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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
Blackballing, & Election-Rigging



CJA's January 20, 2014 e-mail to press, including Hammond, Beekman, McShane -- "What Do Your Sources Inside Governor Cuomo's Office Tell You About What the Governor Will be Doing with the Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- and what say the 'good government groups' and 'experts'?"

CJA's January 22, 2014 e-mail to press, including Hammond, Smith, Beekman, McShane -- "Changing the Face of the 2014 Elections:  Governor Cuomo's Larceny of Taxpayer Monies by his Yesterday's Budget"

CJA's January 25, 2014 e-mail -- "What will Astorino & Paladino say at the Jan 26-27 Conservative Party Political Action Conference about defeating Governor Cuomo & achieving a Republican/ Conservative sweep in the 2014 elections?"

CJA's May 1, 2014 e-mail to press, including Hammond, Beekman, McShane, Lovett -- "The 'Legislature's declaratory judgment action against the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption -- & US Attorney Bharara's Subpoenaing of JCOPE Complaints"

CJA's November 26, 2014 e-mail to Hammond, Blain, Lovett, Katz -- "Request for Daily News Coverage: Dec. 3rd Oral Argument of NYS Legislature's Declaratory Judgment Action vs Commission to Investigate Public Corruption -- 60 Centre St. Room 222"

CJA's press release of Dec 3, 2014 oral argument to intervene in Legislature's declaratory judgment action vs Commision to Investigate Public Corruption


CJA's January 25, 2013 e-mail to Friedman; cc: to Marzulli --
"Setting Bill O'Reilly & the White House Straight: Reporting on Loretta Lynch's 'record on the merits'"

CJA's February 1, 2015 posted comment & press alert -- responding to Wayne Barrett article in Daily News --
"BUSTING 'Sheldon Silver's gang"

CJA's June 22, 2015 e-mail to press, including Blain, Katz, Hammond -- "Psst!  What's Happening with the JCOPE/LEC Review Commission, Appointed Nearly 2 Months Ago?"  (transmitted in four parts)

 CJA's October 31, 2015 to press, including Blain  --
"SCARY HALLOWEEN ALERT: NYLJ reports --'Hearing Set on Pay Increases for Judges, Lawmakers'"
                 included links: 
February 6, 2013 testimony at Legislature’s "public protection" budget hearing: (last speaker: at 7:21:50 hrs);
September 17, 2013 testimony before Commission to Investigate Public Corruption;
      (3) October 14, 2015 testimony before JCOPE/LEC Review Commission
(at 0:44:05 mins.)


CJA's March 28, 2016 e-mail to LCA roster, including Blain --
"NEWS ALERT:  Lawsuit challenging NY's 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making (1st ever?!)"   

CJA's March 28, 2016 e-mail to LCA, with press release for distribution -- "Press Release: Lawsuit Challenging NY's 'Three-Men-in-a-Room' Budget Deal-Making (1st ever?!)


CJA's March 31, 2016 e-mail to LCA roster, including Blain --
"Have you read what the NYS Constitution has to say about the NYS budget?"


* * *

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