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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
Blackballing, & Election-Rigging


"More light on 'sunshine'", editorial, March 22, 2009

CJA's March 22, 2009 blog entry

CJA's March 22, 2009 e-mail letter to editor, proposal for coverage

Welcoming Sunshine!  The Corrupt Judicial Appointment Process to White Plains City Court

CJA's July 14, 2009 letter to Journal News Senior Managing Editor CynDee Royle --
"(1) Retraction of The Journal News’ knowingly false and defamatory May 6, 2009 article “Hecklers try to derail new city judge”/“White Plains woman heckles city judge during confirmation”; (2) Journalistic expose of the issue of legitimate public concern the article purposefully concealed, to wit, the corruption of the judicial appointment process by which White Plains gets its City Court Judges, as established by primary-source documentary evidence 

CJA's accompanying line-by-line analysis of article
     Exhibit A:  "Hecklers try to derail new city judge" (newspaper);
            "White Plains woman heckles city judge during confirmation
" (website)
     Exhibit B: CJA's March 20, 2009 letter to Corporation Counsel Dunphy (by Elena Sassower)
     Exhibit C: CJA's March 23, 2009 letter to Mayor Delfino (by Elena Sassower)
     Exhibit D: CJA's April 30, 2009 memo to Mayor & Common Council (by Elena Sassower)
     Exhibit E:  CJA's May 4, 2009 letter to Mayor  (by Elena Sassower)
     Exhibit F:  CJA's May 4, 2009 e-mail (from Doris Sassower) to Mayor & Common Council
     Exhibit G:  Elena Sassower's May 5, 2009 e-mails to Journal News Editor Fredericks 
     Exhibit H:  "More light on 'sunshine'", editorial, March 22, 2009;
                      CJA's March 22, 2009 blog entry (by Doris Sassower)
                      CJA's March 22, 2009 e-mail letter to editor, proposal for coverage (by D. Sassower)
     Exhibit I:  "Council's actions questioned" (newspaper), May 14, 2009, Keith Eddings
"State: White Plains Common Council's executive session on the budget was illegal"
                       (website) "Wrong advice", May 15, 2009, editorial
     Exhibits J: "Party chief contacts White Plains Dems over schools race", May 14, 2009, Keith Eddings
     Exhibit K:  "Awards and Contest Winners", pp. 1-2 of webpage from lohud.com website

CJA's August 18, 2009 letter to Journal News Senior Managing Editor CynDee Royle --
"(1) Retraction of The Journal News’ knowingly false and defamatory May 6, 2009 article “Hecklers try to derail new city judge”/“White Plains woman heckles city judge during confirmation”; (2) Journalistic expose of the issue of legitimate public concern the article purposefully concealed, to wit, the corruption of the judicial appointment process by which White Plains gets its City Court Judges, as established by primary-source documentary evidence 

CJA's October 27, 2009 e-mail to Journal News Senior Managing Editor CynDee Royle --
" Elections: Common Council & Mayor -- Retraction/Journalistic Expose, Etc."


CJA's February 4, 2010 letter to Journal News/LoHud.Com -- Community View, Letters -- "Today's News story on p. 1 Bradley-Delfino"; copy to reporter Ben Rubin

May 28, 2010 Senate Proceedings Honoring Jay Gallagher -- for Outstanding Reporting   2005 book "The Politics of Decline"

* * *

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