Judicial Compensation-NYS THE PEOPLE FIGHT BACK!
CENTER FOR JUDICIAL ACCOUNTABILITY, INC. -against- ANDREW M. CUOMO, in his official capacity
Exhibit A:
CJA’s March
29, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo
– “RE:
The Governor’s Duty to Disapprove
S.2601-a/A.3001-a (Judiciary/Legislative Appropriations Bill), Pursuant
to Article VII, §4, and Article IV,
§7 of
the New York State Constitution, Because the Legislature Violated Express
Constitutional and Statutory Safeguards, as well as its Own Rules, in
Passing It”
Exhibit B:
CJA’s August
21, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo
– “RE: Achieving BOTH a Properly Functioning Legislature & Your Public Trust
Act (Program Bill #3) – the Sine
Qua Non for ‘Government Working’ & ‘Working for the People”
Exhibit C-1:
December 11, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo, Leaders of Legislature & its
“Appropriate Committees” – “RE:
Your Constitutional & Statutory Duty to
Reject the Entirety of the Judiciary’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year
2014-2015, Over & Beyond its Concealed, Unitemized Third Phase of the
Judicial Salary Increase that Will Otherwise Take Effect, Automatically, on
April 1, 2014”
Exhibit C-2:
CJA’s March
11, 2013 letter to Senate Budget Subcommittee on “Public Protection”
– “RE: Rectifying your Absence at the February 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on
‘Public Protection’ by Verifying the Dispositive Nature of the Opposition
Testimony to the Judiciary Budget & its Judicial Salary Increase Request”
Exhibit D:
December 30, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo
– “RE:
Your Duty to Exclude the
Legislature’s Proposed Budget from the State Budget for Fiscal Year
2014-2015 Because its Absence of Certified Itemized Estimates Violates
Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution; Alternatively, to Recommend that
the Legislature Reject it, or Alter it Based on Certification of Itemized
Exhibit E-1:
January 7, 2014 letter to Governor, Leaders of the Legislature & its
“Appropriate Committees” – “RE: ‘FOLLOWING
The Proposed Judiciary & Legislative
Budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015”
Exhibit E-2:
January 7, 2014 letter to Commission to Investigate Public Corruption
(1) investigating & reporting on the
fraud and larceny in the proposed Judiciary and Legislative budgets for
fiscal year 2014-2015 presented by CJA’s December 11 and December 30, 2013
letters; (2) supplement to CJA’s July 19, 2013 corruption complaint &
intervention request.”
Exhibit F-1:
January 14, 2014 letter to Chairs & Ranking Members of “The Appropriate
Committees of the Legislature” –
“RE: ‘Vindicating the Public’s Rights
under Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution & Legislative Law §32-a:
(1) request to testify at the Legislature’s joint budget hearings in
opposition to the proposed Judiciary & Legislative budgets; (2) request for
information/records as to the process, if any, by which the Legislature’s
proposed budget was compiled”
Exhibit F-2:
CJA’s January 14, 2014 letter to indicated
Exhibit G:
January 29, 2014 letter to Chairs & Ranking Members of Senate Finance
Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee
– “RE: Your Mandatory Duty under Legislative Law §32-a to Hear
Testimony in Opposition to the Legislature’s Proposed Budget & Governor
Cuomo’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551 at Public Budget Hearings”
Exhibit H:
February 3, 2014 e-mail to Chairs & Ranking Members of Senate Finance
Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee
– “Subject:
Request to Testify in Opposition to ANY
Funding for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption – including the
proposed $270,000 appropriation”
Exhibit I:
February 7,
2014 letter from Commission to Investigate Public Corruption,
signed by Executive Director Regina Calcaterra
Exhibit J-1:
February 11, 2014 letter to Senate Finance Committee Chair & Ranking Member
& Secretary of the Senate – “RE:
Fiscal Notes for the Governor’s Article
VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills & his Introducer’s Memoranda:
(2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #S.2601/A.3001 (2013)
– second phase of judicial salary increase; #S.6251/A.9051 (2012) – first
phase of judicial salary increase”
Exhibit J-2:
Secretary of Senate’s February 19, 2014
Exhibit J-3:
CJA’s February 12, 2014 FOIL request to
Governor & Division of Budget
Exhibit J-4:
Governor’s February 20, 2014
Exhibit J-5:
Governor’s March 20, 2014 response
Exhibit J-6:
Division of the Budget’s February 24,
2014 acknowledgment
Exhibit J-7:
Division of the Budget’s March 20, 2014
Exhibit J-8:
February 11, 2014 letter to Assembly Ways and Means Chair & Ranking Member &
Assembly Records Access Officer –
The Governor’s Introducer’s Memoranda for
his Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills:
#A.8551/S.6351 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase;
#A.3001/S.2601 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase;
#A.9051/S.6251 (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase”
Exhibit J-10:
CJA’s February 12, 2014 FOIL request to Governor
& Division of Budget
Exhibit J-11:
Governor’s February 20, 2014
Exhibit J-12:
Governor’s March 20, 2014 response Exhibit J-13: Division of the Budget’s February 24, 2014
Exhibit J-14:
Division of the Budget’s March 20, 2014
Exhibit K-1:
February 21, 2014 letter to Chairs & Ranking Members of Senate Finance
Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee
– “RE: “Restoring Value to Your Sham and Rigged February 5, 2014 “Public
Protection” Budget Hearing on the Judiciary’s Proposed Budget by Appropriate
Questioning of Chief Administrative Judge Prudenti”
Exhibit K-2:
“Questions for Chief Administrative Judge Prudenti”
Exhibit K-3:
“Analysis of the Judiciary’s Two-Part Proposed Budget & ‘Single Budget Bill’
for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Exhibit K-4:
February 24, 2014 e-mail to Rank and File Members of Senate Finance
Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee
“RE: HEADS-UP! – What’s Been Happening with the
Judiciary & Legislative Budgets – & Appropriations for the Commission to
Investigate Public Corruption?”
Exhibit L:
February 28, 2014 e-mail to Chairs & Ranking Members of Senate Finance
Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee
– “Subject: Request that CJA’s February 21, 2014 letter, with enclosures, be
posted as ‘Miscellaneous Testimony’ on the Senate Finance Committee website”
Exhibit M-1:
CJA’s March
4, 2014 letter to Chairs & Ranking Members of “Appropriate Committees of the
Legislature” –“RE: Your
Constitutional Duty: (1) to address the evidence of fraud and
unconstitutionality in the proposed Judiciary and Legislative budgets – and
in the materially-divergent Governor’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551, which, in
violation of Senate and Assembly Rules, is unsupported by a fiscal note and
introducer’s memorandum; (2) to address the $270,000 and other
appropriations, embedded in the Executive budget, for a demonstrably corrupt
Commission to Investigate Public Corruption”
Exhibit M-2:
for Temporary Senate President Skelos and Assembly Speaker Silver”
Exhibit M-3:
CJA’s March 5, 2014 letter to
indicated recipients RECORDS/FOIL REQUESTS
Exhibit N-1:
December 2, 2013 records request to Senate & Assembly
– “RE: The Legislature’s Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs
for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York
State Constitution”
Exhibit N-2:
Assembly’s December 6, 2013 response
Exhibit N-3:
December 16, 2013 records request to Assembly
– “RE:
Where are the Legislature’s
Certifications & ‘Fringe Benefit Costs’ for Fiscal Year 2014-2015?”
Exhibit N-4:
Assembly’s December 17, 2013 response
Exhibit N-5:
December 16, 2013 records request to Senate
– “RE: AGAIN: The Legislature’s Certified Itemized Estimates of its
Financial Needs For Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII, §1 of
the New York State Constitution”
Exhibit O-1:
December 31, 2013 FOIL request to Governor & Budget Director
– “RE: (1) the Legislature’s ‘itemized estimates’ of its ‘financial needs’
for fiscal year 2014-2015, ‘certified by the presiding officer of each
house’; (2) the Legislature’s ‘General State Charges’ for fiscal year
2014-2015, also itemized and certified”
Exhibit O-2:
Governor’s January 8, 2014 response
Exhibit O-3:
Budget Director’s January 9, 2014
Exhibit P-1:
January 15, 2014 FOIL request to Governor & Budget Director
– “RE: Have New York Governor’s never furnished the Legislature with
‘Commentary’ or ‘recommendations’ on the Legislature’s proposed budgets
pursuant to Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution?”
Exhibit P-2:
Governor’s January 23, 2014
Exhibit P-3:
Governor’s February 10, 2014 response
Exhibit P-4:
Budget Director’s January 23, 2014
Exhibit P-4(2):
Budget Director’s February 24, 2014
Exhibit P-5:
January 15, 2014 records request to Senate & Assembly
– “RE: The Governor’s ‘Commentary’ or ‘recommendations’ on the Legislature’s
proposed budgets pursuant to Article VII, §1 of the New York State
Exhibit P-6:
Senate’s January 23, 2014 response
Exhibit P-7:
Assembly’s January 23, 2014 response
Exhibit Q-1:
January 16, 2014 records request to Senate & Assembly
– “RE: The process, if any, by which the Legislature’s proposed budget for
fiscal year 2014-2015 was compiled”
Exhibit Q-2:
Senate’s January 22, 2014 response
Exhibit Q-3:
Assembly’s January 23, 2014 response
Exhibit R-1:
January 17, 2014 records request to Senate & Assembly
– “RE: The Legislature’s ‘General State Charges’ and the certifications
thereof by the Temporary Senate President and Assembly Speaker, as likewise
their certifications of the Legislature’s operating budgets”
Exhibit R-2:
Assembly’s January 23, 2014 response
Exhibit R-3:
Senate’s January 27, 2014 response
Exhibit S-1:
January 23, 2014 records request to Senate & Assembly
– “RE: The Legislature’s hearings on its own legislative budgets and/or on
the Governor’s budget bills making appropriations for the Legislature”
Exhibit S-2:
Assembly’s January 30, 2014 response
Exhibit T-1:
January 30, 2014 records request to Senate & Assembly
– “RE: The reappropriations for the Legislature appearing in the
out-of-sequence section at the back of Governor Cuomo’s Budget Bill
#S.6351/A.8551 (pp. 27-46)
Exhibit T-2:
Senate’s February 6, 2014 acknowledgment
Exhibit T-3:
Senate’s February 25, 2014 response
Exhibit T-4:
Assembly’s February 5, 2014
Exhibit T-5:
Assembly’s February 6, 2014 response
Exhibit T-6:
January 30, 2014 FOIL request to Governor & Budget Director
– “RE: The reappropriations for the Legislature appearing in the
out-of-sequence section at the back of Governor Cuomo’s Budget Bill
#S.6351/A.8551 (pp. 27-46)
Exhibit T-7:
Governor’s February 6, 2014
Exhibit T-8:
Governor’s March 5, 2014 response
Exhibit U-1:
February 27, 2014 records request to Senate
– “RE: Video & Stenographic Transcripts of the Senate ‘Coup’: June 8, 2009 –
July 8, 2009; and Subsequent Senate Floor Transcripts”
Exhibit U-2:
Senate’s March 6, 2014 response
Exhibit V-1:
March 3, 2014 records request to Senate
– “RE: Legislative Law Article 6: ‘Internal Control Responsibilities of the
State Legislature’
Exhibit V-2:
March 3, 2014 records request to Senate
– “RE: Resolution referred to by Rule VIII, §8 of the Senate Rules adopted
June 9, 2009”
Exhibit V-3:
March 3, 2014 records request to Senate
– “RE: Staffing pursuant to Senate Rule X, §8”
Exhibit V-4:
Senate’s March 10, 2014 response