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 2007 - 2008 Correspondence
with Administrative Office of U.S. Courts



Administrative Office's website notice:
"For Public Comment:  Draft Rules Governing Judicial Conduct and Disability Proceedings" 

CJA's September 4, 2007 e-mail to JudicialConductRules@ao.courts.gov -- "Request to Testify: September 27, 2007

CJA's September 6, 2007 e-mail JudicialConductRules@ao.courts.gov -- "Request to Testify: September 27, 2007"

September 6, 2007 e-mail from JudicialConductRules@ao.courts.gov --
"e-mail regarding draft Rules Governing Judicial Conduct and Disability Proceedings"

CJA's September 6, 2007 e-mail JudicialConductRules@ao.courts.gov -- "Responding to your e-mail: September 27, 2007 hearing on the Draft Rules Governing Judicial Conduct and Disability Proceedings"

September 24, 2007 e-mail from JudicialConductRules@ao.courts.gov --
"Request for copy of Illustrative Rules"

CJA's September 27, 2007 e-mail to JudicialConductRules @ao.courts.gov -- "Written Indication of Testimony -- September 27, 2007" , attaching Draft Statement -- Public "Hearing" on the Draft Rules Governing Judicial Conduct and Disability Proceedings   (see next e-mail)

CJA's September 28, 2007 e-mail to JudicialConferenceRules @ao.courts.gov, attaching CJA's
"DRAFT STATEMENT: September 27, 2007 Public ‘Hearing’ on the Draft Rules Governing Judicial Conduct and Disability Proceedings, Brooklyn, New York”

CJA's October 15, 2007 Statement to the Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct & Disability Commenting on the Draft Rules Governing Judicial Conduct & Disability Proceedings


CJA's March 6, 2008 letter to Chief Justice Roberts & Critique of the Report to the Chief Justice on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 ("Breyer Committee Report)"

March 7, 2008 letter from James C. Duff, Secretary of the Judicial Conference (& Director of the Administrative Office

CJA's March 10, 2008 letter to Mr. Duff

CJA's April 15, 2008 e-mail to codecomments@ao.uscourts.gov --
"Request for Information --Committee on Codes of Conduct"

CJA's April 17, 2008 e-mail to codecomments@ao.uscourts.gov --
"Second Request for Information --Committee on Codes of Conduct"

CJA's April 18, 2008 e-mail to codecomments@ao.uscourts.gov --
"Third Written Request for Information --Committee on Codes of Conduct"

April 18, 2008 e-mail from codecomments@ao.uscourts.gov --
"Re: Third Written Request for Information --Committee on Codes of Conduct"

CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments on Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges

CJA's July 3, 2008 memo to James Duff --
"STATUS OF YOUR REVIEW:  CJA's May 13, 2008 MEMO entitled 'Request for Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee's Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980; &, Pending Same, Deferment of Congressional Action on Senate and House Bills, S. 1638 and H.R. 3753, to Raise Judicial Salaries 29%'" 

* * *

from the Administrative Office of U.S. Court's website:

"Archive of the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability"
"Access historical information related to the Rules for Judicial-Conduct
and Judicial-Disability Proceedings"

"On September 27, 2007, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Committee held a public hearing on the proposed Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings (adopted March 11, 2008). A transcript of the September 27, 2007, public hearing and related written statements are included below.







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