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 LOG -- April 2020




Jeff Wilkin/Daily Gazette

CJA's April 3, 2020 e-mail --
"Your today's article 'Some Capital Region legislators against
'policy' provisions in state budget (Daily Gazette)"

CJA's March 18, 2020 letter to Governor Cuomo

Albany Times Union

CJA's April 13, 2020 e-mail --
"Paying Tribute to Mr. Brodsky --
Your Viewpoint Column 'Thanks for all the arguments, Richard Brodsky (April 8, 2020)"

 April 8, 2020 Times Union viewpoint column by Editorial Page Editor Jay Jochnowitz:
Thanks for all the arguments, Richard Brodsky

 April 8, 2020 Times Union obituary "Former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky dies at 73" (Cayla Harris)     

March 16, 2020 Times Union editorial “Don’t rush state budget

 April 3, 2020 Times Union article
"Paid sick leave, flavored e-cig ban, bail changes in state budget"
?  (Harris, Amanda Fries, Chris Bragg)  

 What Brodsky had to say about Silver v. Pataki --

Brodsky's May 31, 2015 Albany Times Union column
In praise of Albany's Big Ugly'"

Brodsky's December 6, 2018 City Limits column
Fixing NY's Dictatorial Budget Process Is The Reform We Most Need"

Brodsky's participation in June 16, 2015 forum
Budgets and the Balance of Power: The Lasting Impact of Silver v. Pataki and How It Shapes the Future of Government in New York State"

Brodsky's participation in May 30, 2019 forum
New York's Budget Process: Time for a Rebalance?"

New York Daily News

CJA's April 13, 2020 e-mail --
"Paying Tribute to Mr. Brodsky -- Your April 10, 2020 editorial
'Good man gone: Appreciating the life and legacy of Richard Brodsky"

April 10, 2020 Daily News editorial:  
"Good man gone: Appreciating the life and legacy of Richard Brodsky"

March 29, 2020 Daily News editorial
"First things first: This year, the state budget should focus on the coronavirus emergency; other policy can wait

March 16, 2020 Daily News editorial
"Commission impossible: A judge upends the recommendations of a misbegotten state campaign finance panel"

CJA's March 26, 2020 e-mail to Daily News --
"Will the Daily News Investigate & Report, STAT,
on the Unconstitutionality of NY's Policy-Bloated State Budget? 
Response to your today's editorial "Coronavirus cash crunch:
State and city budgets must find savings"

March 26, 2020 Daily News editorial:
"Coronavirus cash crunch: State and city budgets must find savings"

 What Brodsky had to say about Silver v. Pataki --

Brodsky's May 31, 2015 Albany Times Union column
In praise of Albany's Big Ugly'"

Brodsky's December 6, 2018 City Limits column
Fixing NY's Dictatorial Budget Process Is The Reform We Most Need"

Brodsky's participation in June 16, 2015 forum
Budgets and the Balance of Power: The Lasting Impact of Silver v. Pataki and How It Shapes the Future of Government in New York State"

Brodsky's participation in May 30, 2019 forum
New York's Budget Process: Time for a Rebalance?"


Alan Chartock /Berkshire Edge

CJA's April 14, 2020 e-mail --
"Serious Error/Correction Required: 
'Cuomo's budget legerdemain' (Berkshire Edge/April 14, 2020 -- Dr. Alan Chartock)"

Cuomo’s budget legerdemain
Berkshire Edge (Chartock)

The Legislative Gazette     
Capitol Connection interviews       Media Project


Martin Samoylov

CJA's April 16, 2020 e-mail --
"Bravo!  Your terrific Op-Ed -- 'Statewide Public Finance Is a Big Deal. 
Let's Treat It As Such." (Kings Co. Politics, April 14, 2020)"

April 14, 2020
"State Public Finance Is a Big Deal.  Let's Treat It As Such"
Kings County Politics (Martin Samoylov)

Samoylov's April 16, 2020 e-mail --

CJA's April 16, 2020 e-mail -- "Your op-ed was 1st rate!..."

Samoylov's April 17, 2020 e-mail

CJA's April 17, 2020 e-mail--
"Goodell, a lawyer, is a posturing hypocrite, in addition to being ineffectual..."

CJA's April 17, 2020 e-mail --
"Here's Goodell's posturing, worthless response..."

CJA's April 17, 2020 e-mail --
"One other point -- on severability, unconstitutionality -- or any other judicial declaration"

CJA's April 22, 2020 e-mail --
"LEAD, for which you already have a head-start: 
GOOD NEWS FOR NY's THIRD PARTIES: You can EASILY challenge -- & win --
a lawsuit throwing out Part ZZZ of Budget B ill #S.7508-B/A.9508-B as UNCONSTITUTIONAL"

Jamestown Post-Journal

CJA's April 20, 2020 e-mail --
"Clarification: 'Change in State Budget Impacts Minor Political Parties'
(April 13, 2020 article, Post-Journal)"

Budget Impacts Minor Political Parties"
Post Journal (Dennis Phillips) 

April 20, 2020 e-mail from Chautauqua Libertarian Party Chair

December 9, 2019 Daily News article
"New York's third parties hammer Democrats over new rules making it harder to get on state ballot"
(Denis Slattery)

VIDEO:  December 9, 2019 press conference of Libertarian & Green Parties

December 16, 2019 
"Green Party, Libertarian Team Up To Fight New Election Rules"
WCBS News Radio 88





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