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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
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CJA's January 16, 2020 e-mail to Bragg --
cc: Churchill, Smith, Seiler, Jochnowitz, Lombardo, Lyons, Mehic, Silberstein, Fries --
"LEAD: What was going on behind the closed-doors appointment of Shoshanah Bewlay
as execuitive direcor of the Committee on Open Government is NOW before her, testing her fitness"

January 14, 2020
"State's new 'open government' expert was hired in secret"
Albany Times Union (Chris Bragg)  & here

January 15, 2020
"Andrew Cuomo doesn't believe in sunlight"
Albany Times Union (Chris Churchill)

of note -- January 21, 2020
"Casey Seiler named Times Union editor"
Albany Times Union Michael Williams)

CJA's March 21, 2020 e-mail to Bragg, Fries, Harris, Lyons --
"Gov and Legislative Leaders get GOOD NEWS during this Coronavirus Emergency:
Simplifying the policy-packed NYS budget is EASY, as 6 of the Gov's 7 'Article VII Bills' are UNCONSTITUTIONAL"

CJA's April 13, 2020 e-mail to Jochnowitz -- cc: Seiler, Smith, Harris, Bragg, Fries, Lyons --
"Paying Tribute to Mr. Brodsky -- Your Viewpoint Column 'Thanks for all the arguments, Richard Brodsky (April 8, 2020)"

 April 8, 2020 Times Union viewpoint column
by Editorial Page Editor Jay Jochnowitz:
Thanks for all the arguments, Richard Brodsky

 April 8, 2020 Times Union obituary
"Former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky dies at 73" (Cayla Harris)     

March 16, 2020 Times Union editorial “Don’t rush state budget

 April 3, 2020 Times Union article
"Paid sick leave, flavored e-cig ban, bail changes in state budget"
?  (
Harris, Amanda Fries, Chris Bragg)  

 What Brodsky had to say about Silver v. Pataki --

Brodsky's May 31, 2015 Albany Times Union column
In praise of Albany's Big Ugly'"

Brodsky's December 6, 2018 City Limits column
Fixing NY's Dictatorial Budget Process Is The Reform We Most Need"

Brodsky's participation in June 16, 2015 forum
Budgets and the Balance of Power: The Lasting Impact of Silver v. Pataki
and How It Shapes the Future of Government in New York State

Brodsky's participation in May 30, 2019 forum
New York's Budget Process: Time for a Rebalance?"

cc: Seiler, Jochnowitz, Smith, Bragg, Fries, Harris --  CJA's March 31, 2020 e-mail --
"Your article 'Cuomo Helped Get New York into This Mess' (The Nation, 3/30/20) is MISSING the Role of the Legislature & the NY Court of Appeals, among others -- & MISREPRESENTS the State Budget"


CJA's July 3, 2020 e-mail to Bragg, Fries, Harris, Lyons
"Celebrating July 4th by making NY's state legislative & DA elections competitive & capable of achieving their goal of accountability"

Gov. Cuomo's June 30, 2020 executive order

 CJA's June 4, 2020 grand jury/corruption complaint

included direct link:
CJA's webpage --- "
Invoking 'The power of grand juries to inquire
into the wilful misconduct in office of public officers,
and to find indictments...',
pursuant to Article I, §6 of the New York State Constitution"

CJA's July 3, 2020 e-mail to Jochnowitz -- cc: Reader Representative, Seiler, Smith, Hearst, Lyons, Bragg, Fries, Harris --
"The Albany Times Union's duty to rescind its June 17, 2020 editorial 'Albany County DA: Soares' & to take other corrective steps to protect the public & the integrity of elections"

Albany Times Union's June 17, 2020 editorial:
"Albany County D.A.: Soares

Included direct link:
CJA's webpage of the 4 prior complaints D.A. Soares has been "sitting on"

July 3, 2020 automated acknowledgment from tureaderrep@timesunion.com

July 3, 2020 automated acknowledgment from TUcommentary@hearstcorp.com

CJA's August 17, 2020 e-mail to Editorial Board Member Akum Norder --
Query: Albany Times Union Editorial Board"

CJA's August 19, 2020 e-mail -- & here
"ALERT: Backstory to your Aug 17th & 18th articles on the meetings
of the SUNY Board of Trustees to appoint Malatras as chancellor"

CJA's August 19, 2020 e-mail --
"Backstory to the SUNY Board of Trustees' closed-door meetings, since Monday, to appoint James Malatras as SUNY's new chancellor"

CJA's September 8, 2020 e-mail to Norder --
"Query: Albany Times Union Editorial Board"

CJA's September 8, 2020 e-mail Jochnowitz, Reader Representative, Seiler, Smith, Hearst, Lyons, Bragg, Fries, Harris --
AGAIN:  The Albany Times Union's duty to rescind its June 17, 2020 editorial 'Albany County DA: Soares' & to take other corrective steps to protect the public & the integrity of elections"

CJA's September 18, 2020 e-mail to Hearst, Seiler, Jochnowitz, Smith, Lyons, Bragg, Fries, Harris, Norder, Reader Representative Tyler, Lewis, Hahn, Shaffer, City Desk --
"Albany County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE: public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Albany County's 7 state legislators -- 6 running for re-election -- which D.A. Soares, also running for re-election, is 'sitting on'"

cc: Hearst, Seiler, Jochnowitz, Smith, Lyons, Bragg, Fries, Harris, Norder, Reader Representative, Tyler, Lewis, Hahn, Shaffer, City Desk, Mehic, McKinley -- CJA's September 30, 2020 e-mail to Albany County Non-Incumbent Legislative Candidates -- "GOOD NEWS!  You have an open-&-shut public corruption issue that will WIN you election -- & demonstrate your fitness for public service"

cc: Liberatore, Hearst, Seiler, Jochnowitz, Smith, Lyons, Bragg, Fries, Harris, Norder, Reader Representative, Tyler, Lewis, Hahn, Shaffer, City Desk, Mehic, McKinley -- CJA's October 5, 2020 e-mail to Saratoga County League of Women Voters -- "Saratoga County League of Women Voters Candidate Forums:questions for state Senate & Assembly candidates, determinative of fitness for public service"

October 15, 2020
"Assembly race pits established incumbent against progressive activist"
Albany Times Union (Wendy Liberatore)

CJA's October 4, 2020 e-mail to Bragg, Fries, Lyons, McKinley --
"ELECTION ALERT:  NYS' 15 D.A. races -- & the rigging of the 213 races for state Senate & Assembly seats"

CJA's October 5, 2020 e-mail to Bragg, Fries, Lyons, McKinley --
"GUIDE TO NYS' 15 D.A. RACES -- & the unfitness of ALL 15 D.A. incumbents & the few candidates running to succeed them"

CJA's October 20, 2020 e-mail to Bragg, Fries, Lyons, McKinley --
"Your Election Reporting of NYS' 213 Senate & Assembly Races -- analysis of Bruce Gyory's 'New York State Senate Races Worth Watching' (10/18/20 Empire Report)"

**** By March 3, 2022 -- & presumably at some point before then -- Albany Times Union editorials would append the following:  "Editorials are the institutional view of the Times Union. They represent the consensus of the editorial board, whose members are George Hearst, publisher; Casey Seiler, editor; Jay Jochnowitz, senior editor for opinion; and editorial writers Chris Churchill, Akum Norder and Tena Tyler. While the Times Union's news coverage frequently informs our editorials, the board's opinions have no bearing on that coverage."


podcast --
editorial page editor Jay Jochnowitz talks about how the editorial board made their decision to endorse a candidate in the contentious primary race for Albany County District Attorney

part of criteria we use...it it kind of behoves a challenger to explain why the incumbent doesn't deserve to keep the job that they've had.  If they are doing a good job, they are doing a good job and that's a good thing... and, if they're not that's the case the challenger has to make.

Albany Times Union's June 15, 2020 editorial: 
"For the Assembly: McDonald"



CJA's October 4, 2020 e-mail
"ELECTION ALERT:  NYS' 15 D.A. races --
& the rigging of the 213 races for state Senate & Assembly seats"

CJA's October 5, 2020 e-mail
& the unfitness of ALL 15 D.A. incumbents
& the few candidates running to succeed them"


CJA's October 20, 2020 e-mail
"Your Election Reporting of NYS' 213 Senate & Assembly Races --
analysis of Bruce Gyory's 'New York State Senate Races Worth Watching' (10/18/20 Empire Report)"






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