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RESOURCE PAGE -- Law & Ethics Governing U.S. Dept of Justice --
its FBI, U.S. Attorneys, Etc.


28 USC §544
"Oath of office"

28 USC §528
"Disqualification of Officers and Employees of the Department of Justice"

28 USC §530B 
"Ethical Standards for Attorneys for the Government"


28 CFR §45.2  & here 
"Disqualification Arising from Personal or Political Relationship"

28 C.F.R. Part 77
"Ethical Standards for Attorneys for the Government"


§1-4.020 of the U.S. Justice Department’s Justice Manual
U.S. Attorney Manual -- 1-4.000 "Standards of Conduct"

* * *

Contact List

SEE posted resources of Departmental Ethics Office

Office of Professional Responsibility

Office of the Inspector General


Public Integrity Section/Criminal Division



* * *


DOJ Inspector General's June 2018 report
"A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election
see, inter alia, Chapter 2: pp. 9-36; Chapter 6: pp. 214-218. p. 249; Chapter 9: pp. 273-332; 
Chapter 13: pp. 343-460; Chapter 14: pp. 461-484

9-27.000 "Principles of Federal Prosecution"   archived

Senate Judiciary Committee's June 18, 2018 oversight hearing

DOJ Inspector General's July 14, 2021 report
press release & report

Senate Judiciary Committee's July 15, 2021 announcementt of:
"Oversight Hearing on FBI's Dereliction of Duty in Larry Nassar Case"
Senate Judiciary Committee's July 9, 2018 letter to FBI

Senate Judiciary Committee's September 15, 2021 oversight hearing


DOJ Inspector General Horowitz' September 25, 2017 Management Advisory Memorandum
to FBI Director Wray



CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS -- Title 28, Chapter I, Part 45
"Employee Responsibilities"

US Office of Government Ethics

5 C.F.R. Part 2638 -- Executive Branch Ethics Program

5 C.F.R. §2635.501 - 503
(Subpart E - Impartiality in Performing Official Duties)

§45.11 Reporting to the Office of the Inspector General.

Department of Justice employees have a duty to, and shall, report to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, or to their supervisor or their component's internal affairs office for referral to the Office of the Inspector General:

(a) Any allegation of waste, fraud, or abuse in a Department program or activity;

(b) Any allegation of criminal or serious administrative misconduct on the part of a Department employee (except those allegations of misconduct that are required to be reported to the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility pursuant to §45.12); and

(c) Any investigation of allegations of criminal misconduct against any Department employee.

[Order No. 2835-2006, 71 FR 54414, Sept. 15, 2006]

§45.12 Reporting to the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility.

Department employees have a duty to, and shall, report to the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility (DOJ-OPR), or to their supervisor, or their component's internal affairs office for referral to DOJ-OPR, any allegations of misconduct by a Department attorney that relate to the exercise of the attorney's authority to investigate, litigate or provide legal advice, as well as allegations of misconduct by law enforcement personnel when such allegations are related to allegations of attorney misconduct within the jurisdiction of DOJ-OPR.

[Order No. 2835-2006, 71 FR 54414, Sept. 15, 2006]

§45.13 Duty to cooperate in an official investigation.

Department employees have a duty to, and shall, cooperate fully with the Office of the Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility, and shall respond to questions posed during the course of an investigation upon being informed that their statement will not be used to incriminate them in a criminal proceeding. Refusal to cooperate could lead to disciplinary action.

[Order No. 2835-2006, 71 FR 54414, Sept. 15, 2006]







* * *


Bringing In the Feds --
CJA's October 16, 2020 corruption complaint to the FBI --
&, thereafter, to NY's 4 U.S. Attorneys

CJA's September 3, 2021 complaint
to DOJ Inspector General vs FBI & NY's 4 Acting US Attorneys

CJA's September 10, 2021 complaint
to FBI's Deputy Designated Ethics Agency Official vs FBI

President Biden's New U.S. Attorneys for NY,
their Confirmations by the U.S. Senate,
& the Unanswered Question:

Will they be non-partisan enforcers of the Rule of Law and Equal Justice
when doing so will require them to prosecute NY's mostly Democratic top state officers --
& expose that their U.S. Attorney predecessors politicized and corrupted their own offices?

Can Law & Ethical Duties Prevent NY's 4 New U.S. Attorneys
from Politicizing & Corrupting their Offices,
 as their predecessors did by acting on their conflicts of interest


CJA's February 28, 2024 corruption complaint

to the US Attorney for the Northern District of NY & via the FBI







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