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Video of March 11, 2013 Senate floor proceedings
discussion & vote (at 9.45 - 2.11) on
Senate Resolution: 818    [transcript of March 11th floor proceeding]
      "WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Legislature to effectuate the timely passage of the State Budget; and
       WHEREAS,  It is the intent of the Legislature to engage in the Budget Conference Committee process, which promotes increased participation by the members of the Legislature and the public; and
        WHEREAS, The Senate Finance Committee has conducted an extensive study and review of the Governor's 2013-2014 Executive Budget submission and has  recommended  proposed  amendments to such Budget submission in the above referenced Legislative Bills and Report on the  Amended  Executive
Legislative and Judiciary (S.2601-C)

      The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $1.75 billion,
however redirects funding from Judiciary-wide maintenance undistributed as follows:
  -- $1,500,000 to Courts of Original Jurisdiction to restore funding for Court Appointed Special Advocates; and
  -- $150,000 to Courts of Original Jurisdiction to restore funding to Community Dispute Resolution Centers."  (bold & underlining added).

Video of March 11, 2013 Assembly floor proceedings
discussion & vote (at 0.46 - 3.00) on Assembly Resolution 182

        "...WHEREAS, Article 7 of the constitution requires the Governor to submit an executive budget containing a plan of expenditures to be made before the close of the ensuing fiscal year and recommendations as to proposed legislation; ...
        WHEREAS, Upon submission, pursuant to Joint Rule III, the Senate finance committee and the Assembly ways and means committee undertake an analysis and public review of all the provisions of such budget; and
        WHEREAS, After study and deliberation, each committee makes recommendations in the form of bills and resolutions as to the contents thereof and such other items of appropriations deemed necessary and desirable for the operation of the government in the ensuing fiscal year; and
        WHEREAS, All such fiscal committees' recommendations, when arrived at are then to be placed before the members of the Legislature, individually and collectively, in their respective houses for their consideration and approval; and
        WHEREAS, Each house thereupon considers and adopts legislation in bill format, expressing its positions on the budget for the ensuing fiscal year; and
        WHEREAS, Upon adoption thereof, a Conference Committee on the  Budget, authorized  by concurrent resolution of the Senate and Assembly pursuant to Joint Rule III, and such  subcommittees  thereof  as  may  be  deemed necessary are appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and the Temporary President  of  the  Senate,  respectively,  will  engage in negotiations designed to reach an accord on the contents of the budget for the  ensuing fiscal year; and
         WHEREAS,  In order to commence a Legislative process of budget negotiations designed to reach a timely accord on the contents of  the  budget for  the  ensuing  fiscal year, it is necessary that budget proposals be adopted by each house of the Legislature; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That, this resolution, together  with  the  New  York State Assembly proposals for Executive budget resubmission contained in Assembly Bill.... A. 3001... which are incorporated as if fully set forth in this resolution,  herein  constitute  the legislation which expresses the budget proposals of the Assembly for the 2013-2014 New York State Budget."

                 Assembly release of budget proposals -- March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013 General Budget Conference Committee

Legislature announcement, March 12, 2013 Composition of General Conference & Subcommittees

March 12, 2013 Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice, & Judiciary

March 14, 2013 General Budget Conference Committee

March 14, 2013 Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice, & Judiciary

March 19, 2013 announcement of March 19, 2013 meeting of Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice, & Judiciary

March 19, 2013 Meeting of Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary -- [either never held or held behind-closed-doors "This video has been removed by the user"]

March 20, 2013 anouncement of postponement of March 20, 2013 meeting of Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary

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