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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
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             SEE: Judicial Selection-NYS-"Merit Selection"-NY Court of Appeals-Jones

February 7, 2007
"Spitzer reappoints Kaye as chief judge"
(Michele Morgan Bolton)

February 7, 2007
"Justice and Gov. Spitzer"

February 15, 2007
"Egan among Spitzer's selections"

(Elizabeth Benjamin)

CJA's February 21, 2007 letter to Elizabeth Benjamin --
"FACTUAL ERROR: REQUEST FOR CORRECTION -- 'Egan among Spitzer's selections', February 15, 2007"

    [indicated copies to Associate Editor Mark Spain, State Editor Jay Jochnowitz, Reporter James Odato, and Reporter Michele Morgan Bolton]
Judicial Selection-NYS-"Merit Selection"-NY Court of Appeals-Kaye

February 21, 2007 e-mail from Michele Morgan Bolton --
"RE: FACTUAL ERROR: REQUEST FOR CORRECTION: February 15, 2007 article -- Senate Confirmation of Chief Judge Kaye to NY Court of Appeals"

CJA's February 21, 2007 e-mail to Bolton --
"THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- RE: FACTUAL ERROR: REQUEST FOR CORRECTION: February 15, 2007 article -- Senate Confirmation of Chief Judge Kaye to NY Court of Appeals"

February 22, 2007 e-mail from Jochnowitz --
"RE: Revised letter -- FACTUAL ERROR: REQUEST FOR CORRECTION: February 15, 2007 article -- Senate Confirmation of Chief Judge Kaye to NY Court of Appeals"

CJA's February 22, 2007 e-mail to Jochnowitz --
"March 6, 2007 Hearing on Judge Kaye's confirmation -- RE: Revised letter -- FACTUAL ERROR: REQUEST FOR CORRECTION: February 15, 2007 article -- Senate Confirmation of Chief Judge Kaye to NY Court of Appeals"
    [indicated copies to Elizabeth Benjamin, Mark Spain, James Odato, and Michele Morgan Bolton]

CJA's February 22, 2007 memo to Associate Editor Mark Spain, State Editor Jochnowitz, & Reporter Odato --
"Background to Times Union coverage of Senate confirmation of Justice Theodore T. Jones, Jr. as associate judge of the New York Court of Appeals -- and to its February 15, 2007 article 'Egan among Spitzer's selections", falsely reporting on Senate confirmation of the reappointment of Chief Judge Kaye to the New York Court of Appeals"
    [indicated copies to Elizabeth Benjamin, Michele Morgan Bolton, Rick Karlin]

CJA's February 22, 2007 transmitting e-mail to Spain, Jochnowitz & Odato --
"Background to Times Union Coverage -- & its February 15, 2007 article falsely reporting on Senate confirmation of Chief Judge Kaye"
    [indicated copies to Elizabeth Benjamin, Michele Morgan Bolton, Rick Karlin]

February 22, 2007 e-mail from Jochnowitz --
"RE: Background to Times Union Coverage -- & its February 15, 2007 article falsely reporting on Senate confirmation of Chief Judge Kaye"

CJA's February 23, 2007 e-mail to Jochnowitz --
"Chief Judge Kaye LIED on two motions for her disqualification in two public interest cases"
        [indicated copies to Mark Spain, Elizabeth Benjamin, Michele Morgan Bolton, Rick Karlin]

Jochnowitz' February 28, 2007 e-mail --
"RE: Chief Judge Kaye LIED on two motions for her disqualification in two public interest cases"

CJA's March 6, 2007 e-mail to Mark Aldam (Publisher), Rex Smith (Editor), Joanne Crupi (Editorial Page Editor), Michael Spain (Associate Editor), Jay Jochnowitz (State Bureau Chief), Michele Morgan Bolton, Jim Odato, Elizabeth Benjamin, Rick Karlin

March 6, 2007 
"Kaye Gets Confirmed, But With Opposition"

Capitol Confidential  (James Odato)


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