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Fiscal Year 2016-2017

[budget resource page -- constitutional, statutory, rule provisions & caselaw]


March 23, 2016


supporting affidavit with exhibits


COMPENDIUM I: Exhibits 24-36
to Plaintiffs’ Verified Second Supplemental Complaint


Exhibit 24-a:   Plaintiffs’ December 1, 2015 letter to Secretary of the Senate and Assembly Records Access Officer – “RE:  The Legislature’s Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution”

Exhibit 24-b:   Secretary of the Senate’s December 10, 2015 response

Exhibit 24-c:   Assembly Records Access Officer’s December 8, 2015 response

Exhibit 24-d:   December 1, 2015 letter to Governor Cuomo, signed by Temporary Senate President Flanagan and Assembly Speaker Heastie

Exhibit 24-e:   16-page legislative budget for fiscal year 2016-2017

Exhibit 25-a:   Cover of Judiciary’s budget of operating expenses for fiscal year 2016-2017, with Chief Administrative Judge Marks’ December 1, 2015 transmitting memorandum   [link to full document]

Exhibit 25-b:   Chief Judge’s November 23, 2015 certification & Court of Appeals’ approval– “Itemized Estimates of the Financial Needs of the Legislature”

Exhibit 25-c:   Judiciary’s Section 1: Table of Contents; Executive Summary; Statistical Tables

Exhibit 25-d:   Judiciary’s Section 1: “Single Budget Bill”

Exhibit 25-e:   Judiciary’s Section 2: Table of Contents; Part III-Capital Projects

Exhibit 26-a:   Cover of Judiciary’s budget of General State Charges for fiscal year 2016-2017; Chief Administrative Judge Marks’ December 1, 2015 transmitting memorandum [link to full document]

Exhibit 26-b:   Chief Judge’s November 23, 2015 certification & Court of Appeals’ approval – “Itemized Estimates of the Financial Needs of the Judiciary for General State Charges”

Exhibit 26-c:   Judiciary’s table of contents to its General State Charges & contents

Exhibit 27-a:   Governor Cuomo’s “Commentary of the Governor on the Judiciary”

Exhibit 27-b:   Governor Cuomo’s Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001

Exhibit 28-a:   “Legislature Announces Joint Budget Hearing Schedule”, January 11, 2016

Exhibit 28-b:   “Flanagan and Heastie Announce Joint Legislative Budget Schedule”, January 22, 2016

Exhibit 29-a:   Governor Cuomo’s Division of Budget webpage for Judiciary’s budget

Exhibit 29-b:   Senate Majority’s “White Book”/Analysis: contents, pp.  91, 93  [link to full document]

Exhibit 29-c:   Senate Minority’s “Blue Book”/Analysis: contents (2nd page); pp. 177-179 [link to full document    

Exhibit 29-d:   Assembly Majority’s “Yellow Book”/Analysis: contents; pp. 145-146  [link to full document]

Exhibit 29-e:   Assembly Minority’s “Green Book”/Analysis, legislature-judiciary page

Exhibit 30-a:   Bill status/“Actions” for Legislative/Judiciary #S.6401/A.9001;
Debt Service #S.6402/A.9002    
                      [links to: #A.9001
                      [links to 
#S.6402  #A.9002 --  debt service bill
                                                                            Sen. Finance Committee: 3-23-16 meeting

Exhibit 30-b:  Bill status/”Actions”: the eight Senate and Assembly twice-amended budget bills
                              State Operations:    A9000  ---  S.6400
                              Aid to Localities:     A9003  ---  S.6403  [S.6403]
                Capital Projects:    A9004 --- S.6404  [S.6404]
    Public Protection:   A9005 ---  S.6405  [S.6405]
Education:   A9006  --- S.6406  [S.6406]
                Health:    A9007 ---  S.6407  [S.6407]
Transportation, Economic Development, Environmental Conservation: 
                                                 A9008  ---  S.6408   [S.6408]
                              Revenue:   A9009 --- S.6409  [S.6409]

Exhibit 30-c:  Legislative Session Calendar: January – June 2016

Exhibit 31-a:  March 14, 2016 Senate Resolution #4330  [link to full document]

Exhibit 31-b:   Senate Coalition Republican Majority/Independent Democratic Conference proposal for Judiciary

Exhibit 31-c:   March 14, 2016 Assembly Resolution #1047

Exhibit 31-d: Assembly Democratic Majority proposal for Judiciary   [link to full document]

Exhibit 32:   “Assembly and Senate Announce General Conference Committee Appointments”

Exhibit 33-a:   2015 Annual Report of the Senate Judiciary Committee – “Judiciary Budget for State Fiscal Year 2015-2016”

Exhibit 33-b:  2015 Annual Report of the Assembly Judiciary Committee – "New York State’s Judiciary Funding”

Exhibit 34:  Assembly Bill #7997: introducers’ memorandum

Exhibit 35-a:  Summary & Actions for Budget Bill #S4610-A/A.6721-A
(Part E: Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation)     
                [VIDEO:  March 31, 2015 Senate Finance Committee meeting, voting on S.4610-A

Exhibit 35-b: (unamended) Budget Bill #S.4610/A.6721, introduced March 31, 2015 (pp. 1)

Exhibit 35-c:  (amended) Budget Bill #S.4610-A/A.6721-A, (pp. 1-3, 93-95 [Part E])

Exhibit 36-a:  Governor Cuomo’s “Public Protection and General Government Article VII Legislation”: Contents; 1st page draft; Part I (eye) establishing Commission on Legislative and Executive Compensation (pp. 84-88)

Exhibit 36-b:   Governor Cuomo’s Memorandum in Support, pp. 14-15: Part I (eye) Commission on Legislative and Executive Compensation

Exhibit 36-c:   Senate Majority “White Book” for fiscal year 2015-2016 with its dedicated section on the Commission on Executive and Legislative Compensation (pp. 217-221)

Exhibit 36-d:   Actions: Budget Bill #S.2005/A.3005  (Part E: Commission on Executive and Legislative Compensation)

Exhibit 36-e:   Introducer’s Memorandum for #A.3005-B  (Part E: “intentionally omitted”)

COMPENDIUM II: Exhibits 37-54
to Plaintiffs’ Verified Second Supplemental Complaint


Exhibit 37:   Plaintiffs’ December 31, 2015 letter to Chief Judge Nominee/Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore – “RE: So, You Want to Be New York’s Chief Judge? – Here’s Your Test: Will You Safeguard the People of the State of New York – & the Public Fisc?”  (enclosure to January 15, 2016 letter)

Exhibit 38:    Plaintiffs’ January 11, 2016 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Counsel – “Subject: Testing the Fitness of Chief Judge Nominee/D.A. DiFiore – CJA’s December 31, 2015 letter”   (enclosure to January 15, 2016 letter)

Exhibit 39:    Plaintiffs’ January 15, 2016 letter to Temporary Senate President Flanagan and Assembly Speaker Heastie – “RE: IMMEDIATE OVERSIGHT REQUIRED…”

Exhibit 40:    Plaintiffs’ “Statement of Particulars in Further Support of Legislative Override of the ‘Force of Law’ Judicial Salary Increase Recommendations, Repeal of the Commission Statute, Etc.” (enclosure to January 15, 2016 letter)

Exhibit 41:   Plaintiffs’ January 26, 2016 letter to Chief Judge DiFiore – “RE: The Legislature’s February 4, 2016 ‘Public Protection’ Budget Hearing: Will You Do Your Duty to Apprise the Legislature of its Own Duty…?”  (enclosure to January 28, 2016 letters)

Exhibit 42:      Plaintiffs’ January 28, 2016 letter to the Chairs and Ranking Members of the Fiscal Committees and Judiciary Committees – “The Legislature’s February 4, 2016 ‘Public Protection’ Budget Hearing…”

Exhibit 43:      Plaintiffs’ January 28, 2016 letter to Temporary Senate President Flanagan, Assembly Speaker Heastie, Senate Minority Leader Stewart-Cousins, and Assembly Minority Leader Kolb – “Subject: To Which Committee(s) Have You Assigned Oversight of the December 24, 2015 Report of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation – & the Legislature’s Duty to Not Only Override its Judicial Salary Increase Recommendations, but to Repeal the Commission Statute, etc.”

Exhibit 44:      Plaintiffs’ February 2, 2016 e-mail with “Questions for Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence Marks”

Exhibit 45:      Plaintiffs’ February 3, 2016 e-mail with “Questions for Temporary Senate President John Flanagan and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie”

Exhibit 46:      Plaintiffs’ February 18, 2016 letter to Senate Finance Committee Chair Young and Ranking Member Krueger and Assembly Ways and Means Committee Chair Farrell and Ranking Member Oaks – “RE:  Your Violation of Legislative Law 32-a with Respect to the Judicial and Legislative Budgets for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 – and Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001…”

Exhibit 47:      Plaintiffs’ “Summary/Analysis of the Governor’s Commentary, of his Division of the Budget Webpages for the Legislative & Judiciary Budgets, and of the Legislature’s ‘White’, ‘Blue’, ‘Yellow’, and ‘Green’ Books”  (enclosure to February 18, 2016 letter)

Exhibit 48:      Plaintiffs’ February 19, 2016 letter to Chairs and Ranking Members of Judiciary Committees, Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations, and Assembly Committee on Governmental Operations

FOIL/Records Requests to Office of Court Administration

Exhibit 49-a:   Plaintiffs’ December 9, 2015 FOIL/records request to OCA
“RE: The Dollar Amounts of the Judicial Salary Increases Recommended by the Commission on Judicial Compensation’s August 29, 2011 Report – and ‘General State Charges’ Resulting Therefrom”

Exhibit 49-b:   OCA December 9, 2015 acknowledgment

Exhibit 49-c:   Plaintiffs’ January 22, 2016 e-mail – “Subject: STATUS…”

Exhibit 49-d:   OCA’s January 22, 2016 response

Exhibit 49-e:   Plaintiffs’ February 24, 2016 e-mail – “Subject: AGAIN WHAT IS THE STATUS…”

Exhibit 49-f:    OCA’s February 24, 2016 response

Exhibit 49-g:   OCA’s March 4, 2016 letter/response

Exhibit 50-a:   Plaintiffs’ February 4, 2016 FOIL/records request to OCA
“RE: The Judiciary’s agreed-to, if not proposed, reductions to its budget request for fiscal year 2015-2016”

Exhibit 50-b:   OCA February 5, 2016 acknowledgment

Exhibit 50-c:   Plaintiffs’ March 11, 2016 e-mail:  “Subject: WHAT IS THE STATUS?...”

Exhibit 50-d:   Plaintiffs’ February 5, 2016 FOIL/records request to OCA “Chief Administrative Judge approvals of increases, decreases, and interchanges in fiscal year 2015-2016, as authorized by 2 of Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.2001-a/S.3001-a”

Exhibit 50-e:   OCA February 5, 2016 acknowledgment

Exhibit 50-f:    Plaintiffs’ March 11, 2016 e-mail: “Subject: WHAT IS THE STATUS…”

Exhibit 50-g:   OCA’s March 11, 2016 letter/response to BOTH FOIL/records requests

FOIL/Records Requests to Senate & Assembly Fiscal Committees/
Senate & Assembly, Governor, & Division of the Budget

Exhibit 51-a:   Plaintiffs’ February 22, 2016 records request to Senate Finance Committee Chair Young & Ranking Member Krueger
“RE: The Governor’s ‘introducer’s memorandum’ and ‘fiscal note’ for his Article VII Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001”

Exhibit 51-b:   Plaintiffs’ February 23, 2016 transmitting letter to cc’s

Exhibit 51-c:   February 29, 2016 response of Secretary of the Senate

Exhibit 52-a:   Plaintiffs’ February 23, 2016 records request to Assembly Ways & Means Chair Farrell & Ranking Member Oaks
“RE: The Governor’s ‘introducer’s memorandum’ with ‘statement of…fiscal impact’ for his Article VII Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001”

Exhibit 52-b:   March 1, 2016 response of Assembly Records Access Officer

Exhibit 53-a:   Plaintiffs’ February 23, 2016 FOIL/records request: 
“RE: The Legislature’s budget for fiscal year 2016-2017, its ‘General State Charges’, and its reappropriations popped into the back of the Governor’s Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001”

Exhibit 53-b:   Secretary of the Senate’s March 1, 2016 response

Exhibit 53-c:   Assembly Public Access Officer’s March 1, 2016 response

Exhibit 53-d:   Governor’s FOIL Counsel’s March 1, 2016 acknowledgment

Exhibit 53-e:   Division of Budget’s FOIL Officer’s March 2, 2016 acknowledgment

Exhibit 54-a:   Plaintiffs’ February 1, 2016 FOIL/records request:
“RE: Where are the Legislature’s reports on the Enacted Budgets, Required by State Finance Law 22-b?  Request for the Legislature’s reports on the enacted Legislative/Judiciary budget bills from fiscal year 2009-2010 through fiscal year 2015-2016”

Exhibit 54-b:   Assembly Records Access Officer’s February 8, 2016 letter 

Exhibit 54-c:   Assembly Program & Counsel staff’s February 9, 2016 e-mail 

Exhibit 54-d:   Secretary of the Senate’s February 8, 2016 e-mail

Exhibit 54-e:   Plaintiffs’ February 22, 2016 e-mail:  “Subject: Clarification…”

Exhibit 54-f:    Secretary of the Senate’s February 29, 2016 e-mail

Exhibit 54-g:   Plaintiffs’ February 26, 2016 e-mail to Assembly Records Access Officer

Exhibit 54-h:   Assembly Records Access Officer’s March 1, 2016 e-mail

Exhibit 54-i:    Assembly Records Access Officer’s March 3, 2016 e-mail





Plaintiffs' November 30, 2015 Written Testimony
        Ex 1  -- CJA's Executive Summary to October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
 link to: Plaintiffs' October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
        Ex 2 -- CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara 
        Ex 3 -- CJA's constitutional analysis, as presented in Opposition Report
        Ex 4  -- CJA's entitlement to declarations: citizen-taxpayer action/11/5/15 memo
        Ex 5 -- CJA's October 30, 2015 FOIL request
        Ex 6 -- CJA's e-mail with Commission from Nov 2 - Nov 18, 2015
        Ex 7 -- CJA's October 28, 2011 e-mail to Judiciary & Judicial Pay Raise Advocates

Plaintiffs' December 2, 2015 Supplemental Statement

Plaintiffs' December 21, 2015 letter to the Commission

Plaintiffs' June 27, 2013 ethics complaint to JCOPE


City Bar's amicus curiae brief in McKinney v Commissioner of NYS Department of Health
(October 3, 2007)
   click here for: other case records


                                    ADDITIONAL --  

Division of the Budget -- bills & legislation


State Operations:    A9000  ---  S.6400

Legislature/Judiciary:  A9001-a  ---  S6401-a   

   4-1-16 Senate Finance Committee meeting -- no debate, explanations:  5:50 a.m. -- 20 seconds -- 35 aye (2 w/o rec)/0 nay

   4-1-16 Senate floor vote -- 5:0b hours -- 62 aye  0 nay

   4-1-16 Assembly floor vote -- at 4:38 hours -- no debate, explanations -- 112 ayes, 19 nayes -- 120 ayes / 21 nayes

Debt Service:   A9002 

Aid to Localities:     A9003  ---  S.6403  [S.6403]

Capital Projects:    A9004 --- S.6404  [S.6404]


Public Protection:   A9005 ---  S.6405  [S.6405]

Education:   A9006  --- S.6406  [S.6406]  

Health:    A9007 ---  S.6407  [S.6407]

Transportation, Economic Development, Environmental Conservation: 
A9008  ---  S.6408   [S.6408]

Revenue:   A9009 --- S.6409  [S.6409]

Pension Forfeiture Resolution:  A9010  - S6410

Good Government/Ethics Bill:  A9011  ---  S6411  


March 15, 2016 meeting: General Conference Committee

March 16, 2016 meeting: "Public Protection" Joint Conference Subcommittee

March 23, 2016 meeting: General Conference Committee

March 23, 2016 meeting: "Public Protection" Joint Conference Subcommittee


March 23, 2016: debt service S.6402:
3-23-16 Senate Finance Committee meeting  Senate floor

March 31, 2016:  Senate Finance Committee:  6409-C

April 1, 2016:  Senate Finance Committee: 6400 & 6404-D

April 1, 2016:  6406:  Senate Finance Committee meeting


March 31, 2016: Senate floor proceedings


click here for: 
ALL Prior & SUBSEQUENT Proceedings in the case 




click here for: ENABLERS or Champions? -- the press, "good-government" groups, academia

click here for: The Counties Push Back vs the D.A. Pay Raises




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