CJA's February 11, 2013 complaint,
CJA's October 26, 2012 complaint to New York County Clerk Norman
Goodman -- "MISSING DOCUMENTS -- Affidavit in support of misconduct complaint against Chief Deputy County Clerk Joseph A. Rossetti, Chief Clerk Joseph F. Antonelli, & uniformed officer who refused to furnish his name or badge number" Exhibit A: photos -- photo; photo; photo; photo, photo Exhibit B: Executive Summary to CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report Exhibit C: Bronx Co. Clerk's Office website Exhibit D: Plaintiff Sassower's August 30, 2012 letter to Assistant Attorney General Andrew Meier Exhibit E: Assistant Attorney General Meier's September 12, 2012 and September 13, 2012 e-mails Exhibit F: Plaintiff Sassower's unresponded-to e-mails to Chief Clerk Antonelli, with cc's to Chief Deputy Clerk James Rossetti, Assistant Attorney General Andrew Meier, & Bronx Co. Records Managment Officer Mark Nusenbaum (1) October 11, 2012 e-mail -- "Call to Chief Deputy Clerk Rossetti: WHAT IS THE STATUS: Missing Records..." (2) October 10, 2012 e-mail -- "I HAVE BEEN WAITING ON THE LINE: WHAT IS THE STATUS? Missing Records..." (3) September 28, 2012 e-mail -- "WHAT IS THE STATUS? Missing Records..." (4) September 20, 2012 e-mail -- "STATUS: Missing Records"
(5) September 14, 2012 e-mail -- "Missing Record..." November 9, 2012 letter from Administrative Judge Heitler's law clerk --"Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo, et al., Index No. 401988/2012" November 16, 2012 letter from Manhattan District Attorney Public Integrity Unit Chief Dan Cort CJA's January 10, 2013 letter-complaint to New York County Clerk Goodman --"STATUS OF CJA'S OCTOBER 26, 2012 LETTER: Quality Control at the New York County Clerk's Office..."
CJA's February 11, 2013 letter to Sherry Klein Heitler, Administrative Judge
for Civil Matters/First Judicial Department --
Mandatory Supervisory and Disciplinary Responsibilities..."
CJA's May 1, 2013 letter to Inspector General Spatz -- "Your Nonfeasance and Misfeasance: February 11, 2013 complaint against New York County Clerk Norman Goodman for obstructing justice and collusion in record tampering: Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., et al. v. Cuomo, et al. (NY Co. #401988/2012)
OCA's July 22, 2013 FOIL response
------------------------------- "county clerks in New York City receive a salary not less than that received by a Judge of the Civil Court of New York City, subject to possible increases by the Chief Administrator of the Courts (County Law, § 908).", Durante v. Evans, 94 A.D.2d 141, 145 (3rd Dept. 1983)
Articles of Note -- about Chief Administrative Judge Heitler -- "New York's Real Scandal", NYT, 1/30/15 (Joe Nocera)