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CJA's 2013 correspondence with US Attorney Bharara
following hand-delivery of the April 15, 2013 corruption complaint

U.S. Attorney Bharara's form letter acknowledgment,
undated, unsigned, with no salutation,
sent in envelope postmarked April 18, 2013

CJA's May 13, 2013 letter to U.S. Attorney Bharara --
United States of America v. John Sampson -- Deal-making that Advances the Corruption Fighting Agenda of U.S. Attorney Bharara and Repudiates the Appearance and Reality that Black & Hispanic Legislators are being Invidiously Investigated & Prosecuted"  

--  ENCLOSURES:  May 13, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Lynch (EDNY) 

(1)  CJA's April 19, 2013 letter to Senator Malcolm Smith --
Being a Force for Good:
       (1)   by giving testimony to U.S. Attorney Bharara against Governor Cuomo & other corrupt, high-level constitutional and public officers;
       (2)   by building a Rules Reform Conference dedicated to securing debate and a simple Senate vote on the non-partisan, good-government rules reforms proposed by the 2009 Temporary Committee on Rules and Administration Reform
-- enclosed December 21, 2012 & December 7, 2012 letters 

        click here for: referred-to materials pertaining to historic rules reform set in motion by Senator Smith  

(2)  CJA's May 7, 2013 letter to all Senators & Assembly Members --
Doing Your Part to End Public Corruption:
         (1) by Giving Evidence to the U.S. Attorneys;
         (2) by V
oting on Non-Partisan, Good-Government Legislative Rules Reform, such as Recommended by the 2009 Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform"

(3) CJA's May 1, 2013 letter to Inspector General Sherrill Spatz --
"Your Nonfeasance and Misfeasance:  February 11, 2013 complaint against New York County Clerk Norman Goodman for obstructing justice and collusion in record tampering: Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., et al. v. Cuomo, et al. (NY Co. #401988/2012)

click here for: CJA v Cuomo declaratory judgment action

(4)CJA's May 6, 2013 written oral argument in Sassower, et al. v. Gannett, et al before Appellate Division, Second Department Justices Peter Skelos, Daniel Angiolillo, Sheri Roman, & Sylvia Hinds-Radix

Enclosure #1: R-589-595 on disqualification/disclosure from December 21, 2011 motion
-- click here for: Sassower, et al. v. Gannett, et al.


CC's of the following:

cc:    CJA's May 22, 2013 letter to ALL Senators & Assembly Members --
Doing Your Part to End Public Corruption: Part II:  
(1) Request for Legislative Follow-Up to Senator Sanders’ May 10th Forum “Attack on Black Leaders: Corruption or Conspiracy?”;
      (2) Request for Legislative Follow-Up to Senator Sampson’s 2009 hearings on the Commission on Judicial Conduct & Court-Controlled Attorney Disciplinary System

cc:    CJA's June 4, 2013 letter to Senate Committee on Investigations & Governmental Operations & Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation -- 
DOING YOUR PART TO END PUBLIC CORRUPTION: PART  III:  Request for Legislative Oversight, Analysis and Investigation of CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara and, specifically:
                 (1) of Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010, as written and applied – as to which, to date, there has been no oversight, analysis, & investigation; and
                 (2) of the Commission on Judicial Conduct & court-controlled attorney disciplinary system – as to which, in 2009, the Senate Judiciary Committee held oversight hearings that were aborted, with no analysis, investigation, findings, or committee report of the document-supported testimony of witnesses    EVIDENTIARY webpage


U.S. Attorney Bharara's form letter acknowledgment of "recent communication... on May 13, 2013", undated, unsigned, with no salutation, sent in envelope postmarked June 11, 2013

CC's of the following: 

cc: CJA's June 13, 2013 letter/complaint to U.S. Attorney Richard S. Hartunian --
Achieving 'the Dream of Honest Government'":

  Criminal Complaint against NYS’ Highest Constitutional Officers for Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc and Additional Corrupt Acts – as, likewise, against NYS’ Other Constitutional and Public Officers and their Taxpayer-paid Counsel and Professional Staffs;
  Intervention in Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Andrew Cuomo, et al. (NY Co. #401988/2012) & Transfer to the U.S. District Court, with Amendment of the Verified Complaint to Embody Additional Causes of Action and Supervening Facts, Including as to the Violations of Constitutional, Statutory, and Rule Provisions Underlying Passage of the NYS Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 and Judiciary/Legislative Appropriations Bill S.2601-A/A.3001-A."    --  CJA v. Cuomo, et al

cc CJA's June 27, 2013 ethics complaint to New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics --
(1)   Conflict of interest ethics complaint against executive & legislative branch constitutional officers & employees whose grand larceny of the public fisc and other corrupt acts are particularized by CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara;                
(2)   Request for advisory opinion as to whether Senate and Assembly rules, vesting domineering powers in the Temporary Senate President and Assembly Speaker, create coercive and retaliatory conditions, substantially interfering with the ability of Senate and Assembly Members to discharge their constitutional duties, where doing so exposes the official misconduct of those leaders

CJA's July 22, 2013 letter to U.S. Attorney Bharara,
with attached transmitting e-mail to U.S. Attorney Hartunian  

"Securing Investigation & Prosecution of Public Corruption"
furnishing link for:
July 19, 2013 corruption complaint
to Albany D.A. Soares

U.S. Attorney' Bharara's undated letter,
postmarked September 11, 2013

click here for:
Bharara Menu Page 


*     *     *

click here for:
of the Corrupt Commission Scheme to Raise the Salaries
of Corrupt Public Officers (2011 - to date)







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