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CJA's March 1, 2022 message to Daily News -- "My response to NY Daily News Executive Editor Andrew Julien's request  for feedback, sent 3:51 pm, March 1, 2022, via the indicated website link"

March 21, 2022 e-mail to Executive Editor Andrew Julien -- "Your March 1st 'Special message'to subscribers -- & my March 1st feedback,
to which I received no response"

CJA's March 26, 2022 e-mail LCA reporters, including Slattery -- "NYS BUDGET: Challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of the FY2022-23 NYS budget, the fraud of 'ethics reform' -- & the 2022 elections"

CJA's March 27, 2022 e-mail to Julien, pertinent masthead editors, with cc's to Slattery, Siegel -- "NYS BUDGET: Challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of the FY2022-23 NYS budget, the fraud of 'ethics reform' -- & the 2022 elections"

CJA's April 27, 2022 e-mail to Julien, et al -- "ELECTIONS 2022 -- & your April 23rd & 26th editorials on the NYS Constitution & the election redistricting case at the Court of Appeals, citing to judicial pay raises & Chief Judge DiFiore's 'honor', 'oath' & 'legacy'"

CJA's June 10, 2022 e-mail to LCA roster -- "Lawsuit vs JCOPE -- & to VOID the statute shutting it down & replacing it with a 'commission on ethics and lobbying in government' (CELG) (Supreme Court/Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's June 15, 2022 e-mail to LCA roster --  "BEHIND-THE-SCENES: NY's 15 law school deans announce their vetting process for members of the JCOPE replacement --CJA's June 12th letter & the lawsuit"

CJA's June 16, 2022 e-mail to LCA roster -- "NOTICE OF CANCELLATION of tomorrow's oral argument on TRO, hopefully to be rescheduled to Wed. June 22nd -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)" 

CJA's June 21, 2022 e-mail to LCA roster -- "UPDATE -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22) -- awaiting a judge"

What Daily News Journalism
on the State Budget Looks Like:

March 31, 2022
"The ethics cop-out: Hochul and the Legislature
must not pass a lame JCOPE replacement
Daily News editorial


April 23, 202
"Straightening out the lines: After a N.Y. appellate panel makes the right decision
on gerrymandered districts, all eyes are on the state's highest court

April 26, 2022
"Judges, do the right thing, NY's Court of Appeals
must draw a line against hyperpartisan redistricting"


* * *

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