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CJA v. Cuomo, et al. declaratory judgment action

Plaintiff Sassower's September 14, 2012 e-mail to NY Co. Chief Clerk Joseph F. Antonelli --
"Missing Records..."

Plaintiff Sassower's September 20, 2012 e-mail to NY Co. Chief Clerk Antonelli --
STATUS: Missing Records..."

Plaintiff Sassower's September 28, 2012 e-mail to NY Co. Chief Clerk Antonelli --
"WHAT IS THE STATUS?  Missing Records..."

Plaintiff Sassower's October 10, 2012 e-mail to NY Co. Chief Clerk Antonelli --

Plaintiff Sassower's October 11, 2012 e-mail to NY Co. Chief Clerk Antonelli --
"Call to Chief Deputy Clerk Rossetti:  WHAT IS THE STATUS?  Missing Records..."

Plaintiff Sassower's October 26, 2012 complaint to New York County Clerk Norman Goodman --
"Quality Control at the New York County Clerk's Office:...(1) Official Misconduct by Chief County Clerk James A. Rossetti; (2) Official Misconduct by Chief Clerk Joseph F. Antonelli; (3) Official Misconduct by a Uniformed Officer, believed to be a 'major', who refused to give his name or badge number; (4) Certification Request Pursuant to Judiciary Law 255"

Plaintiff Sassower's October 26, 2012 Affidavit in support of complaint --
"MISSING DOCUMENTS -- Affidavit in support of misconduct complaint against Chief Deputy County Clerk Joseph A. Rossetti, Chief Clerk Joseph F. Antonelli, & uniformed officer who refused to furnish his name or badge number"

Exhibit A:  photo; photo; photo; photo, photo

Exhibit B:  Executive Summary to CJA's October 27, 2011  Opposition Report 

 Exhibit C:  Bronx Co. Clerk's Office website

 Exhibit D:  Plaintiff Sassower's August 30, 2012 letter to Assistant Attorney General Andrew Meier

 Exhibit E:  Assistant Attorney General Meier's September 12, 2012 and September 13, 2012 e-mails

Exhibit F:  Plaintiff Sassower's unresponded-to e-mails to Chief Clerk Antonelli, with cc's to Chief Deputy  Clerk James A. Rossetti, Asst. AG Meier, & Bronx Co. Records Managment Officer Mark Nusenbaum
 (1) October 11, 2012 e-mail -- "Call to Chief Deputy Clerk Rossetti: WHAT IS THE STATUS: Missing Records..." (2) October 10, 2012 e-mail -- "I HAVE BEEN WAITING ON THE LINE:  WHAT IS THE STATUS? Missing Records..." (3) September 28, 2012 e-mail -- "WHAT IS THE STATUS? Missing Records..." (4) September 20, 2012 e-mail -- "STATUS: Missing Records"; (5) September 14, 2012 e-mail -- "Missing Record..." 

November 9, 2012 letter from Administrative Judge Heitler's law clerk --
"Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo, et al., Index No. 401988/2012"

November 16, 2012 letter from Manhattan District Attorney 's Public Integrity Unit Chief

Plaintiff Sassower's January 10, 2013 letter-complaint to New York County Clerk Goodman -- 
"STATUS OF CJA'S OCTOBER 26, 2012 LETTER: Quality Control at the New York County Clerk's Office..."

Plaintiff Sassower's February 11, 2013 complaint to Unified Court System Inspector General Sherrill Spatz --
"Complaint against New York County Clerk Norman Goodman for obstructing justice and collusion in record tampering..."

Plaintiff Sassower's February 11, 2013 letter to 1st Dept Administrative Judge Sherry Klein Heitler -- "Your Mandatory Supervisory and Disciplinary Responsibilities..." 

Administrative Judge Klein Heitler's February 13, 2013 letter

Plaintiff Sassower's May 1, 2013 letter to Inspector General Sherrill Spatz --
"Your Nonfeasance and Misfeasance
:  February 11, 2013 complaint against New York County Clerk Norman Goodman for obstructing justice and collusion in record tampering: Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., et al. v. Cuomo, et al. (NY Co. #401988/2012)"

*       *       *

CJA's March 7, 2013 FOIL request to OCA for records
relating to Office of Inspector General

OCA's March 20, 2013 FOIL response

CJA's July 15, 2013 FOIL request to OCA for records relating to Office of Inspector General

OCA's July 22, 2013 FOIL response



"county clerks in New York City receive a salary not less than that received by a Judge of the Civil Court of New York City, subject to possible increases by the Chief Administrator of the Courts (County Law, § 908).", Durante v. Evans, 94 A.D.2d 141, 145 (3rd Dept. 1983)

Articles of Note -- about Chief Administrative Judge Heitler -- "New York's Real Scandal", NYT, 1/30/15 (Joe Nocera)


*       *       *

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