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2021 FOIL

CJA's December 2, 2020 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

Judiciary Budget 2021-2022    Judiciary General State Charges Budget

December 7, 2020 acknowledgment

December 9, 2020 acknowledgment

CJA's December 22, 2020 e-mail to Senate & Assembly --
"Status: Dec. 2 FOIL request -- The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

Senate's December 29, 2020 response

CJA's January 4, 2021 e-mail to the Assembly --
"Again -- Status: Dec. 2 FOIL request -- The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

Assembly's January 4, 2021 response   enclosed Legislative budget

CJA's January 4, 2021 FOIL request to Governor --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

Governor's January 11, 2021 acknowledgment

Governor's February 1, 2021 response

CJA's January 4, 2021 FOIL request to Governor --
"Executive Order Witholding Pay Increases for All Statewide Elected Officials and Commissioners"

Governor's January 11, 2021 acknowledgment

Governor's February 2, 2021 response

indicated link:
No 202.86: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (ny.gov)

CJA's January 8, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"Records reflecting the specific changes made to Senate & Assembly Rules for 2021-22,
plus legislative history -- & a copy of the new Senate Rules &
a copy of Assembly Resolution K00854"

Senate's February 12, 2021 response
CJA's February 19, 2021 reply

Assembly's January 15, 2021 response

CJA's January 15, 2021 FOIL request to Senate --
"Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Brad Hoylman's complaint
to the Appellate Division seeking revocation of Rudolph Giuliani's law license"

"New York Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Brad Hoylman to File Formal Complaint
Asking New York Appellate Division to Consider Revoking Rudy Giuliani's License to Practice Law"

Senate's January 26, 2021 acknowledgment
Senate's February 12, 2021 response
CJA's February 19, 2021 reply
CJA's March 26, 2021 follow-up

CJA's January 22, 2021 FOIL request to Governor --
"Governor Cuomo's 'recommendations'
pertaining to the Legislative & Judiciary budgets for fiscal year 2021-2022"

Governor's January 29, 2021 response

CJA's January 26, 2021 FOIL request to AG --
AG's executive level/supervisory staff; salaries

AG's March 3, 2021 response -- enclosure

CJA's February 1, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"AGAIN -- Feb. 19, 2020 FOIL/records request: The 'very simple' budget numbers on Gov Cuomo's 'Partners in Government' slide at his Jan. 21, 2020 Executive Budget address"

CJA's February 1, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"AGAIN: January 24, 2020 FOIL/records request: The OCA's 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017 'independent control audits' by Toski & Co. PCAs, PC, now known as EFPR Group, CPAs, PLLC"

CJA's October 7, 2019 FOIL/Records Request to Judiciary --
"The Judiciary's 'Independent audits' pursuant to Judiciary Law §249-c"  
May 6, 2019 letter from EFPR Group, CPAs

CJA's February 1, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"AGAIN -- STATUS? -- May 15, 2020 FOIL/Records Request: Judicial salaries resulting from the December 24, 2015 Report of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation"

CJA's February 26, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"The Legislature's 'schedule for the specific budget-related actions of each house', required by Legislative Law 53, 54a, and 1 of Joint Rule III of the Permanent Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly"

Senate's March 9, 2021 acknowledgment & here

Assembly's March 5, 2021 acknowledgment

Assembly's May 5, 2021 response

CJA's February 26, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"The Legislature's 'joint budget conference committee(s)' mandated to have been established pursuant to Legislative Law 54-a, and 2 of Joint Rule III of the Senate & Assembly"

Senate's March 9, 2021 acknowledgment

Assembly's March 5, 2021 acknowledgment

CJA's February 26, 2021 FOIL request to Senate --
for records establishing 'The state Constitution mandates
the approval of the state budget by April 1."

Senate's March 5, 2021 response

CJA's March 1, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"Appointments of members & chairs of the Senate and Assembly 'Legislative Commissions'
& the 'Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment"

Legislative Law Article 5-A

Senate's March 5, 2021 response

Assembly's March 8, 2021 response

CJA's March 1, 2021 FOIL request to Senate --
"Senate Judiciary Committee's 2018 Annual Report"

Senate's March 9, 2021 acknowledgment


CJA's March 1, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"Meetings/agendas of the Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation in the 2020 legislative session -- and for the 2021 legislative session, thus far"

Assembly's March 8, 2021 response

CJA's March 8, 2021 FOIL request to Governor, Senate & Assembly --
"Legislative Ethics Commission annual reports, as required by Legislative Law §80
and Article VI of its By-Laws"

March 15, 2021 acknowledgment
April 12, 2021 extension
May 10, 2021 extension
June 7, 2021 extension
June 24, 2021 response

March 15, 2021 acknowledgment
March 22, 2021 response
2012  Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report

SEE #59 and #60 below

CJA's March 8, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"appointment & designation of the Legislative Ethics Commission's members & co-chairs, pursuant to Legislative Law §80, subsections 1-4"

March 15, 2021 acknowledgment

SEE #59 and #60 below

CJA's March 10, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"Legislative Ethics Commission's annual budgets for FY2021-22 --
and for the five prior fiscal years"

Senate's March 11, 2021 response
with link:  https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/liz-krueger/legislature-announces-joint-budget-hearing-schedule-0

CJA's March 19, 2021 reply

SEE #59 and #60 below


CJA's March 10, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"Legislative Ethics Commission's rules and regulations for nonpartisanship by staff,
for records subject to public disclosure -- & for records identifying
who the Commission's records access officer & records appeal officers are"

Senate's March 11, 2021 response
CJA's March 19, 2021 reply

SEE #59 and #60 below

CJA's March 16, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"recordings of the audio/video of the ZOOM meetings of Assembly standing committees"

CJA's March 23, 2021 e-mail --
"REITERATED Foil/records request --
"recordings of the audio/video of the ZOOM meetings of Assembly standing committees"

CJA's March 23, 2021 e-mail -- "thank you --
REITERATED Foil/records request --
"recordings of the audio/video of the ZOOM meetings of Assembly standing committees"

Assembly's March 23, 2021 response
Judiciary Committee agendas: Jan. 20, 26, March 2, March 15
Codes Committee agendas: Jan. 20, 26, Feb. 9, March 1, March 5, March 9, March 15
Committee on Governmental Operations agendas: Jan. 12, Feb. 23, March 5
Committee on Local Governments agendas: Jan. 12
Ways & Means Committee agendas: Jan. 26, Feb. 3, March 1, March 9, March 15

Judiciary: March 24
Local Gov'ts: March 23
Codes: March 24
Ways & Means: March 24

CJA's March 16, 2021 FOIL request to Senate, Assembly,
& Legislative Bill Drafting Commission --
"Governor Cuomo's FY2021-2022 budget bills & legislative response/rebuttal,
if any, to CJA's March 18, 2020 letter as to the unconstitutionality & fraud
of his FY2020-2021 so-called 'Article VII bills'

enclosure-FOIL exchange  

enclosure-March 18, 2020 ltr
  & accompanying August 21, 2013 ltr

March 18, 2021 response
CJA's March 19, 2021 reply

Legislative Bill Drafting Commission
March 22, 2021 acknowledgment
April 21, 2021 response

March 23, 2021 response

CJA's March 16, 2021 FOIL request to the Assembly --
"Assembly 'amending' of Governor Cuomo's FY2021-22 budget bills"

CJA's March 16, 2021 FOIL request to the Senate --
"Senate 'amending' of Governor Cuomo's FY2021-2022 budget bills"

CJA's March 22, 2021 FOIL request to the Senate --
"CJA's April 15, 2020 FOIL/records request -- Silver v. Pataki/Pataki v. Assembly & Senate"
"Rules and Regulations relating to Public Inspection and Copying of Legislative Records"
CJA's April 15, 2020 FOIL/records request

CJA's March 22, 2021 FOIL request to the Assembly --

"CJA's April 15, 2020 FOIL/records request -- Silver v. Pataki/Pataki v. Assembly & Senate"
 Assembly's April 22, 2020 acknowledgment
Assembly's May 20, 2020 extension letter

Assembly's March 22, 2021 response -- attached Sept. 30, 2020 letter
CJA's March 22, 2021 reply -- attached Sept. 30, 2020 transmitting e-mail

CJA's March 22, 2021 FOIL request to the Governor --
"CJA's April 15, 2020 FOIL/records request -- Silver v. Pataki/Pataki v. Assembly & Senate"  
Gov's April 22, 2020 acknowledgment
Gov's May 8, 2020 response

Governor's March 29, 2021 response  records retention/disposition

CJA's March 22, 2021 FOIL request to the Comptroller --
"CJA's April 15, 2020 FOIL/records request -- Silver v. Pataki/Pataki v. Assembly & Senate"  
Comptroller's April 22, 2020 acknowledgment
Comptroller's May 20, 2020 extension
Comptroller's August 12, 2020 response


CJA's March 22, 2021 FOIL request to the Assembly & Comptroller --
"retention of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP for Assembly's impeachment investigation of Gov. Cuomo"

Assembly's March 29, 2021 acknowledgment

CJA's April 29, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly & Comptroller --
IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED -- FOIL/records request -- retention of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP for Assembly's impeachment investigation of Gov. Cuomo

April 30, 2021 e-mail from Assemblyman Burdick's chief of staff

Assembly's May 10, 2021 e-mail

Assembly's May 13, 2021 response -- enclosed contract

CJA's May 14, 2021 appeal

CJA's May 24, 2021 follow-up e-mail regarding appeal

Assembly's May 24, 2021 response with justification

CJA's March 23, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"REITERATED FOIL/records request --
recordings of the audio/video of the ZOOM meetings of Assembly standing committees"

Assembly's April 15, 2021 response

CJA's March 24, 2021 FOIL request to the Senate & Assembly --
"Joint Certificates for the Legislature’s General Budget Conference Committee
& Subcommittees for Fiscal Year 2021-2022"

Assembly's April 7, 2021 response  enclosed certificate  

CJA's April 28, 2021 FOIL request to Attorney General, Judiciary, & Comptroller --
"Why Didn't She Recuse Herself? 
NY's Top Judge Sided With Her Own Greenberg Traurig Lawyer"
(NYLJ, April 26, 2021)

April 29, 2021 response
enclosure  enclosure  

Attorney General
June 4, 2021 response

[Appellate Division, Third Dept's March 9, 2021 opinion & order -- Gesmer]

CJA's April 29, 2021 FOIL request to Attorney General, Assembly,
Governor, Senate, & Comptroller
"Retention of amicus curiae counsel in Delgado v NYS
(Albany Co. #907537-18; 3rd Dept #529556)"

Attorney General
June 4, 2021 response

May 6, 2021 acknowledgment
May 17, 2021 response
Enclosures:  contract; extension #1; extension #2; vouchers

Governor  (#3422)
May 6, 2021 acknowledgment

June 3, 2021 extension
August 13, 2021 letter
enclosure #1 contract   #2 9-22-20 invoice   #3 10-14-20-invoice


CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request to Gov, Division of the Budget, Senate & Assembly --
New York State Law Revision Commission"

transmitting e-mail

May 28, 2021 reponse

Division of the Budget
May 27, 2021 extension leter
August 25, 2021 extension letter
September 24, 2021 response

CJA's November 30, 2021 FOIL to Executive Chamber --
"Your assigned FOIL numbers: #3422 and #3483 --
& the status of CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request
concerning the NYS Law Revision Commission"   #3483  July 1  July 30

CJA's November 30, 2021 FOIL to Executive Chamber
"Is FOIL #3483 the number you assigned to CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request
concerning the NYS Law Revision Commission -- & what is its status?"

CJA's December 1, 2021 e-mail to Senate --
 "STATUS? -- CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request: New York State Law Revision Commission" 

CJA's December 1, 2021 e-mail to NYS Law Revision Commission --
"Where is your response to CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request
pertaining to the New York State Law Revision Commission?"

CJA's May 24, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"Speaker Heastie's direction to the Assembly Judiciary Committee
& mandate to Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP regarding
the impeachment investigation of Governor Cuomo"

Assembly's June 1, 2021 response
with Assembly Speaker Heastie's March 24, 2021 impeachment authorization letter

CJA's July 15, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Committee on Open Government --
"The postponed July 12th Senate Ethics & Internal Governance Committee hearing
on "New York State's System of Ethics Oversight and Enforcement"

Committee on Open Gov't
July 15, 2021 auto-reply

CJA's July 28, 2021 e-mail
July 28, 2021 response

July 22, 2021 acknowledgment
July 27, 2021 response
-- enclosures

Testimonies:  Berland, Reinvent Albany, League of Women Voters, Citizens Union
City Bar testimony   NYPIRG testimony
Sexual Harassment Working Group testimony

CJA's July 19, 2021 FOIL request to Attorney General --
"2018 Senate & Assembly Concurrent Resolution --
'proposing that the constitution be amended by adding a new article V-A;
in relation to state government integrity'"    
S.8309  A.10651

AG's July 20, 2021 referral

Asst. Solicitor General July 20, 2021 letter

AG Underwood's June 5, 2018 ltr - S.8309 (2018) 

AG Underwood's June 5, 2018 ltr - A.10651 (2018) 

CJA's July 19, 2021 FOIL request to Attorney General --
"2019-2020 Senate & Assembly Concurrent Resolution --
'proposing that the constitution be amended by adding a new article V-A;
in relation to state government integrity'" 
S.594A   A.1282A

AG's July 20, 2021 referral

Asst. Solicitor General July 20, 2021 letter

AG James' Feb. 4, 2019 ltr - S.594 (2019)  

AG James' Feb. 4, 2019 ltr - A.1282 (2019)

AG James' March 10, 2020 ltr - S.594A (2020)  

AG James' February 10, 2020 ltr - A.1282A (2020)

CJA's July 19, 2021 FOIL request to Attorney General --
"2021 Senate & Assembly Concurrent Resolution --
'proposing that the constitution be amended by adding a new article V-A;
in relation to state government integrity'"  S.855  A.1929

AG's July 20, 2021 referral 

Asst. Solicitor General July 20, 2021 letter

AG James' Feb. 18, 2021 -- A.1929 (2021)

CJA's July 23, 2021 FOIL request to JCOPE Executive Director --
"Lawsuits against JCOPE"

JCOPE's July 30, 2021 response

CJA's July 23, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"Assembly Standing Committee on Ethics and Guidance"

Assembly's August 16, 2021 response

2011-12 Leadership
2013-14 Leadership
2015-16 Leadership
2017 Leadership
2018 Leadership
2018 New Leadership
2019 Leadership
2020 Leadership
2021 Leadership

public agendas

Assembly Rule VIII, Guide to Public Inspection, POL §88

CJA's July 26, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"September 24, 2015 Report of the Commission on Statewide Attorney Discipline"

OCA webpage:  Commission on Statewide Attorney Discipline

OCA's July 26, 2021 response

CJA's July 27, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"Part 1240 Rules for Attorney Disciplinary Matters -- OCA counsel's (Sept. 24, 2015) memo seeking public comment; the public comment received; & the Administrative Board's recommendation"

OCA's July 28, 2021 response  enclosure  enclosure

The responsive existing records:  www.nycourts.gov/rules/comments/index.shtml  

September 24, 2015 counsel memorandum:

public comment:

The Board’s recommendation -- Part 1240): www.nycourts.gov/rules/jointappellate/index.shtml

CJA's July 28, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"Attorney Grievance Committee Annual Reports" 

OCA's August 19, 2021 response

1st Dept
2019 statistics

2nd Dept
2014 statistics
2015 statistics
2016 statistics
2017 statistics
2018 statistics
2019 statistics
2020 statistics

3rd Dept
2014-2020 statistics

4th Dept
2014 statistics
2015 statistics
2016 statistics
2017 statistics
2018 statistics
2019 statistics
2020 statistics


CJA's July 30, 2021 FOIL request to OCA --
"CJA's July 21, 2015 FOIL request --
'(1) Record Retention of Attorney Misconduct Complaints and Proceedings...'"

OCA's July 30, 2021 response

enclosure -- October 2, 2015 response





CJA's August 16, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly & Comptroller --
"Assembly contract with, and payments to, Davis Polk & Wardwell, LLP pertaining to investigation of, & services related to, Governor Cuomo's impeachment, Etc."

Comptroller's August 18, 2021 response   link-contract

Assembly's August 23, 2021 acknowledgment
Assembly's September 20, 2021 extension

CJA's November 15, 2021 e-mail to Comptroller

Comptroller's November 22, 2021 acknowledgment #630

Comptroller's December 21, 2021 response
with attached image

CJA's November 15, 2021 e-mail to Assembly --

CJA's August 19, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"Assembly Health Committee meetings in 2020 and 2021"

Assembly's August 26, 2021 acknowledgment

Assembly's September 17, 2021 response

2020 agendas   2021 agendas


CJA's August 31, 2021 FOIL request to Senate --
"Written statements of witnesses, would-be witnesses, & others,
submitted for the Aug. 25, 2021 hearing on 'New York State's System
of Ethics Oversight and Enforcement' & related records"

August 31, 2021 auto response from Jones; from Biernacki

CJA's September 28, 2021 e-mail -- "AGAIN..."

September 28, 2021 auto acknowledgment from Biaggi

Senate's October 5, 2021 response    testimony package

CJA's August 31, 2021 FOIL to Inspector General --
"The Inspector General's written 'testimony', etc. --
Aug. 25, 2021 hearing on 'New York State's System of Ethics Oversight
and Enforcement'/Senate Committee on Ethics & Internal Governance"

Inspector General's September 8, 2021 acknowledgment

IG's October 5, 2021 response

Biaggi's July 6, 2021 invitation to Tagliafierro;

 Deputy IG July 9, 2021 response 

August 24, 2021 acknowledgment of testimony

Tagliaferro August 25, 202 testimony   2020 Annual Report

CJA's September 1, 2021 FOIL to Inspector General --
"The Inspector General's list of "covered agencies" within its jurisdiction
pursuant to Executive Law 51 -- & records reflecting why JCOPE is not on that list,
if, in fact, it is not listed"

Inspector General's September 8, 2021 acknowledgment

IG's October 5, 2021 response  

CJA's September 14, 2021 FOIL to JCOPE --
"Executive Director Berland's 'more comprehensive' & abbreviated versions
of his written testimony for the August 25, 2021 hearing on
'New York State's System of Ethics Oversight & Enforcement'"

JCOPE's September 16, 2021 response   enclosure

CJA's September 28, 2021 FOIL to OCA --
CJA's unresponded-to Aug. 27, 2021 complaints
vs 1st & 3rd Dept. Appellate Division Attorney Grievance Committee
Chief Attorneys Dopico & Duffy"

August 27, 2021 complaint
vs 1st Dept Grievance Committee Chief Attorney Dopico   

August 27, 2021 complaint
vs 3rd Dept. Grievance Committee Chief Attorney Duffy 

NYC Dept. of Investigation Manual Section 200 - Complaint Procedures

cc: CJA's November 4, 2021 e-mail --

November 4, 2021 e-mail from Shawn Kerby


CJA's November 3, 2021 FOIL to NYS Inspector General --
"The Inspector General's written procedures for intake and processing of complaints"

IG's November 9, 2021 acknowledgment

IG's December 7, 2021 response  attachment

CJA's November 8, 2021 FOIL to OCA --

"The OCA's 'independent control audits' for 2005, 2008, 2011,
2014, 2017 & 2020, etc."

CJA's February 22, 2022 e-mail to OCA  --
"STATUS? -- Nov. 8, 2021 FOIL/Records Request:
The OCA's 'independent control audits'
for 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 & 2020, etc."

CJA's November 15, 2021 FOIL request to Comptroller --
"The Comptroller's post-2015 'independent audits' of 'internal controls'
pursuant to Executive Law §954"

Comptroller's November 22, 2021 acknowledgment #629

Comptroller's December 21, 2021 extension

Comptroller's March 9, 2021 response

Comptroller's September 10, 2014 Request for Proposals -- RFP 14-12

Comptroller's September 8, 2015 letter to Toski,
signed by Deputy Comptroller

Comptroller's September 8, 2015 letter to Toski,
signed by Deputy Comptroller

September 8, 2015 letter to Toski,
signed by Asst. Comptroller

September 9, 2015 letter to Toski,
signed by Deputy Comptroller & CIO Vicki Fuller

2015 Internal Control Report by Toski & Co, CPAs, PC -- September 8, 2015

July 18, 2019 "Contracting Opportunitiy"/NYS Contract Reporter -- RFP 19-03

Comptroller's July 18, 2019 Request for Proposals -- RFP 19-03

Comptroller's July 18, 2019 Request for Proposals -- RFP 19-03

Number & Names of Independent Certified Public Accountants
who Submitted Proposals for RFP 19-03

August 22, 2019 administrative proposal from Mitchell Titus

August 22, 2019 cost proposal from Mitchell Titus

August 22, 2019 technical proposal from Mitchell Titus

2020 Internal Comptroller Report  by Mitchell Titus, LLP -- dated March 22, 2021

CJA's November 26, 2021 FOIL to OCA --
"CJA's May 15, 2020 FOIL/Records Request: Judicial salaries
resulting from the December 24, 2015 Report of the Commission on Legislative,
Judicial & Executive Compensation"   
attached chart from Aug 29, 2011 report

OCA's November 29, 2021 response
enclosures:  Ct of Appeals/Supreme Court
County Court
Family Court
Surrogate Court
District Court
NYC Civil Criminal & Housing
City Court

CJA's November 29, 2021 reply -- "Thank you: NOW RESOLVED..."

CJA's November 26, 2021 FOIL to OCA --
"the Unified Court System's Judicial Conference 'hereby continued'
by Judiciary Law §214(a)"
Oct 6, 2015 FOIL        Oct. 6, 2015 FOIL      from kerby


CJA's November 30, 2021 FOIL to Senate & Assembly --
December 9, 2021 public hearing 'To discuss New York State's system
of ethics oversight and enforcement' --
Request to orally testify & 'discuss', in person"

December 9, 2021 response from Biaggi Chief of Staff



CJA's November 30, 2021 e-mail to Executive Chamber
"Your assigned FOIL numbers: #3422 and #3483 -- & the status of CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request
concerning the NYS Law Revision Commission"  
#3483  July 1  July 30

CJA's November 30, 2021 e-mail to Executive Chamber --
"Is FOIL #3483 the number you assigned to CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request
concerning the NYS Law Revision Commission -- & what is its status?"

Governor's December 7, 2021 acknowledgment

Governor's February 3, 2022 extension letter

Governor's April 1, 2022 extension letter

Governor's April 29, 2022 extension letter

Governor's June 7, 2022 response

CJA's December 1, 2021 e-mail to Senate --
 "STATUS? -- CJA's May 21, 2021 FOIL request: New York State Law Revision Commission"

CJA's December 2, 2021 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs

for Fiscal Year 2022-2023,
as Required by Article VII,
§1 of the New York State Constitution"

Judiciary Budget 2022-2023    Judiciary General State Charges Budget

Assembly's  December 9, 2021 acknowledgment

CJA's January 18, 2022 e-mail -- "STATUS..."

Assembly's January 18, 2022 e-mail --
Assembly's December 16, 2021 letter -- Enclosed Legislative Budget
CJA's January 18, 2022 e-mail

CJA's December 6, 2021 FOIL request to Senate --
"STATUS? -- CJA's 4 FOIL requests pertaining to the Legislative Ethics Commission,
two on March 8, 2021 and two on March 10, 2021"

"#1: STATUS? --
...Legislative Ethics Commission annual reports,
as required by Legislative Law §80 and Article VI of its By-Laws"

"#2:  STATUS? --

...appointment & designation
of the Legislative Ethics Commission's members & co-chairs,
pursuant to Legislative Law
§80, subsections 1-4"

"#3:  STATUS? -- AGAIN
...Legislative Ethics Commission's annual budgets for FY2021-22 --
and for the five prior fiscal years"

"#4:  STATUS? -- AGAIN
...Legislative Ethics Commission's rules & regulations for non-partisanship by staff,
for records subject to public disclosure -- & records identifying who
the Commission's records access officer & records appeal officer are"

CJA's December 6, 2021 FOIL request to Assembly --
"STATUS? -- CJA's 4 FOIL requests pertaining to the Legislative Ethics Commission,
two on March 8, 2021 and two on March 10, 2021"

#1: FOIL ..Legislative Ethics Commission 2020 annual report,
as required by Legislative Law §80 and Article VI of its By-Laws"

"#2:  STATUS? --

...appointment & designation
of the Legislative Ethics Commission's members & co-chairs,
pursuant to Legislative Law
§80, subsections 1-4"

"#3:  STATUS? --
...Legislative Ethics Commission's annual budgets for FY2021-22 --
and for the five prior fiscal years"

"#4:  STATUS? --
...Legislative Ethics Commission's rules & regulations for non-partisanship by staff,
for records subject to public disclosure -- & records identifying who
the Commission's records access officer & records appeal officer are"

#1:  December 13, 2021 letter

#2:  December 6, 2021 e-mail,
with March 23, 2021 letter -- and
its enclosure

#3  December 6, 2021 e-mail
forwarding March 17, 2021 e-mail with March 17, 2021 letter

#4  December 6, 2021 e-mail,
forwarding May 7, 2021 e-mail, with May 7, 2021 letter


CJA's December 10, 2021 FOIL/Records Request to Senate --
"December 9, 2021 public hearing 'To discuss New York State's system
of ethics oversight and enforcement'"

CJA's January 18, 2022 e-mail -- "STATUS..."

CJA's February 17, 2022 e-mail -- "Again, STATUS..."

CJA's March 11, 2022 e-mail -- "NOW A THIRD TIME: STATUS..."

March 11, 2022 automated e-mail from Biaggi Communications Director

CJA's March 11, 2022 e-mail --
"(1) Sen Biaggi's Dec 9, 2021 hearing 'To discuss New York State's system of ethics oversight and enforcement';
(2) CJA's written & oral testimony for Legislature's Jan. 25, 2022 'public protection' budget hearing"

CJA's December 20, 2021 FOIL Request to Comptroller --
"Written statements & supporting materials furnished,
on behalf of Comptroller DiNapoli, for the Senate's Dec. 9, 2021 hearing
on 'New York State's system of ethics oversight and enforcement'"

CJA's January 18, 2022 e-mail -- "STATUS..."

Comptroller's January 18, 2022 acknowledgment

Comptroller's January 25, 2022 letter

CJA's February 18, 2022 e-mail --
"STATUS? -- FOIL REQUEST #2022-0028..."

Comptroller's February 22, 2022 response   enclosure

CJA's December 20, 2021 FOIL Request to Governor --
"The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs
for Fiscal Year 2022-2023,
as Required by Article VII,
§1 of the New York State Constitution"

December 27, 2021 acknowledgment

Governor's January 24, 2022 response




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