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 1997 - 1998 Correspondence
with Administrative Office of U.S. Courts



CJA’s November 24, 1997 letter to Asst. General Counsel Jeffrey Barr --
"Remedies within the federal judiciary to restrain and punish on-the-bench misconduct by federal judges violative of recusal statutes and codes of judicial conduct"

       Ex.  A: Inventory of transmitted file: Sassower v. Mangano
Test Case - Federal (Mangano)

       Ex. B: fax transmitting "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline"
Ex. C: NYLJ item, 5/16/97

CJA's December 24, 1997 letter to Barr --
"Our November 24th letter and transmitted materials"


CJA's January 27, 1998 letter to Barr --
"Remedies within the federal judiciary to restrain and punish on-the-bench misconduct by federal judges violative of recusal statutes and codes of judicial conduct"

CJA's February 27, 1998 letter to Barr --
"Oversight Responsibilities of the Judicial Conference"

CJA's March 10, 1998 transmittal letter to General Counsel William Burchill -- "Oversight Responsibilities of the Judicial Conference"
-- CJA's March 10, 1998 memo to House Judiciary Committee

CJA's March 13, 1998 transmittal memo
   -- CJA's March 13, 1998 letter to Professor Stephen Burbank


CJA's March 16, 1998 transmittal memo --
"H.R. 1252( 'JUDICIAL REFORM ACT OF 1997')"


CJA's March 23, 1998 transmittal memo --
"H.R. 1252( 'JUDICIAL REFORM ACT OF 1997')"
       transmitting: CJA's March 23, 1998 memo to House Judiciary Committee
              Ex. A: CJA's March 13, 1998 letter to Professor Burbank
              Ex. B: Professor Burbank's March 15, 1998 e-mail
              Ex. C: CJA's March 16, 1998 transmittal memo
              Ex D: CJA's July 22, 1993 letter to Commission on Judicial Discipline
                                & Removal
              Ex. E: CJA's June 9, 1993 letter to Counsel/House Judiciary Committee

CJA's March 30, 1998 transmittal memo --
"H.R. 1252( 'JUDICIAL REFORM ACT OF 1997'), Sections 4 and 6"

CJA's April 8, 1998 letter to General Counsel William Burchill --
"Oversight Responsibilities of the Judicial Conference: The Second Circuit's Subversion of Judicial and Disciplinary Remedies, Sassower v. Mangano, et al."

CJA's May 29, 1998 letter to Burchill, Barr --
"The House Judiciary Committee's June 11, 1998 'oversight' hearing and Congress' promised 'vigorous oversight' of the federal judiciary's implementation of 28 USC 372(c)"

CJA's June 3, 1998 note to Barr


CJA's June 12, 1998 letter to Barr --
"The Federal Judiciary's Non-Enforcement of Rule 17 Relating to 28 USC 372(c)"

    Ex. A:  CJA's July 20, 1995 letter to Barr
    Ex. B:  CJA's July 13, 1995 letter to 2nd Circuit Chief Deputy Clerk
    Ex. C: excerpts from the 1996 & 1997reports of the Director of the Administrative Office of U.S. Courts
    Ex. D:  2nd Circuit Chief Deputy Clerk's July 12, 1995 letter to Federal Judicial Center
    Ex. E:  2nd Circuit Chief Deputy Clerk's July 25, 1995 letter to Federal Judicial Center


CJA's September 4, 1998 memo --
"Your ethical and professional obligations, based on the record-supported presentation in Sassower v. Mangano, S.Ct. #98-106"


CJA's November 6, 1998 memo-impeachment complaint vs Chief Justice Rehnquist & the Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court
       Ex. A: CJA's May 29, 1998 letter to Burchill & Barr, with cc. to Rehnquist
       Ex. B:  Report of the National Commission on Judicial Discipline and Removal, pp. 121-123 --- transmitting 
PETITION FOR REHEARING in Sassower v. Mangano







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