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MISSION: "The Volcker Alliance advances effective management of government to achieve results that matter to citizens. The nonpartisan Alliance works toward that objective by partnering with other organizations—academic, business, governmental, and public interest—to strengthen professional education for public service, conduct needed research on government performance, and improve the efficiency and accountability of governmental organization at the federal, state, and local levels."

Public Service Excellence Program -- "works to enhance the role of schools of public policy and administration as beacons of public education and research. The Alliance partners with these schools to execute specific projects designed to determine how best to educate, train, and motivate the current and next generation of great public administrators."

State & Local Program -- "...partners with other organizations—academic, business, governmental, and public interest—to conduct needed research on government performance and improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of governmental organization at the state and local levels.

Truth and Integrity in Government Finance Project -- "...will analyze the budget practices in all 50 states, providing a firm basis for grading their budgeting performance and financial reporting in areas includng clarity and integrity.  The Alliance is collecting and analyzing data for this project in partnership with university partners..."

CJA's August 18, 2017 e-mail to William Glasgall --
"Subject: VIDEOS & Primary-Source Evidence for Scholarship on the New York State Budget"

cc to Glasgall:  CJA's August 22, 2017 e-mail
"Subject: Empowering Students -- & Bringing Transparency & Integrity to the NYS Budget & Governance..."

"Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting -- What is the Reality?"

November 2, 2017 press conference


January 30, 2018 press release: 
"Volcker Alliance Issues 50 Individual State Budget Report Cards"

"The report cards are the result of a multi-year study Mr. Glasgall led in partnership with more than fifty public finance and budgeting professors and students at eleven US schools of public administration or public policy from coast to coast. The report cards provide the full array of grades the Volcker Alliance gave to each state from fiscal 2015 through 2017."


New York Report Card & Budget Resource Guides

April 20, 2018 -- Capital Pressroom - Ravitch interview


cc to Glasgall:  CJA's April 25, 2018 e-mails --
"'Lindsay Fellowship in Government Leadership and Practice', Etc."


Glasgall's April 25, 2018 e-mail

cc:  CJA's May 1, 2018 e-mail to CUNY Institute on State & Local Governance --
"When will I be hearing from Executive Director Jacobson? -- 'Lindsay Fellowship in Government Leadership and Practice', Etc."

Glasgall's May 1, 2018 e-mail

cc:  CJA's May 2, 2018 e-mail --
"Your yesterday's e-mail inquiring as to what I'm 'looking for' and offering 'to streamline things'"







December 2015 working paper:
"Beyond the Basics: Best Practices in State Budget Transparency"

December 7, 2015 program





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