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CJA's Critique of the Breyer Committee Report

2008 Outreach-Press

The New York Times

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail/fax to Washington Bureau --
"TODAY'S Closed-Door Judicial Conference Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail to Linda Greenhouse/Supreme Court Correspondent --
"FW: TODAY'S Closed-Door Judicial Conference Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline"
(cc: Jeffrey Toobin, Esq.)

CJA's April 25, 2008 letter to Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., Publisher/Chairman,
New York Times / The New York Times Company
First Amendment Responsibilities: Informing the Public of the Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline & the Pivotal Role of our Supreme Court Justices
         cc: New York Times: (Outgoing Supreme Court Reporter Linda Greenhouse; Incoming Supreme Court Reporter Adam Liptak; Dean Baquet, Washington Bureau Chief; Bill Keller, Executive Editor; Jill Abramson, Managing Editor for Newsgathering; Andrew Rosenthal, Editorial Board Editor); Jeffrey Toobin, Esq.; David Margolick, Esq.; Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media

         -- with Analysis of New York Times Coverage of the Breyer Committee & its Report --
 May 26, 2004 NYT article, "Rehnquist Orders Study on Ethics", no byline-- "Chief Justice Appoints Committee to Evaluate Judicial Discipline System", The Third Branch newsletter, May 2004-- "Chief Justice Appoints Committee to Evaluate Judicial Discipline System", Appendix A: Breyer Committee Report, May 25, 2004

      (2)  May 27, 2004 NYT editorial "Judicial Ethics Under Review"

      (3)  June 2, 2004 NYT letter to the editor: "Judicial Ethics" by House Judiciary Committee Chair Sensenbrenner
   -- Chair Sensenbrenner's remarks before the Judicial Conference, March 17, 2004
   -- NYT's April 30, 2003 editorial "A Judicial Witch Hunt"
   -- June 6, 2004 letter to the editor: "A Judge's Record" by Victoria Toensing, Esq.
   -- unpublished letter to the editor of Professor Stephen Burbank, May 27, 2004

June 11, 2004 NYT item "National Briefing/Washington: Judicial Complaint
                            Committee Meets
" by Linda Greenhouse

              -- "Judicial Conduct and Disability Act Study Committee Organizational Meeting",
                   Supreme Court press release, June 10, 2004
May 10, 2005 NYT article "Republican Suggests a Judicial Inspector General"
                             by David D. Kirkpatrick

  -- "Judges Should Police Themselves", NYT editorial, May 18, 2006
  -- "A Blind Eye on Judges", NYT letter to the editor by Professor Monroe Freedman, May 22, 2006

      (6)  September 20, 2006 NYT article "Federal Judges Take Steps to Improve Accountability" by Linda Greenhouse
   -- Supreme Court press release, September 19, 2006
    March 12, 2008 NYT item "More Information on Judges", Associated Press

CJA's April 28, 2008 transmittal memo to New York Times: Bill Keller, Jill Abramson,
       Andrew Rosenthal & for Editorial Board, Dean Baquet, Linda Greenhouse, Adam Liptak  (cc: Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.; Jeffrey Toobin, Esq.; David Margolick, Esq., Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media
enclosing CJA's April 28, 2008 letter to Professor Stephen Burbank

cc:  CJA's April 22, 2008 letter to Jeffrey Toobin --
"Your Publicly-Made Promise to Examine the Evidence: The U.S. Supreme Court & the Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline"   


The National Law Journal & Legal Times 
(American Law Media)

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail to National Law Journal (Rex Bossert/Editor-in-Chief, Steve Fromm/Managing Editor, Ruth Singleton/Assistant Managing Editor, Marcia Coyle/(Bureau Chief, Pamela A. MacLean/California Bureau Chief & Legal Times/David Brown/Editor-in-Chief, Tom Schoenberg/Executive Editor, Joe Palazzolo/Staff Reporter-Federal Courts, Tony Mauro/Supreme Court Correspondent)
"Peeking Behind the Closed Doors of the Judicial Conference -- Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's June 3, 2008 memo
"The Scandal of the Breyer Committee Report – and the Senate & House Bills to Give Federal Judges a 29% Pay Raise

The Washington Post

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail to Carol Leonnig/Federal Courts Correspondent & Bob Barnes/Supreme Court Correspondent --
"TODAY'S Closed-Door Judicial Conference Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's June 3, 2008 memo to Bob Barr/Supreme Court Correspondent, Carol Leonnig/Federal Courts Correspondent, Paul Kane/Congressional Correspondent
"STORY FOR COVERAGE: The Scandal of the Breyer Committee Report – and Senate & House Bills to Give Federal Judges a 29% Pay Raise  (
cc: Stephen Barr/Washington Post columnist/Federal Diary)

Dahlia Lithwick, Esq. -- Slate

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail --
"TODAY'S Closed-Door Judicial Conference Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline

Jeffrey Toobin, Esq. -- formerly CNN

CJA's April 22, 2008 letter --
"Your Publicly-Made Promise to Examine the Evidence: The U.S. Supreme Court & the Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline"   
cc: New York Times: Linda Greenhouse & Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.; David Margolick, Esq., Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media



* * *
September 19, 2006  "'Breyer Committee' report is out"
Lyle Denniston/Scotusblog






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