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CJA's December 13, 2002 fax to Senate [Minority] Leader Connor -- "RE: Postponement of next week's Senate confirmation proceeings -- James J. Lack, Ct of Claims"


CJA's December 13, 2002 fax to Senate Minority Leader-Elect Paterson -- "RE: Halting Next Week's Senate Confirmation Proceedings -- James J. Lack, Ct of Claims"

CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Senate Minority Leader Martin Connor, & Senate Minority Leader-Elect David Paterson -- "RE: (1) Postponing Senate Confirmation Proceedings on the Nomination of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims to no earlier than January 9, 2003; (2) Constituting a More Neutral Senate Forum for the Holding of the Confirmation 'Hearing'; and (3) Commencing Review of CJA's Documentary Evidence of Chairman Lack's Unfitness for Judicial Office"      (indicated copies to Lack, NYS Senators, press e-mail/fax receipt-Bruno, Connor, Paterson     e-mail acknowledgments from 16 rank & file Senators
         -- attaching: 
                  (1) City Bar's January 1997 "Report on Nomination and Confirmation of Court of Claims Judges"; &
                  (2) CJA's December 19, 2001 informational/FOIL request on judicial confirmations


                 Inventory of Substantiating Documents   --
click here forwebpage posting the substantiating documents



CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee -- ATT: Chairman Lack -- "RE: CJA's Opposition to Senate Confirmation of your Nomination to the Court of Claims; Request for Production of CJA's Original Submissions; Request to Testify in Opposition; Request for the Presence of a Court Stenographer; Request for Publicly-Available Documents Pertaining to your Nominations"   




Correspondence with Governor Pataki's Office


CJA's December 12, 2002 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Publicly-Available Information Regarding Governor Pataki's Appointment of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims"  



CJA's December 18, 2002 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Publicly-Available Information Regarding Governor Pataki's Appointment of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims"



Correspondence with "Good Government Groups" & CIty Bar 


CJA's December 16, 2002 fax to NYPIRG

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to NYPIRG -- "Subj:  URGENT: Postponing Tomorrow's Senate Confirmation Proceedings, Etc."


CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Association of the Bar of the City of New York -- "Subj:  URGENT: Postponing Tomorrow's Senate Confirmation Proceedings"







Documents Pertaining to Nomination/Confirmation:

Governor Pataki's December 10, 2002 press release: "Governor Nominates Senator Lack to Serve on Court of Claims:  Highly Qualified, Experience Attorney Nominated to Serve on the Court in Long Island"

Governor Pataki's December 11, 2002 notification to Senate of nomination


Transcript of December 17, 2002 Senate floor proceedings

December 17, 2002 Senate vote



The Press in Action:

The New York Times   
                   (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

CJA's December 13, 2002 fax to James McKinley, Jr. -- RE: "Lack"

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to James McKinley, Jr. -- RE: "URGENT: Letter to Senate Leadership to Postpone Lack Confirmation, Etc."
 SEE: Judicial Selection - State -NYS lower courts: Lack

CJA's December 18, 2002 letter to James McKinley, Jr. -- Lack nomination

             "State Senate Votes to Confirm One of Its Own for a Judgeship", December 18, 2002, James McKinley, Jr.

CJA's December 19, 2002 letter to James McKinley, Jr. -- Lack nomination

CJA's December 19, 2002 proposed Letter to the Editor -- RE: "State Senate Votes to Confirm One of its Own to a Judgeship (news article, Dec. 18)"

CJA's December 20, 2002 e-mail to James McKinley, Jr. -- RE: "Fwd: Dec. 18 article: 'State Senate Votes to Confirm one of Its Own for a Judgeship"

James McKinley's December 20, 2002 e-mail to CJA -- RE: "Fwd: Dec 18 article: 'State Senate Votes to Confirm One of Its Own for a Judgeship"

CJA's December 26, 2002 proposed Letter to the Editor -- RE: "'The Odd Man Out in Albany's Triumvirate of Power' (front page, metro, Dec. 26)"

CJA's December 26, 2002 e-mail to Corrections Department-- RE: December 18 metro

December 31, 2002 correction

New York Law Journal
               (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to John Caher -- "Subj: Stopping tomorrow's 'rubber stamp' Senate confirmation proceedings"

NYLJ's December 18, 2002 front-page News In Brief item, "Lack Receives High Support for Court Appointment"

                  (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

"Lack Tapped for Judgeship: Temperament no problem, panel says", December 12, 2002 (Rick Brand)

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Rick Brand -- "Subj: URGENT: Stopping Tomorrow's 'Rubber Stamp' Senate Confirmation Proceedings"

CJA's December 16, 2002 fax to Rick Brand -- "RE: Lack confirmation"

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Jordan Rau, Andrew Metz -- "Subj: Stopping Tomorrow's Sham Senate Confirmation Proceedings"

CJA's December 23, 2002 e-mail & fax to Alex Martin, Assistant Managing Editor -- "Subj: Vindicating the Rights of Long Islanders to be Heard"


CJA's January 2, 2003 letter to Rick Brand -- "RE: An Investigative Expose of the Nomination and Confirmation of James Lack as an Acting Supreme Court Justice"

CJA's February 14, 2003 letter to Alex Martin, Assistant Managing Editor -- "RE: Vindicating the Rights of Long Islanders to be Heard in Opposition to Albany Deal-Making in Long Island Judgeships: An Investigative Expose of the Nomination and Confirmation of James Lack"


Albany Times Union
             (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)


CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Jay Jochnowitz, James Odato -- "Subj: Stopping Tomorrow's 'Rubber Stamp' Senate Confirmation"

REPORTER ANDREW TILGHMAN WAS AT THE HEARING (sitting next to Elena Sassower !) & witnessed Sassower assert the public's right to a stenographic record and to be heard in opposition, & received from her, in hand, a hard copy of CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate leadership: Senate Majority Leader Bruno, Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Martin Connor, & Senate Minority Leader-Elect David Paterson

December 18, 2002 article by Andrew Tilghman, "Senators confirm one of their own"

Associated Press
                (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Joel Stashenko, Mike Gormley -- "RE: Stopping Tomorrow's 'Rubber Stamp' Confirmation"
   -- enclosing CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to State Senate Leadership

              (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Albany Bureau -- "Subj: Stopping Tomorrow's 'Rubber Stamp' Senate Confirmation"

 Daily News
              (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

        "'Gov tabs ally despite road rage", December 12, 2002 (Joe Mahoney)

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Joe Mahoney and Celeste Katz -- "Subj: Stopping Tomorrow's Sham Senate Confirmation Proceedings"
   -- attaching
CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Senate Minority Leader Martin Connor, & Senate Minority Leader-Elect David Paterson  -- "RE: (1) Postponing Senate Confirmation Proceedings on the Nomination of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims to no earlier than January 9, 2003; (2) Constituting a More Neutral Senate Forum for the Holding of the Confirmation 'Hearing'; and (3) Commencing Review of CJA's Documentary Evidence of Chairman Lack's Unfitness for Judicial Office"   

New York Post
              (prior & subsequent paper trail:  here)

                  "'Road rage' pol tabbed to be judge", December 12, 2002 (Fredric Dicker, Jen Vitale)

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Ken Lovett, Fredric Dicker -- "Subj: Stopping tomorrow's 'rubber stamp' confirmation"


Prior NYLJ reporting:

May 17, 2002:  "In Brief: Senator Lack Will Not Seek Re-Election"

May 17, 2002:  "Courts' Budget Is Approved Without Cuts" (John Caher)

May 20, 2002: "Judiciary Chairman Was Staunch Court Supporter" (John Caher)





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