arising from her cover-up of systemic judicial corruption as chairwoman of Chief Judge Kaye's Commission on Fiduciary Appointments

      Transcript of Elena Sassower's testimony at Commission on Fiduciary Appointments' December 7, 2000 hearing

       Transcript of George Sassower's testimony at Commission on Fiduciary Appointment's December 7, 2000 hearing

(2) Disqualifying actual bias & interest, as volunteer Executive Director of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial & Ethnic Fairness in the Courts

Elena Sassower's testimony at the November 28, 1995 public hearing

Doris L. Sassower's testimony at the November 28, 1995 public hearing

         See  Doris L. Sassower v. Appellate Division, 2nd Dept. Presiding Justice Mangano, et al.  --  RECUSAL MOTION IN U.S. DISTRICT COURT

CJA's April 29, 1997 letter -- Birnbaum indicated recipient
        Exhibit A:  NYLJ article, February 25, 1997
        Exhibit B:  Testimony of Elena Sassower -- November 28, 1995 public hearing
        Exhibit C:  Testimony of Doris L. Sassower -- November 28, 1995 public hearing
        Exhibit D:  Inventory of transmitted documentary proof substantiating testimony
        Exhibit E:  CJA's June 17, 1996 letter to Co-Chair/Magistrate Grubin
        Exhibit F:  pages 1-3 of Doris Sassower's Supplemental Affidavit in Sec.1983 federal action



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