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click here for CJA's webpage:  
Going After Black & Hispanic "Little Fish",
while the "Big White Whales" Go Free

CJA's May 14, 2013 e-mail to Ross Barkan/NY Observer/Politicker  --
(cc: forum participants including Michael Benjamin) 
"Evidence Establishing that Black & Hispanic Legislators are Being Invidiously & Selectively Investigated & Prosecuted"


CJA's May 17, 2013 e-mail to Ross Barkan/NY Observer/Politicker --
(cc: forum participants including Michael Benjamin) 
"Beyond 'Theories' to VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE: The U.S. Attorneys' Invidious & Selective Prosecution of Minority Legislators"


cc: Pehme's May 31, 2013 e-mail -- "Not receiving FR"

CJA's May 31, 2013 e-mail to Morgan Pehme/Editor - City & State --
(cc: Michael Benjamin)
"Assemblywoman Inez Barron's call for Assembly Speaker Silver's Ouster & Michael Benjamin's column 'Minorities Should Seek Answer, Not Excuses, for Corruption'" 

CJA's May 31, 2013 e-mail to Pehme --
"By the way of thanks, Morgan, for our productive conversation earlier today & your assistance"

CJA's June 21, 2013 e-mail to Pehme --
"Why am I not receiving your daily 'First-Read' e-mail?"

CJA's June 21, 2013 e-mail to Pehme --
"what is 'pure paranoia' about my simple question --..."

*    *    *

CJA's June 15, 2013 e-mail to Thomas Kaplan/New York Times -- with cc's to other press --
(cc: Senator Smith's lawyer, Gerald Shargel, Esq.)   June 15, 2013 e-mail to further press  
"Subject: NYT story on selective & invidious investigation & prosecution of Black & Hispanic legislators?"  

           -- attached May 22, 2013 letter to ALL Senators & Assembly Members
           -- attached May 13, 2013 letter/complaint to U.S. Attorney Lynch

           -- referred-to Video of Senator Sanders' forum "Attack on Black Leaders: Corruption or Conspiracy?": see 3rd question/comment from audience member (Sassower): (at 1:30:30)
 --  CJA's April 15, 2012 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara

"As Minority Officials Are Caught Up in Scandals, Some See a Conspiracy",
NYT, by Thomas Kaplan, posted on internet, June 27, 2013 --
published June 28, 2013, front-page of metro section, above-the-fold

CJA's June 28, 2013 e-mail to New York's Press -- with cc to New York Times Public Editor --
"RELIABLE NEWS SOURCE: 12-day lead on NYT story on selective & invidious investigation & prosecution of Black & Hispanic legislators"

June 28, 2013 e-mail acknowledgment from NYT Public Editor Margaret Sullivan

CJA's June 28, 2013 e-mail to NYT Public Editor Sullivan -
"Complaint of Knowingly Misleading & Materially Incomplete Reporting on an Important Issue of Legitimate Public Concern"

June 28, 2013 e-mail acknowledgment of NYT Public Editor Sullivan

July 3, 2013 e-mail from Public Editor's Assistant, Meg Gourley --
"Re: Complaint of Knowingly Misleading & Materially Incomplete Reporting on an Important Issue of Legitimate Public Concern"

CJA's July 3, 2013 e-mail
"thank you..."

CJA's July 5, 2013 e-mail to NYT Letters Editor Thomas Feyer --
"Proposed Letter to Editor in Resolution of June 28, 2013 Complaint to Public Editor"

CJA's July 22, 2013 e-mail to NYT Public Editor Sullivan --
"How is the Public Editor Assisting in the Resolution of my June 28, 2013 Complaint of Knowingly Misleading, Materially Incomplete Journalism on an Issue of Important Public Concern?"

August 1, 2013 e-mail from NYT Public Editor Assistant Meg Gourley --
"Re: How is the Public Editor Assisting..."

CJA's August 2, 2013 e-mail to NYT Public Editor Ass't Gourley --

CJA's August 15, 2013 e-mail to NYT Metro Editor Wendell Jamieson
"6/28/13 misconduct complaint vs Mr. Kaplan -- & proposal for investigation & coverage, immediately, as it relates to mayoral candidate William C. Thompson, Jr. "

"Power Broker, Fired, Faces Inquiry on Political Donations", April 12, 2013

link to: CJA v. Cuomo -- Exhibit Q to verified complaint: CJA's March 2, 2012 letter to Governor Cuomo, Temporary Senate President Skelos, Assembly Speaker Silver, Chief Judge Lippman
     Ex. A:  Executive Summary of CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
     Ex. B:  CJA's November 29, 2011 complaint to Attorney General Schneiderman's Public Integrity Bureau & its December 7, 2011 determination that "complaint does not warrant action by this office at this time"
     Ex. C:  AG Schneiderman's website info as to partnership with Comptroller DiNapoli "to investigate public corruption involving taxpayer funds"; May 23, 2011 NYT article "Accord with Comptroller Will Help Attorney General Pursue Corruption Cases"; May 30, 2011 Albany Times Union article "AG, comptroller partnership a no-brainer"
    Ex. D:  CJA's March 1, 2012 complaint to Comptroller DiNapoli's Investigations Unit   

                                 CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report 

                 CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara

NYT Metro Editor Jamieson's August 15, 2013 e-mail

CJA's August 15, 2013 e-mail to Metro Editor Jamieson --
"The NYT corrections policy & your question 'Did you have dealings with Bill Glaberson regarding judicial pay raises?'"

click here for: NYT corrections webpage    corrected metro article: "When It Comes to New York Wines, the Governor Likes Them All"     NYT Corrections Policy

click here for: 

CJA's September 1, 2011 complaint to NYT Public Editor Arthur S. Brisbane
vs Bill Glaberson & NYT Editorial Board
pertaining to Commission on Judicial Compensation & the judicial pay raise issue

link to:
CJA's July 11, 2013 criminal complaint to NYS Inspector General
vs Commission on Judicial Compensation
headed by William C. Thompson, Jr

*  *  *

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