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Holding Government Accountable -- THE PEOPLE FIGHT BACK! 

CJA's April 15, 2013 Corruption Complaint to US Attorney Bharara


I.     VERIFIED COMPLAINT in CJA v. Cuomo, et al, suing NYS' three government branches & highest constitutional officers to void the judicial pay raises & secure judicial accountability -- with all exhibits, including CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report to the Commission on Judicial Compensation's August 29, 2011 Report

II.     CORRESPONDENCE TO GOVERNOR CUOMO, following Legislature's February 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on "Public Protection":

CJA's March 29, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo's Chief of Staff -- "The Governor’s Duty to Disapprove S.2601-A/A.3001-A (Judiciary/Legislative Appropriations Bill) , Pursuant to Article VII, §4 & Article IV, §7 of the New York State Constitution, Because the Legislature Violated Express Constitutional and Statutory Safeguards, as well as its Own Rules, in Passing It"

CJA's March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo -- "Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty:  The People’s Right to Know the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & of the Appropriations Bill for the Judiciary & to be Protected from “Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc” by Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Pay Raises, whose Fraudulence, Statutory-Violations, and Unconstitutionality are Proven by Documentary Evidence in Your Possession & the Legislature’s"

           -- enclosing: CJA's February 26, 2013 letter to Budget Director Robert Megna -- "Furnishing the Legislature with Essential Information: (1)   What review did the Division of the Budget do of the Judiciary’s budget for fiscal year 2013-2014?; (2)   What is the Division of the Budget’s response to CJA’s testimony at the Legislature’s February 6, 2013 budget hearing on 'public protection', opposing the Judiciary’s budget and funding for the judicial salary increase?"

 III.  CORRESPONDENCE handed up by CJA Director Elena Sassower at Legislature's Februarty 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on "Public Protection" 
click here for  VIDEO of hearing -- CJA testifying last at 7:21:50

         Correspondence with the Judicial Branch:

CJA's January 29, 2013 letter to Chief Administrative Judge A. Gail Prudenti -  "(1) Clarifying the Judiciary’s Budget for Fiscal Years 2013-2014 & 2012-2013: (a) The dollar amounts sought by the Judiciary for judicial salary increases; (b) The dollar amounts sought by the Judiciary for “compensation and non-salary benefits for judges and justices of the unified court system”, exclusive of salary; and (2) Production of the Judiciary’s findings of facts and conclusions of law with respect to CJA’s October 27, 2011 Opposition Report and People’s lawsuit based thereon against New York State’s three governmental branches and highest constitutional officers ,CJA, et al. v. Cuomo, et al., to void the three-phase judicial salary increases"

CJA's January 31, 2013 e-mail to Office of Court Administration Communications Office -- "Questions Regarding the Judiciary's Budgets for Fiscal Years 2013-2014 and 2012-2013"

CJA's February 4, 2013 e-mail to Judiciary -- "Awaiting Your Answers:  Questions Regarding the Judiciary's Budgets for Fiscal Years 2013-2014 and 2012-2013"

         Correspondence with the Legislative Branch:

CJA's January 30, 2013 letter to Temporary Senate President Dean Skelos & Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver -- "RE:  Enabling the Legislative Committees Directly Responsible for Oversight of the Judiciary’s Budget to Discharge their Mandatory Legislative Function 

CJA's January 30, 2013 letter to Senate Finance Committee: Chair John DeFrancisco & Ranking Member Liz Krueger;  Assembly Ways and Means Committee: Chair Herman D. Farrell, Jr. & Ranking Member Robert Oaks; Senate Judiciary Committee:  Chair John J. Bonacic & Ranking Member Ruth Hassell-Thompson; Assembly Judiciary Committee: Chair Helene E. Weinstein & Ranking Member Tom McKevitt -- "February 6, 2013 Joint Legislative Hearing on 'Public Protection': The Legislature’s Mandatory Duty to Override the Judiciary’s Request for “funding for the next phase of the judicial salary increase”, in Discharge of its Checks-and-Balance Constitutional Function"

       Correspondence with the Executive Branch:

CJA's February 1, 2013 letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo --
"Discharging Your Constitutional Duty with Respect to the Judiciary Budget Request for Funding of the Judicial Salary Increases Recommended by the August 29, 2011 'Final' Report of the S
pecial Commission on Judicial Compensation"

CJA's February 5, 2013 e-mail to Division of Budget --
"Waiting to Hear from You:  What Review Does the Division of Budget Do of the Judiciary Budget?"

CJA's February 1, 2013 letter to Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli & Attorney General Eric Schneiderman --
"Discharging Your Constitutional Duty with Respect to the Judiciary Budget Request for Funding of the Judicial Salary Increases Recommended by the August 29, 2011 'Final' Report of the Special Commission on Judicial Compensation
           -- referred-to January 22, 2013 press release of Attorney General
                        & January 22, 2013 press release of Comptroller

IV.    CJA's December 21, 2012 letter to Senate Independent Conference Senator Jeffrey Klein, David Valesky, Diane Savino, David Carlucci & Malcolm Smith
       -- enclosing CJA's December 7, 2012 letter to them



*      *      *

click here for:
of the Corrupt Commission Scheme to Raise the Salaries
of Corrupt Public Officers (2011 - to date)






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