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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
Blackballing, & Election-Rigging




CJA's January 18, 2000 letter to Salvatore Arena --
"STORY PROPOSAL: An Investigative Expose of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct -- on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of its Manhattan office"

CJA's January 20, 2000 letter to Juan Gonzalez --
"STORY PROPOSALS: (1) Political manipulation of appointive Court of Claims and other judgeships; (2) Manipulation of judicial assignments in the politically-explosive case against the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct by Would-Be Appellate Division Judge -- now NY Supreme Court Administrative Judge -- Stephen Crane"
   -- enclosing CJA's January 14, 2000 letter to OCA
                     CJA's December 2, 1999 letter to Governor Pataki
                     CJA's December 2, 1999 letter to Administrative Judge Crane
docket sheets & recusal order

CJA's January 20, 2000 letter
to Juan Gonzalez--
"STORY PROPOSALS: (1) Political manipulation of appointive Court of Claims and other judgeships; (2) Manipulation of judicial assignments in the politically-explosive case against the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct by Would-Be Appellate Division Judge -- now NY Supreme Court Administrative Judge -- Stephen Crane"

CJA's February 14, 2000 letter to Salvatore Arena --
"Scaling back to a SIMPLE STORY PROPOSAL: The 'Steering' of the Commission Case by and to Politically-Vulnerable and Self-Interested Judges"

Mr. Arena's February 22, 2000 hand-written note

CJA's February 28, 2000 letter to Juan Gonzales --
"STORY PROPOSALS: (1) Political manipulation of appointive Court of Claims and other judgeships; (2) Subversion of the judicial Process in the politically-explosive case against the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct by Would-Be Appellate Division Judge -- now NY Supreme Court Administrative Judge -- Stephen Crane -- and by Court of Claims Holdover, Acting Supreme Court Justice William Wetzel"

CJA's March 13, 2000 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"A 'WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY': The Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct -- and a Whole Lot More"

CJA's March 22, 2000 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses
    -- enclosing "16 prosecutors left misconduct rebukes off judicial bids", Chicago Tribune, 3/1/00

Inventory of judicial misconduct complaints, etc.,
given to Larry Cohler-Esses on April 4, 2000

CJA's April 12, 2000 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"Investigative Expose on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA's April 12, 2000 letter to Juan Gonzalez --
"Proposed Columns for LAW DAY - May 1st"

CJA's April 12, 2000 fax to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"Corruption stories"


CJA's June 19, 2001 letter to Celeste Katz

CJA's November 30, 2001 letter to Michael Aronson, Editorial Board --
"'Who Judges the Judges?' -- Finding the Causes of the 'Disorder in the Courts'"
    Ex. A:  "Disorder in the courts", Daily News editorial, 11/26/01, & 11/30/01 ltr to the editor of Steven Krane, President/NYS Bar Association
    Ex B: "Mirror, Mirror", Daily News editorial, 8/29/99 & CJA's correspondence with Daily News, including published letter to editor "Who judges the judges?", 9/12/99
    Ex. C: "O'Rourke's Pork", Daily News editorial, 2/5/98 & CJA's correspondence with Daily News,  including published letter to editor, "O'Rourke's appointment was illegal"
    Ex. D:  CJA's prior published letters to editor, "Untrustworthy Ratings?", NYT, 7/17/92; "No Justification for Process's Secrecy", NYLJ, 1/24/96; "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", 11/16/96; "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", 12/28/98

         [transmitting copy of appellate record:
Test Case-State (Commission)

CJA's December 5, 2001 proposed Letter to the Editor

CJA's published Letter to the Editor, "Judicial reforms",
Daily News, December 7, 2001

CJA's December 10, 2001 letter to Michael Aronson --
"Examining Evidentiary Proof of the Politicization and Corruption of 'Merit Selection' Judicial Appointments, Etc."

CJA's December 20, 2001 letter to City Desk

CJA's December 20, 2001 letter to Michael Aronson --
"Scheduling a Meeting for the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA) to make an Evidence-Based Presentation to the Daily News Editorial Board on its 'Judging the Judges' Editorial Series"


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