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Budget Proceedings


click here for: 2019 FOIL

click here for: Gov's Budget Bills

First Out -- Pursuant to Article VII, Sec. 1: 
The Proposed Budgets of the Legislature & Judiciary

Here's the Judiciary's Budget,
as accessible from its website:

Judiciary Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Judiciary Budget: General State Charges for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Here's the Legislature's Budget,
as INaccessible from its website:

CJA's November 30, 2018 FOIL request to Senate/Assembly --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2019-2020,
as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

Senate's December 10, 2018 response

Assembly's December 10, 2018 response   enclosed budget


VIDEO: Governor Cuomo's January 16, 2019 budget address
(at 26)


Judiciary webpage -- Division of the Budget


Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.1501/A.2001
(see pp. 57 (Table of Contents) 27-56)

Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S.1503/A.2003
(see p. 48)
"For grants to counties for district attorney salaries. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions 10 and 11 of section 700 of the county law or any other law to the contrary, for state fiscal year 2019-20 the state reimbursement to counties for district attorney salaries shall be distributed according to a plan developed by the commissioner of criminal justice services, and approved by the director of the budget (20244) ....................... 4,212,000"


Division of the Budget: FY2020 Executive Budget Legislation

Legislative Bill Drafting Commission



*   *   *

January 15, 2019
"Legislature Announces Joint Budget Hearing Schedule"

January 25, 2019
"Stewart-Cousins and Heastie Announce Joint Legislative Schedule for SFY 2019-20 Budget"


*   *   *



January 22, 2019 -- release of Assembly Majority's Yellow Book
Judiciary: table of contents -- p. 153

January 23, 2019: release of Senate Minority's White Book
Judiciary -- p. 84

January 24, 2019: release of Senate Majority's Blue Book
Judiciary: pp. 54-55, p. 63

CJA's February 12, 2019 e-mail requeting posting of Assembly Minority's Green Book

Responding e-mail with attached Green Book page      CJA's reply


Legislature's January 29, 2019 budget hearing on "public protection"

VIDEO -- written submissions (Assembly website)

Transcript (Commission on Judicial Conduct -- pp. 117-)

New York District Attorneys Association, Albany Co. DA Soares -- January 29, 2019
District Attorney Salary Reimbursement Program
In December, 2015, the New York State Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation voted to increase the salaries of New York State judges. State Judicial Law 183-a requires that a District Attorney’s salary match the County Court Judge or Supreme Court Judge in a county depending on the population of that county. In the last two State budgets, the legislature did not allocate funding to help counties meet the District Attorney salary increases that were tied by statute to judicial salary increases. Cash-strapped counties were reluctant to pay for that unfunded mandate. As a result, not all district attorneys are being paid what the law requires them to be paid for their services and they are in a political quandary if they demand what is rightfully owed to them by statute. With due consideration to this new and ongoing financial obligation, it is essential that the budget be modified to provide this support. We strongly request increasing the funding by $1.7 million to cover the salary increase. This would bring total funding to $5.9 million."


Assembly website: Legislature's February 11, 2019 budget hearing on "local government officials/general government"

Transcript & written submissions  (Assembly website)

Senate website:  here

NYSAC -- Written Budget Presentation -- February 11, 2019 --
"District Attorney Salary Increase -- For the fourth year in a row, the increase to DA salaries that, under state law, is tied to the state judge salaries, is not included in the Executive Budget proposal. This mandatory salary level will increase again in 2019 due to anticipated Judicial salary COLA raises. This State inaction costs counties over $3.1 million per year.  Counties encourage the Legislature to include this measure in both one-house budget bills."  (at p. 11)


Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins' Resolution #672

VIDEO:  March 13, 2019 -- debate/vote on Resolution #672   transcript

Assembly Speaker Heastie's Resolution #164
-- referred to Ways & Means -- March 11, 2019

March 11, 2019
"Governor Cuomo Outlines Remaining Budget Priorities"

March 12, 2019
"Assembly Releases $175.6 Billion Spending Plan Summary of Recommended Changes

March 13, 2019
"Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb on the Assembly One-House Budget Resolution"

March 13, 2019
"Assembly and Senate Announce General Conference Committee Appointments"

VIDEO: March 13, 2019 General Conference Committee

March 14, 2019
"Senate Majority Passes One-House Budget Resolution"

March 14, 2019
"Speaker Carl Heastie Outlines Budget Priorities At General Budget Conference Committee"

VIDEO: March 14, 2019 Public Protection/Criminal Justice/Judiciary Conference Subcommittee

VIDEO: March 14, 2019 General Government/Local Assistance Conference Subcommittee

March 21, 2019
"Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Carl Heastie Announce Agreement
on Budget Conference Committee Table Targets"

March 26, 2019
"Assembly and Senate Announce Joint Budget Subcommittee Schedule


March 26, 2019 
Senate debate & vote on Debt Service Bill
transcript: 2096 - 2109

March 26, 2019
Assembly debate & Vote on Debt Service Bill
VIDEO   transcript: pp. 15-32


VIDEO: March 27, 2019 Public Protection/Criminal Justice/Judiciary Conference Subcommittee

VIDEO: March 27, 2019 General Government/Local Assistance Conference Subcommittee

March 29, 2019
"Governor Cuomo Delivers Update on the Budget"

March 31, 2019 -- Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill S.1501a/A.2001a
Senate actions

Aid to Localities Bill S.1503-d/A.2001-d
(pp. 66-67)
 "For grants to counties for district attorney salaries. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions 10 and 11 of section 700 of the county law or any other law to the contrary, for state fiscal year 2019-20 the state reimbursement to counties for district attorney salaries shall be distributed according to a plan  developed by  the  commissioner  of criminal justice services, and approved by the director of the budget (20244) ........................... 4,212,000"


VIDEO: March 31, 2019 Senate Finance Committee (at 34 mins)
Clerk: "Senate 1501-A.  Budget Bill, act making appropriations for the support of government.  It's the Legislature/Judiciary budget. 
Chair Krueger: That includes your pay, everyone.  [Laughter].  Sorry.  Any discussion?   All those in favor.  Oh, sorry, motion.  Neil Breslin, Toby Stavisky.  All those in favor.  Any opposed.  OK we're not going to pay them so it's going to save us money.  Ranzenhofer, Lanza, Seward, Antonacci, Richie, Little, and Lavalle.  Did you want to raise your hand?  I'm just checking,  Thank you.  So. LaValle also?  Any without rec?  Okay.  The bill moves to the floor."

Revenue Bill S.1509-C/A.1509-C Part VVV 


VIDEO: March 31, 2019 - April 1, 2019 Senate Session


pp. 2659: Rivera:
 The bill before us has a bunch of stuff in it kind of like a turducken. You've
heard of that, I'm sure. You take a small bird, you put it inside a bigger bird, and you put it
inside a bigger bird, and sometimes you deep-fry it. Sounds disgusting just thinking about it."

pp. 2657: Jacobs:
"In the three years I've been in the Senate, I've commented often on concerns I've had
where major policy issues have been put into the budget, which is supposed to be about the
expenses and the revenues of the budget and not broad-based policy.  I would say this is -- this instance is greater than any other where a major and sweeping policy is put into this budget.

pp. 2690-2693: Biaggi:
 But I have to say, just like Senator Gianaris, I am not happy with the entirety of
this bill. When I speak in this chamber I recognize I'm not speaking for myself, I am
speaking for all of the people of District 34 that put me in here, from the Bronx and
Westchester.... And on their behalf, I will say that I owe it to them to be transparent about
this budget process.  And I have to also say that from this week, this budget process requires an incredible dose of transformation, of collaboration and of transparency. And why?
Senator Gianaris touched on it very, very briefly. Because of a case, Silver v. Pataki, a
ruling that gave the executive branch outsized influence and ability to control key aspects of
the budget process."

Senate Resolution #B958
raising salaries of Governor & Lt. Governor  
Senate webpage

April 1, 2019 at 2:45 am:  pp. 2818-2819  vote on resolution to raise Gov. & Lt. Gov. pay

April 1, 2019 at approx. 3:15 am: pp. 2840-2842 --
vote on Legislative/Judiciary budget bill #S1501-A


VIDEO:  March 31, 2019-April 1, 2019 Assembly Session

  Transcript:  See Ra (pp. 325- 331); Johns (pp. 406-408); Buchwald (pp. 430-431); Carroll (pp. 431-432); Colton (pp. 441-442); Mosley (pp. 450-451); Goddell (pp. 466-467); Steck (pp. 473); Thiele (p. 476); Fahy (p. 482); Rosenthal (p. 483)

April 1, 2019 (shortly before 7:30 am) -- pp. 526-529 --
vote on Legislative/Judiciary budget bill #A2001-A

Assembly Resolution #C243
raising salaries of Governor & Lt. Governor 
Senate webpage

April 1, 2019 (7:30 am) -- p. 529-30 vote on resolution to raise Gov. & Lt. Gov. pay


* * *

March 31, 2019
"Governor Cuomo and Legislative Leaders Announce Agreement on FY2020 Budget"

April 1, 2019
"Governor Cuomo Announces Highlights of FY2020 Budget"

April 12, 2019
Assembly's "Summary of Recommended Changes to Executive Budget"

April 12, 2019
"Governor Cuomo Vetoes 123 Legislative Additions to the Fiscal Year 2020 Enacted Budget"

April 24, 2019
Comptroller's Report on the State Fiscal Year 2019-20 Enacted Budget



"Appropriate" Legislative Committees --

(23 members -- Senate Rule VII, §1)
ChairLiz Krueger-- an added $34,000 
Ranking MemberJames Seward -- an added $20,500
Members Robert Antonacci, Esq.,
Jamaal Bailey, ESQ.
,  Brian Benjamin,  Neil Breslin, ESQ., Leroy Comrie, Brad Hoylman, ESQ., Timothy Kennedy, Andrew Lanza, ESQ. John Liu, Kenneth LaValle, ESQ., Betty Betty Little, Velmanette Montgomery, Kevin ParkerMichael Ranzenhofer, ESQ., Gustavo Rivera,
Joseph Robach, James Skoufis, Diane Savino, Toby Ann Stavisky, Kevin Thomas, Catharine Young
WHITE BOOK (Majority):    2016  2014 
 BLUE BOOK (Minority):  
2016  2015

(35 members -- Assembly Rule IV, §1a)
Chair: Helene Weinstein, ESQ.-- an added $34,000
Ranking Member
William Barclay, ESQ.  -- an added $20,500
Jeffrion Aubrey, , Michael Benedetto, Kevin Blankenbush, Edward Braunstein, ESQ.,
Kevin Cahill, ESQ., William Colton, ESQ., Vivian Cook, Clifford Crouch, Brian Curran, ESQ., Michael Cusick,
Michael Fitzpatrick, David Gantt, Deborah Glick, Stephen Hawley, Joseph Lentol, ESQ., Nicole Malliotakis,
John McDonald, III, Michael Miller Michael Montesano, ESQ., Catherine Nolan, Felix Ortiz,
Philip Palmesano,
N. Nick Perry, J. Gary PretlowEdward Ra. ESQ., Phil Ramos, Robert Rodriguez, Nily Rozic,  Robin Schimminger, ESQ., Aravella Simotas, ESQ., Fred Thiele, Jr., ESQ., Raymond Walter, ESQ., David Weprin, ESQ.
YELLOW BOOK (Majority):   2016   2015   2014
GREEN BOOK (Minority):   2016 

(7 members -- Senate Rule VII, §1)
Chair:  James Skoufis -- [formerly an added $15,000]
Ranking Member:  Chris Jacobs, ESQ. -- [formerly an added $9,500]
Alessandra Biaggi, ESQ., David Carlucci, Andrew Lanza, ESQ.,
Todd Kaminsky, Esq., Luis Sepulveda, ESQ.

 ANNUAL REPORTS:   2011   2012   2013   2014  2015  2016  2017  2018

(14 members -- Assembly Rule IV, §1a)
ChairMichele Titus, ESQ. -- [formerly an added $12,500]
Ranking Member: Mark Johns  -- [formerly an added $9,000]
: Rodneyse Bichotte, Michael Blake, David Buchwald, ESQ., Kevin Byrne, Harvey Epstein, ESQ.,
Sandy Galef, Deborah Glick, Andy Goodell, ESQ., Alicia Hyndman, Ron Kim,
Kieran Michael Lalor, ESQ., Jaime Williams
ANNUAL REPORTS  2011   2012   2013   2014   2015  2016 2017  2018

(7 members -- Assembly Rule IV, §1a)
Chair: Thomas Abinati, ESQ.-- [formerly an added $12,500]
Ranking MemberBrian Manktelow  -- [formerly an added $9,000]
Members Nathalia Fernandez, William Magnarelli, ESQ.,
Michael Montesano, ESQ., Phil Steck, ESQ., Fred Thiele, Jr., ESQ.
ANNUAL REPORTS:   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016  2017  2018

(15 members -- Senate Rule VII, §1)
Chair: Brad Hoylman, ESQ. -- [formerly an added $18,000]
Ranking Member:
Thomas O'Mara, ESQ., -- [formerly an added $11,000]
Members: Jamaal Bailey, ESQ., Phil Boyle, ESQ., Neil Breslin, ESQ., Andrew Gounardes, ESQ.,
Anna Kaplan, ESQ., Andrew Lanza, ESQ., Kenneth Lavalle, ESQ., Zellnor Myrie, Michael Ranzenhofer, ESQ.,
Diane Savino, Luis Sepulveda, ESQ. Toby Ann Stavisky, Kevin Thomas, ESQ.
  ANNUAL REPORTS:   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015  2016  2017  2018

(21 members -- Assembly Rule IV, §1a)
Chair: Jeffrey Dinowitz, ESQ. -- [formerly an added $18,000]
Ranking Member
Anthony Palumbo, ESQ.
-- [formerly an added $11,000]
:Thomas Abinanti, ESQ.,  Edward Braunstein, ESQ., David Buchwald, ESQ. Marjorie Byrnes, ESQ., Andy Goodell, ESQ., Latoya Joyner, ESQ., Charles Lavine, ESQ.,
Michael Montesano, ESQ. Michael J. Norris, ESQ.Dan Quart, ESQ., Rebecca Seawright, ESQ.,
Aravella Simotas, ESQ., Phil Steck, ESQ., Michele Titus, ESQ., Monica P. Wallace, ESQ., Mary Beth Walsh, ESQ., David Weprin, ESQ. Tremaine Wright, ESQ., Kenneth Zebrowski, ESQ.
ANNUAL REPORTS:   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015  2016  2017  2018
News-June 28, 2018/summer   News-Dec 5, 2018/winter

(7 members -- Senate Rule VII,
Chair: Alessandra Biaggi, ESQ.

Ranking Member: Catharine Young
Members: Michael Gianaris, ESQ., Andrew Lanza, ESQ.,
Roxanne Persaud, Gustavo Rivera

(13 members -- Senate Rule VII, §1)
Chair: Jamaal Bailey, Esq.  [formerly an added $18,000]
 Ranking Member: Andrew Lanza, ESQ.  [formerly an added $11,000]
Members: Fred Akshar, Brian Benjamin, Phil Boyle, ESQ., Alessandra Biaggi, ESQ.,
Patrick Gallivan, Andrew Gounardes, ESQ.,
Todd Kaminsky, ESQ., Brian Kavanagh,
Zellnor Myrie, ESQ., Thomas O’Mara, ESQ., Diane Savino

(22 members -- Assembly Rule IV, §1a)
Joseph Lentol, ESQ. -- an added $18,000
Ranking Member:  -- an added $11,000
Thomas Abinanti, ESQ., Vivian Cook, Steven Cymbrowitz, ESQ., Patricia Fahy, Andrew Garbarino, ESQ.,
Joseph Giglio, Andrew Hevesi, Charles Lavine, ESQ., Michael Montesano, ESQ., Angelo Morinello, ESQ.,
Walter Mosley, Daniel O'Donnell, ESQ., Anthony Palumbo, ESQ., N. Nick Perry,
J. Gary Pretlow, Edward Ra, ESQ, Linda Rosenthal, Robin Schimminger, ESQ., Rebecca Seawright, ESQ.,
David Weprin, ESQ., Kenneth Zebrowski, ESQ.
Annual Reports:  2015   2016   2017   2018 

(7 members -- Senate Rule VII, §1)
Chair: James Gaughran, ESQ.

Ranking Member: Patty Ritchie
Members: George Amedore, Jr., John Brooks, Peter Harckham, Jen Metzger, James Skoufis 

( -- Assembly Rule IV, §1a)
Chair: Fred Thiele, Jr., ESQ.
Ranking Member:
Christopher Friend  
Members: Karl Brabenic, David Buchwald, ESQ., Pat Burke, Anthony D'Urso, David Gantt, Jonathan Jacobson, ESQ.,
John McDonald, III, Karen McMahon, ESQ., Steven Otis, ESQ., Phil Ramos, Taylor Raynor, Jamie Romeo, Colin Schmitt, Dan Stec, Chris Tague, Monica Wallace, ESQ., Carrie Woerner

Senate Rule VII, §1  7 members -- 3 of whom are lawyers
former stipends pursuant to Legislative Law §5-a(1): chair-$12,500; ranker-$9,000
Chair: Zellnor Myrie, ESQ.
Ranking Member: Rich Funke
Brian Kavanagh, ESQ.; Rachel May; Shelley Mayer, ESQ.;
Patty Richie; Julia Salazar

Assembly Rule IV, §1(a) -- 16 members -- 9 of whom are lawyers
former stipends pursuant to Legislative Law §5-a(1): chair-$12,500; ranker-$9,000
Chair:  Charles Lavine, ESQ.
Ranking Member: Michael Norris, ESQ.
Michael Blake, Karl Brabenec; David Buchwald, ESQ; Robert Carroll, ESQ.;Anthony D'Urso;
Jeffrey Dinowitz, ESQ.; Sandy Galef, Jonathan Jacobson, ESQ.; Joseph Lentol, ESQ., Barbara Lifton,
John Mikulin, ESQ; Chris Tague, Al Taylor; Latrice Walker, ESQ.

Commission on Government Administration





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