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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
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CJA's January 22, 2002 letter to Michael Aronson --
"CJA's Unresponded-to December 20, 2001 Letter for a Meeting with the Daily News Editorial Board on its 'Judging the Judges' Editorial Series"
  with referred-to Daily News editorials, "Justice Denied" (12/22/01) and "The Verdicts Are In" (1/18/02), Chief Judge Judith Kaye's column "I Rise in Defense of State's Courts" (1/17/02), etc.

CJA's February 25, 2002 letter to Michael Aronson, with Daily News 2/25/02 editorial, "Lax discipline lacks effectiveness" --
"Scheduling a Meeting for the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA) to make an Evidence-Based Presentation as to the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct, etc."

CJA's February 25, 2002 fax to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"Daily News' 'Judging Judges' editorial on the Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA's March 7, 2002 letter to Michael Aronson --
"Setting a Time and Date Certain for CJA to make an Evidence-Based Presentation as to the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA's March 7, 2002 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"Arranging a Meeting with Editors of the Reportorial/Investigative Side of the Daily News to Review the Readily-Verifiable Evidence of the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct -- so that News Coverage May Begin"

CJA's March 7, 2002 fax to Michael Aronson --
"Examining the Evidence of the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA's May 7, 2002 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"My Own Follow-Up with Editors on the Reportorial/Investigative Side of the Daily News"

CJA's May 13, 2002 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"Arranging a Meeting with Russ Hoyle"

CJA's May 20, 2002 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"Arranging a a Meeting with Russ Hoyle for News Coverage and Investigative Stories on Issues of Judicial Accountability, etc."

CJA's August 14, 2002 letter to Russ Hoyle, Editor --
"An Investigative Expose of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct -- based on the readily-verifiable evidence of its corruption presented by a public interest lawsuit pending before the NYS Court of Appeals"

CJA's August 14, 2002 fax to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"RE: An Investigative Expose of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct -- based on the readily-verifiable evidence of its corruption presented by a public interest lawsuit pending before the NYS Court of Appeals"

CJA's September 19, 2002 letter to Russ Hoyle, Editor --
"EXPEDITING AND FACILITATING REVIEW: of the documentary proof that the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct is CORRUPT"

CJA's September 19, 2002 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"EXPEDITING AND FACILITATING REVIEW: of the documentary proof that the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct is CORRUPT"

CJA's September 24, 2002 letter to Joe Mahoney, Albany Bureau --
"ELECTION COVERAGE: Exposing the REAL Attorney General Spitzer -- not the P.R. version"

CJA's September 24, 2002 letter to Larry Cohler-Esses --
"The electorally-explosive ramifications of my public interest lawsuit against the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA's October 3, 2002 e-mail to Joe Mahoney --
"Election Coverage: Spitzer & Pataki in One Fell Swoop"

CJA's October 8, 2002 memo to Richard Schwartz, Editorial Page Editor --
"Editorial Endorsements for Attorney General and Governor"

    SEE:    Correspondence - State: Governor Pataki
Correspondence- State: Attorney General Spitzer
Test Cases - State (Commission)
Correspondence - State: NYS Ethics Commission
Correspondence - State: U.S. Attorneys - EDNY/SDNY
Correspondence - State: Manhattan District Attorney Morgenthau
                  Judicial Selection -- State: NYS


see CJA's "Paper Trail" of prior correspondence with the Daily News
(especially CJA's 8/31/99, 9/8/99, 9/13/99, 3/13/00, 11/30/01, 9/24/02 correspondence)

Editorial Endorsement: October 31, 2002
"Another term for Spitzer"

CJA's December 6, 2002 memo to Richard Schwartz --
"Information Gathering for your 'Judging the Judges' editorial series"

CJA's December 10, 2002 memo to Richard Schwartz --
"'Judging the Judges' editorial series"

CJA's December 16, 2002 e-mail to Joe Mahoney and Celeste Katz --
"Stopping Tomorrow's Sham Senate Confirmation Proceedings"
                   -- attaching

CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Senate Minority Leader Martin Connor, & Senate Minority Leader-Elect David Paterson  -- "(1) Postponing Senate Confirmation Proceedings on the Nomination of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims to no earlier than January 9, 2003; (2) Constituting a More Neutral Senate Forum for the Holding of the Confirmation 'Hearing'; and (3) Commencing Review of CJA's Documentary Evidence of Chairman Lack's Unfitness for Judicial Office"   

CJA's December 20, 2002 memo
to Richard Schwartz --
"'Judging the Judges' editorial series"

CJA's December 30, 2002 memo to Richard Schwartz --
"'Judging the Judges' editorial series"

CJA's December 30, 2002 memo to Russ Hoyle, Editor --
"CJA's Proposal for a Daily News Investigative Expose of the Readily-Verifiable Evidence of the Corruption of the New York
State Commission on Judicial Conduct"



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