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"Doing Your Part to End Public Corruption"

CJA's May 7, 2013 and May 22, 2013 Letters
to ALL Legislators


If John and Malcolm would talk, oh my God…They flip him (Sampson) and you’ll need a special election to elect a whole new damn Senate.” , former Senator Shirley Huntley, June 10, 2013 NY Daily News   

"Bottom line...if half of the people up here in Albany was ever caught for what they do...they...would probably be [in jail], so who are they BS-ing?", alleged remarks of Assemblyman Eric Stevenson on FBI tape", featured at U.S. Attorney Bharara's April 4, 2013 press conference



CJA's May 7, 2013 letter to ALL Senators & Assembly Members --
RE: Doing Your Part to End Public Corruption
     (1) by Giving Evidence to the U.S. Attorneys;
     (2) by Voting on Non-Partisan, Good-Government Legislative Rules Reform, such as Recommended by the 2009 Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform"           

CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara 

CJA's April 19, 2013 letter to Senator Malcolm Smith --
  "RE: Being a Force for Good:
       (1)   by giving testimony to U.S. Attorney Bharara against Governor Cuomo & other corrupt, high-level constitutional and public officers;
       (2)   by building a Rules Reform Conference dedicated to securing debate and a simple Senate vote on the non-partisan, good-government rules reforms proposed by the 2009 Temporary Committee on Rules and Administration Reform
-- enclosed December 21, 2012 & December 7, 2012 letters 

      -- click here for referred-to materials pertaining to historic rules reform set in motion by Senator Malcolm Smith  



CJA's May 22, 2013 letter to ALL Senators & Assembly Members --
Doing Your Part to End Public Corruption: Part II
(1) Request for Legislative Follow-Up to Senator Sanders’ May 10th Forum “Attack on Black Leaders: Corruption or Conspiracy?”;
      (2) Request for Legislative Follow-Up to Senator Sampson’s 2009 hearings on the Commission on Judicial Conduct & Court-Controlled Attorney Disciplinary System

CJA's May 13, 2013 letter/corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Lynch -- "RE: United States of America v. John Sampson -- Deal-making that Advances the Corruption Fighting Agenda of U.S. Attorney Bharara and Repudiates the Appearance and Reality that Black & Hispanic Legislators are being Invidiously Investigated & Prosecuted"  

-- click here for
Senator John Sampson's historic leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee by its 2009 Hearings on the Commission on Judicial Conduct & Court-Controlled Attorney Disciplinary System






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