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CJA's June 1, 2021 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee

As relates to District Attorney Singas,
the EVIDENCE is prima facie and open-and shut, not even requiring inquiry of her
to establish that her nomination must be rejected, indeed, that she must be indicted
corruption, in office – and that she will be convicted.

* * *

click here for:
Explanatory Narrative of the Below EVIDENCE --
& Questions for D.A. Singas

CJA's July 1, 2016 e-mail to D.A. Singas & NYS' 61 other D.A.s --
"Your D.A. Salary Increases, Next Week's Annual Meeting of DAASNY, & Your Duty to the Counties that Elected You"

-- transmitting --

CJA's July 1, 2016 letter to the 62 D.A.s of NYS' 62 counties  --
How Many D.A.s Does It Take to Confront Evidence
& Abide by Ethical Rules?” 

EVIDENTIARY webpage for letter

cc: CJA's July 14, 2016 e-mail to Legislative Board Clerk --
"Notice to Nassau Co. Government: Your duty to repudiate & challenge the state-imposed D.A. salary increases based on your own D.A. Singas' findings of facts and conclusions of law"

-- transmitting --
CJA's July 8, 2016 letter to the 56 County Governments of NYS whose Judicially-Linked District Attorney Salaries are Paid from their County Budgets --
GIVING NOTICE Your duty to repudiate & challenge the state-imposed district attorney salary increases based on your own district attorney's findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to rock-solid, prima facie evidence establishing them to be based on judicial salary increases that are statutorily-violative, fraudulent -- & unconstitutional"  

EVIDENTIARY webpage for letter

CJA's July 14, 2016 FOIL REQUEST --
"Salaries & Other 'Compensation & Non-Salary Benefits' --
for District Attorneys and Other Full-Time Elected County Officers"  
transmitting e-mail 
  August 8, 2016 response

CJA's August 8, 2016 FOIL REQUEST --
"State Aid for District Attorney Salaries" 
transmitting e-mail   no response

CJA's September 7, 2016 e-mail to County Attorney --
"Notice of Right to Seek Intervention --
Citizen-Taxpayer Action to Void D.A. Salary Increases
& State Reimbursement to the Counties"

EVIDENTIARY webpage for Notice


CJA's October 14, 2016 e-mail to D.A. Singas
& other D.As of the 2nd Judicial Dept.
"Conflict-of-lnterest/Misconduct Complaint vs the DAs
to the 2nd Dept. Attorney Disciplinary Committees, with FOIL records request"

CJA's October 14, 2016 conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint --
"Testing the efficacy of New York’s attorney disciplinary committees in policing district attorney conflicts of interest and obligations to report attorney misconduct:

        (1) conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint against Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares for “sitting on” corruption complaints presenting threshold issues of his financial and other interests;
     (2) conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint against New York’s other district attorneys for colluding in D.A. Soares’ nonfeasance with respect to the corruption complaints in which they are similarly interested;
     (3) referral of D.A. Soares and all New York’s complicit district attorneys to criminal authorities for their larcenous pocketing of district attorney salary increases they know to be unlawful and for their other knowing and deliberate violations of penal laws they are charged with enforcing.

with EVIDENTIARY webpage for October 14, 2016 complaint

CJA's June 10 & June 11, 2020 e-mails to D.A. Singas --
"CORRUPTION COMPLAINT in support of grand jury inquiry, pursuant to Article I, §6 of the NYS Constitution, of Nassau County state legislators for 'wilful misconduct in office', including larceny & fraud..."

CJA's June 10, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint
to D.A. Singas vs Nassau County's state legislators

with EVIDENTIARY webpage for complaint

* * *
CJA's June 11 e-mail to D.A. Singas' Public Integrity Bureau Chief & here

"CORRUPTION COMPLAINT in support of grand jury inquiry, pursuant to Article I, §6 of the NYS Constitution, of Nassau County state legislators for 'wilful misconduct in office', including larceny & fraud..."

CJA's July 27, 2020 e-mail to D.A. Singas & her Public Integrity Unit --
"Reasonable questions arising from your nonfeasance..."
July 27, 2020 FOIL
"(1) the functioning of the Nassau County district attorney’s office and performance of its duties with respect to public corruption complaints filed by members of the public; (2) access to the Nassau County grand jury so that it can discharge its duty pursuant to Article I, §6 of the New York State Constitution and Criminal Procedure Law Article 190, unobstructed by the Nassau County district attorney.

cc: CJA's September 22, 2020 e-mail to Newsday --
"Nassau County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Nassau County's 16 state legislators --
14 running for re-election -- which Nassau County D.A. Singas has been 'sitting on'"

attaching CJA's June 10, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint to D.A. Singas

& furnishing the link to its EVIDENTIARY webpage


* * *


Commission on Judicial Nomination's application
for NY Court of Appeals associate judge (2007)

* * *

October 14, 2016 conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint vs DA Singas
at the Second Department's Attorney Grievance Committee for the 10th Judicial District

Chief Attorney's November 28, 2016 letter --
"Our File Nos.: N-2292-16, N-2293-16 & S-2294-16"

CJA's December 28, 2016 reconsideration letter to the Chair
      "(1)   Reconsideration of CJA’s October 14, 2016 complaint entitled 'Testing the efficacy of New York’s attorney disciplinary committees in policing district attorney conflicts of interest and obligations to report attorney misconduct' -- Committee File #N-2292-16; N-2293-16; S-2294-16; 
     (2)   FOIL request:  written conflict-of-interest procedures utilized by the two district attorney offices within the Committee’s jurisdiction – including as relates to their handling of public corruption complaints"

Chair's January 11, 2017 response


* * *

CJA's October 16, 2020 corruption complaint to FBI
& December 19, 2020 corruption complaint to Acting U.S. Attorney (EDNY)





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